Idaho Senator (R) Arrested in Airport

I ownder what happened to him ? Caught in that alabama illegal weapons/militia roundup ?
Maybe going back for his 4th college degree ?
or back in iraq dodging IED's ?
Oh Dixie was funny though. I used to laugh to tears sometimes over his "pinhead" diatribes. Some of them would go 12 paragraphs. Comedic gold.
I only dealt with Dicksie over at and he enraged me. Everyone laffs at the 1/3 argument but I think he should have been banned just out of general principle the moment that verbal scat hit the web, for being purposely dense. Oh well, if he came back I am sure we would all be much busier here.
I only dealt with Dicksie over at and he enraged me. Everyone laffs at the 1/3 argument but I think he should have been banned just out of general principle the moment that verbal scat hit the web, for being purposely dense. Oh well, if he came back I am sure we would all be much busier here.

I"ve heard a lot about that thread, but I was not involved in it at all, and don't even remember it. I might not have even been there when it happened. But boy, people are still talking about it so it must have been something.
Well I miss him, especally when things like this SEnator getting in trouble happen. He is the onlyone I know who would be defending this guy!
I"ve heard a lot about that thread, but I was not involved in it at all, and don't even remember it. I might not have even been there when it happened. But boy, people are still talking about it so it must have been something.
It was . . . epic. It deserves to be enshrined somewhere in virtual space, perhaps in a museum called Why Computers Don't Make You Smart. And it wasn't just one thread, either. He kept on coming back to it, which just made it all the funnier. He actually had the gall -- or monumental ignorance, perhaps -- to argue with Trog on the subject, if you can believe that.

Senator losing support in Idaho, Washington

BOISE, Idaho (CNN) -- Sen. Larry Craig, who was arrested for allegedly soliciting sex in a public restroom, is losing support among conservatives in his home state of Idaho, and the White House also is expressing disappointment with the situation.

"We're disappointed in what's going on. It's a matter for the senator and the Senate Republican leadership to address," deputy White House press secretary Scott Stanzel said.

"We hope that it will be resolved quickly, as that would be in the best interests of the Senate and the people of Idaho," Stanzel said.

State GOP officials in Idaho are standing by Craig in their public comments, but some privately say that the senator is ruined.

Go here ---> for the rest of the story.
BOISE, Idaho (CNN) -- Sen. Larry Craig, who was arrested for allegedly soliciting sex in a public restroom, is losing support among conservatives in his home state of Idaho, and the White House also is expressing disappointment with the situation.

"We're disappointed in what's going on. It's a matter for the senator and the Senate Republican leadership to address," deputy White House press secretary Scott Stanzel said.

"We hope that it will be resolved quickly, as that would be in the best interests of the Senate and the people of Idaho," Stanzel said.

State GOP officials in Idaho are standing by Craig in their public comments, but some privately say that the senator is ruined.

Go here ---> for the rest of the story.

We hope that it will be resolved quickly, as that would be in the best interests of the Senate and the people of Idaho," Stanzel said.

Translation: "Resign, m*therf*cker!"
"Senator Craig's wife later remarked "his instructions to me on how to perform oral sex on him were awfully detailed."

Sorry I could not help myself
Check this out. This is that idiot Tucker Carlson, who btw, and this is relevant, has a terrible fear of being "castrated" by Hillary Clinton. No shit. He "crosses his legs" everytime he sees her. Anyway, now I find him advocating violence against homsexuals, and he actually claims to get bothered in men's rooms. Funny that Joe Scarborough doesn't, and in case you are wondering, yes, Scarborough is by far the hotter guy. And, Tucker felt the need to "get his friend" and go back to beat senseless the guy who allegedly 'bothered" him in a men's room. You know who does shit like that? Closet gays. Heterosexual men, confident in their sexuality, don't get like this.

Also, I have to say, this whine fest, hello? Be a woman for a week, then talk to me you crybabies. You have got to be kidding me.

ABRAMS: But Tucker, your position has long been on these kinds of stories that their personal lives are not our business. Does this case qualify for that, in your mind, as well?

CARLSON: Let me be clear, Dan. I am not gay. I have never been gay. I overreacted and made a poor decision.

SCARBOROUGH: And you love your -- you love your wife, Tucker. Let me just say for the record, I am not gay, either.

CARLSON: Let me -- let me put it this way. Whether he's gay or not actually is not our business, and I do think it's indefensible that the newspaper in Idaho spent a year interviewing 300 people to answer the question, Is he gay? That's none of your business. Having sex in a public men's room is outrageous. It's also really common. I've been bothered in men's rooms. I think people who do -


CARLSON: Yeah, I have. You know what, Let me just say.

SCARBOROUGH: Wait, hold on a second. Dan, hold on a second. I don't mean to take over, but have you been bothered in public restrooms, Dan? Because I know I haven't.

CARLSON: I have. I've been bothered in Georgetown Park. When I was in high school.

ABRAMS: Really?



CARLSON: And let me just say, I think --

SCARBOROUGH: That's something.

CARLSON: -- people should knock that off. I'm not anti-gay in the slightest, but that's really common, and the gay rights groups ought to disavow that kind of crap because, you know, that actually does bother people who didn't ask for being bothered. So yeah, I think it's outrageous that he did that. And also, this specter of him getting up there and blaming other people is so Clintonian. You know, if he just said, "I'm not going to talk about it," that'd be one thing.

ABRAMS: And -- and this notion --


CARLSON: But he's clearly crazy.

ABRAMS: Well, and this notion that he pled guilty, and yet he's saying, "Oh, you know what? I never should have done that."

SCARBOROUGH: Well, it's the newspaper's fault.

CARLSON: Well it's ridiculous. It's ridiculous.

ABRAMS: Well it's the newspaper -- it's everyone's fault except his own. I mean, I've never heard of -- I mean, you're a U.S. senator, and you're thinking you're going to make it go away --

CARLSON: But it's also -- but it's evidence, in Larry Craig's case -- I mean, you know, you just watch the press conference, and you see a man who's not in possession of himself. I mean, there's something -- you know, I'm not a shrink, but there's clearly something wrong with Larry Craig. He appeared to believe it. This is a guy who's been accused repeatedly over the years of soliciting sex from men in bathrooms. So the chances that he's arrested for the same thing accidentally --

ABRAMS: Right, right, right.

CARLSON: What, he's the unluckiest man and he's Job?


CARLSON: You know what I mean? It's insane!

SCARBOROUGH: Was he the guy in Georgetown, Tucker?

CARLSON: No, actually. I got that -- my point is -- let me just say --

ABRAMS: Tucker, what did you do, by the way? What did you do when he did that? We got to know.

CARLSON: I went back with someone I knew and grabbed the guy by the -- you know, and grabbed him, and -- and --

ABRAMS: And did what?

CARLSON: Hit him against the stall with his head, actually!


CARLSON: And then the cops came and arrested him. But let me say that I'm the least anti-gay right-winger you'll ever meet --
What, are you now or have you ever been, gay?

Oh, well I'm not gay now, but I used to be. Amazing! that was Carlson, I am telling you , huge closet case.

LOL. Sure sounds like it, doesn't it! He's still obsessing about something that happened when he was in high school? Once? Well, of course, that makes it "all the time".

Given that he's now admitting on national airwaves that he assaulted the guy with a friend I assume that he's made sure that the statute of limitations for his own actions has expired. What a jerk.
LOL. Sure sounds like it, doesn't it! He's still obsessing about something that happened when he was in high school? Once? Well, of course, that makes it "all the time".

Given that he's now admitting on national airwaves that he assaulted the guy with a friend I assume that he's made sure that the statute of limitations for his own actions has expired. What a jerk.

Oh, I bet that is why he specified when he was in high school, you're right. He is a jerk. I really can't tolerate him. It's not that he's a conservative, it's that he is a jerk. I can watch Pat Buchanon and Scarborough on MSNBC, but when I see that smirking Tucker, I have to turn the channel.