I think I might have a legal issue with my company

The latter. The latter by a long shot.

The employers (in the absence of a union) and especially in right to work states have a huge lever over the employee. And we've seen throughout almost all of history how that relationship goes. The Gilded Age is awash in the blood of strikers who were gunned down by wealthy industrialists. We've seen how that works.

There are no states like that. There are states that put limits on the employer, yes, but not totally at the expense of the employer. Usually the reason companies don't go to a specific geography these days is because they can't get a sweet tax deal there. That's the name of the game: screw the locals and get freebies from the municipality in exchange for bringing a few low-wage jobs in.
Yes. Or the cheap labor in non union, right to work states
Since I started in this business the first thing you're supposed to ask a fresh up (walk-in customer) after greeting them is if they're already working with someone at the shop. I wasn't asked to do that here.
Growing up in a home with a car salesman for a father, I'm keen to the struggles that salespeople have. I've purchased 4 VWs at the same dealership going back to '08.

I always make sure to use the same salesman, and on the occasions I was approached on a day that he wasn't there, I simply told them that I'll wait for him to come in on Monday. I was only passing by the dealership, and decided to check the new colors for the year.

Most people don't have a clue that salespeople are humans stuck in a shitty job. If you can move a few used cars, you can feed yourself.
Growing up in a home with a car salesman for a father, I'm keen to the struggles that salespeople have. I've purchased 4 VWs at the same dealership going back to '08.

I always make sure to use the same salesman, and on the occasions I was approached on a day that he wasn't there, I simply told them that I'll wait for him to come in on Monday. I was only passing by the dealership, and decided to check the new colors for the year.

Most people don't have a clue that salespeople are humans stuck in a shitty job. If you can move a few used cars, you can feed yourself.

It's a numbers game. I love sales in general. I love working with people. I love the look in their eye when they see something they want and I can sell it to them.

And like you, I'm loyal. When my last vehicle was totaled, I went back to the same dealership and salesman who sold me the vehicle and love the current vehicle he sold me.
Yea. That comment made no sense at all.

There is no such thing as seniority in a non union shop

I don't know why people in this thread are being such dickwads - I'm talking about Celtic and floridafan. I can only assume they hate themselves and just want to spread the pain.

Hawkeye's just a mentally ill moron.
It's a numbers game. I love sales in general. I love working with people. I love the look in their eye when they see something they want and I can sell it to them.

And like you, I'm loyal. When my last vehicle was totaled, I went back to the same dealership and salesman who sold me the vehicle and love the current vehicle he sold me.
Making a major purchase is supposed to release the same endorphins as those released during sex.

You see people when they are making the second largest purchase in their lives in many cases. It can be rewarding for sure.
I don't know why people in this thread are being such dickwads - I'm talking about Celtic and floridafan. I can only assume they hate themselves and just want to spread the pain.

Hawkeye's just a mentally ill moron.
I had to relieve Hawkeye of his duties a few years ago. I just can't read that nonsense. Florida has serious psych issues. On a handful of occasions, she has attacked me for a post where I was agreeing with her. I don't even bother to quote her posts.

Celtic is like the blind squirrel. Every so often he makes a valid point.
Growing up in a home with a car salesman for a father, I'm keen to the struggles that salespeople have. I've purchased 4 VWs at the same dealership going back to '08.

I always make sure to use the same salesman, and on the occasions I was approached on a day that he wasn't there, I simply told them that I'll wait for him to come in on Monday. I was only passing by the dealership, and decided to check the new colors for the year.

Most people don't have a clue that salespeople are humans stuck in a shitty job. If you can move a few used cars, you can feed yourself.

My friend does quite well. He has a beautiful $400,000+ home out in the sticks and his back yard it over 100yd. long with a nice picnic pavilion at the bottom of it. He uses a golf cart to go to and from it.
Making a major purchase is supposed to release the same endorphins as those released during sex.

You see people when they are making the second largest purchase in their lives in many cases. It can be rewarding for sure.

No wonder I catch my customer smoking cigarettes after each purchase :)
Making a major purchase is supposed to release the same endorphins as those released during sex.

You see people when they are making the second largest purchase in their lives in many cases. It can be rewarding for sure.

I believe that's called anxiety. Most often, you've just spent more money than you have.

Rewarding for sure. Especially driving it. That's when the endorphins kick in :)
So I was wrong. Apparently, we do get an hourly wage if no commissions have been earned in the pay period. My boss is just not a great communicator.
Which is worse?

A state that goes all-out to protect workers at the expense of employers or a state that goes all out to protect employers at the expense of workers.

In states that practice the former, there is a shortage of good jobs and employers because they leave the state leaving workers unemployed. The employers who stay start treating their workers poorly in most cases because of regulations forced on them by the state making it hard to stay in business. In the later, there is a mix of good and bad employers, the bad ones taking advantage of the workers, but at least everyone has a job...
It doesn't have to be one or the other, ever heard of compromise? Win-Win?
There's a happy medium, which we have been enjoying for decades now thanks to labor unions and labor law. Guess which party is hell bent on dismantling things like workers comp, OSHA/workplace safety, minimum wage, max hours worked w/o overtime pay, the right to organize and form a union, and so on? Hint: The name does not start with "Democrat."
Guess which party used to care about those things but doesn't anymore as they are now beholden to Wall Street instead of Main Street.

The name starts with Democrat.
I believe that's called anxiety. Most often, you've just spent more money than you have.

Rewarding for sure. Especially driving it. That's when the endorphins kick in :)
No, that is buyer's remorse.

Conservatives are more susceptible since they tend to be tightwads.