I think I might have a legal issue with my company

Unless your previous experience was on the same CRM system as your new job, you need the same training as those employees with no previous experience and thus deserve the same pay.

No it's a totally different system than the one that was used in my last car sales job. It's bizarre they think I can forced to work, sometimes 12-hour days for zero pay. If I was a `1099, rather than a W-2 employee, then maybe they could get away with it. But my decades long experience as a hiring manager is telling me there's something way wrong with what they're doing.
If it's in writing it counts. If it's not in writing, you're fucked. Read your employment contract.

Depends on the law. We'll see what it is in TX. An employee cannot enter into a contract to work for free in most states I've worked. It's not a legal contract.
definitely contact the DOL.............if the company REQUIRES training, whether you've been trained on that system elsewhere, is irrelevant. they must pay you for those hours.

Yes, that's what I think but I'm not going to freak out and make a stink about it until I know what's what. In the meantime, I'm working and I'm employable anywhere else.
Wow. You sure are rich and powerful.

I bet the salesguy said to himself "I sure do envy that rich and powerful manly man and one day I might, with the help of this penis pump, be as rich and powerful as he is! Then I, too, will drop cashier's checks all over the place like a rich senior citizen armed with a pen."

Actually, he asked what he could do to get where I am. I made several suggestions that he should follow like putting into an IRA / 401K / etc., at least 5% preferably 10% of his earnings. Why would I be an asshole about something like that. Everybody should have a shot at success and the successful should be willing to coach those who want that.

You on the other hand, practice the politics of envy. You hate that others have success you don't and resent them for it.
So, I was hired on the 9th at one of the largest, if not the largest dealership in San Antonio. Before we can even have access to our CRM (customer relationship management system) we have to complete about 50 hours of training.

Today I asked my boss when I was getting paid. He told me that since I had previous car sales experience, I don't get any compensation other than commission.

Well... in order to earn commission I need to at least have access to our systems, have business cards, access to the vehicle keys, etc. I have none of that.

So, I can't earn if I can't access our systems and I can't get that access until my training is complete.

I used to be a hiring manager. One thing my HR department hammered into all of us is that we need to make sure that all employees get paid for the hours they work.

So, I don't think it's legal for the company not to pay me for the hours or training.

My plan is to contact the TX DOL on Monday and see if TX state law allows the arrangement my company is operating under.

I don't want to get into a battle as a new hire, but I also don't think it's fair to be forced to work and train for free.

You might as well quit,Car Dealers are vindictive as Hell!
That being said ,you should get a draw that you pay back when you have a commission.
You might as well quit,Car Dealers are vindictive as Hell!
That being said ,you should get a draw that you pay back when you have a commission.

I'm going to see what the law is. I like the people I work with. It's not a bad place to be and until I either resolve the "no pay for training" issue or get job elsewhere - I'm getting good experience. Hiring managers look more favorably at people that are currently employed which is why I don't think it's a great idea to just leave.
I'm going to see what the law is. I like the people I work with. It's not a bad place to be and until I either resolve the "no pay for training" issue or get job elsewhere - I'm getting good experience. Hiring managers look more favorably at people that are currently employed which is why I don't think it's a great idea to just leave.

I worked at the biggest Buick dealership in Ohio ten years,they will try to get away with anything they can!
Good luck.
I worked at the biggest Buick dealership in Ohio ten years,they will try to get away with anything they can!
Good luck.
It's also the other salespeople who will grab your customer who happens to come in for one more look on your day off.