Idaho tries to enforce "slowpoke law" against left lane blockers

My friend (who is an obnoxious driver) was visiting a friend in CO, and saw a pick-up pull behind a Prius who was driving slow in the left lane. The truck proceeded to ram the Prius, which then pulled off to the shoulder, only to have the truck speed-up and takeoff. I think it's barbaric, but it helped sell my friend on the state, and he is readying for a move down there (from Milwaukee) this fall.

If he is looking forward to raming cars that are not going fast enough for him he will find himself disappointed or in jail.
No one does things like that here and gets away with it.
Maybe in back woods Alabama.
Colorado? No.
I would seriously question the veracity of your friends story.
I guess all those citations already given in several for having done so are figments of your imagination.

Driving below the speed limit in the left? Maybe. At the limit in the left? Tickets are only given for that in your imagination, racist.
So you deny supporting illegals being here?

Get in the left lane in front of me.

I do not support illegal migration, racist.
I suggest you ram all cars you see in the left lane that are not speeding fast enough for you.
You really, really should be doing that, racist.
Driver shot at for going too slow, eyewitness says

Ashley Wood was horrified when she saw a man pull a gun and shoot at another car. "It was just pure shock," Wood said.

Wood was driving home from work Monday afternoon on two-lane road in York County, South Carolina when the car in front of her was trying to pass another car in the grass.

She said an elderly driver two cars ahead of her made a very slow turn.

"Next thing you know, the car that had their turn signal on to go left turned. The person in the silver vehicle put their hand out of the vehicle and just shot ... I was like, did I really see what I was seeing?"

The elderly driver made the turn and kept driving, likely unaware someone had fired a shot at the car. The suspect kept on going but a few seconds later, Wood got another surprise.

The shooter threw the gun out of the car. It bounced before landing in a driveway. Wood alerted the homeowners.

"I knocked on the door and told them, you've got a gun there in your driveway guys!"

She didn't have her cellphone, so she called 911 from the house.

York County sheriff’s deputies found the loaded 9 mm on the ground and one spent shell casing at the spot where Wood said it was fired.

Wood said it looked like road rage – like the people in the car in front of her didn’t like that someone was driving slowly.

She hates to think about what could have happened.

"He was willing to take someone else's life, shooting that gun. In my mind I'm like, why would you? Why would you do that?"

After the shot was fired, Wood didn't get close enough to get the license tag number of the car.

Deputies have no suspects, but they do have the loaded gun and the spent shell casing.

The incident is still under investigation.

Does Dark Soul live in South Carolina; because his profile does reference the Blur Ridge Mountains??
The quotes in your sig. are phoney. You're a troll.

You appear to be dedicated to showing everyone how stupid you truly are.

Please continue. :D

All quotes are in "black and white", you fucking loon.

And if you click on the little blue box, with the white >> to the right of the person's name, they'll take you directly to the post that is quoted.
That's only if they're driving slower then the speed limit; because they're going to have a hard time telling the Judge how driving the speed limit is illegal. :D

They won't be arguing that to a judge. The laws state you cannot "run the left lane." And yes, they do enforce that law here in PA.
They won't be arguing that to a judge. The laws state you cannot "run the left lane." And yes, they do enforce that law here in PA.

Are you now suggesting that someone who gets a ticket, isn't given the chance to go before a Judge??
Are you now suggesting that someone who gets a ticket, isn't given the chance to go before a Judge??

I know it's early, but that's no excuse to take my statement out of context. Everyone who receives a traffic citation has the right to take it to court, that is (or should be) common knowledge.
But trying to argue that you were doing the speed limit while breaking the left lane law is a losing proposition.
I know it's early, but that's no excuse to take my statement out of context. Everyone who receives a traffic citation has the right to take it to court, that is (or should be) common knowledge.
But trying to argue that you were doing the speed limit while breaking the left lane law is a losing proposition.

So the Officer is going to have to explain how driving the speed limit is illegal. :D