Idaho tries to enforce "slowpoke law" against left lane blockers

It's also illegal to speed.

When I am doing the limit and they are dying to pass me, do you really think speeders care about one more offense?

My friend (who is an obnoxious driver) was visiting a friend in CO, and saw a pick-up pull behind a Prius who was driving slow in the left lane. The truck proceeded to ram the Prius, which then pulled off to the shoulder, only to have the truck speed-up and takeoff. I think it's barbaric, but it helped sell my friend on the state, and he is readying for a move down there (from Milwaukee) this fall.
Oregon actually enforces this law, much to the chagrin of Californians and Washingtonians when we are passing through.

PA. does too...somewhat. But there are still those idiots who hold up traffic in the left lane. Another thing that pisses me off are those who take 2 miles to pass another vehicle.

To them, I say:

I am with you on this.
I will not drive in the beat up, potholed and patched truck lane just to accommodate some jerk who wants to speed by without inconvenience.
If you really want to do faster than the limit, stop flashing your lights, pass me on the right and STFU.

In other words, you expect people to accommodate you? Liberal hypocrite.
I support this since it only applies to people doing UNDER the speed limit in the left lane. You can sit in the left lane all you want as long as you do the speed limit. The psychopath drivers wanted a law that reserves the left lane for those doing 20 + mph over the speed limit!!!

Such a permanently tweaked snowflake.
And not wearing a seat belt is a jailable offense in some states. We do have corporate for profit prisons we need to keep full.

Not wearing a seatbelt is just a fine here. But no requirement for a helmet while riding a motorcycle.
My friend (who is an obnoxious driver) was visiting a friend in CO, and saw a pick-up pull behind a Prius who was driving slow in the left lane. The truck proceeded to ram the Prius, which then pulled off to the shoulder, only to have the truck speed-up and takeoff. I think it's barbaric, but it helped sell my friend on the state, and he is readying for a move down there (from Milwaukee) this fall.

That's awesome.