I thought the religious right hated Catholics?

Highlighted is Biblical

This is what the Church says about movements like People of Praise. Also, why her beliefs aren't off-limits if she's nominated for SCOTUS.

"The Catholic Church’s official stance toward these new Catholic movements and communities is instructive. Six years ago, in a speech to a world gathering of these new Catholic movements and communities, Pope Francis warned them directly against the temptation of “usurping individual freedom” of their members."

If the pope is raising some hard questions about the compatibility in the Catholic Church of individual freedom and the charisma of these communities, it will be entirely fair for the Senate to ask similar questions when considering the Supreme Court nomination of someone who belongs to such a community...

The first question from a Catholic perspective has to do with what Barrett actually believes about religion, political authority and constitutional interpretation....

The second question pertains to Barrett’s independence as a judge. To whom has Barrett made a vow of obedience? What is its nature and scope? What are the consequences of violating it? Groups like the People of Praise are a new form of lay Christian life. The members of these communities are (and see themselves as) different from ordinary nonordained Catholics, who do not take vows to obey their parish priests and bishops. But members of covenant communities do typically make broad vows of obedience to community leaders...

If she's a heretic, what does that make Y O U? :D

BTW, religious discrimination is illegal in the USA. I just thought you should know.

It makes me not a member of a cult, obviously.
