Idaho tries to enforce "slowpoke law" against left lane blockers

Which then will lead to a question of why the Officer is allowing drivers to exceed the speed limit, which is against the law. :D

No, it won't. Why would it?
The law states you cannot "run the left lane," period. It says nothing about the speed limit.
Now, if I get stopped for running a stop sign, can I use the excuse I was driving the speed limit? It's a separate law.
No, it won't. Why would it?
The law states you cannot "run the left lane," period. It says nothing about the speed limit.
Now, if I get stopped for running a stop sign, can I use the excuse I was driving the speed limit? It's a separate law.

Since when does running a stop sign, when you're required to stop, have anything to do with the speed limit; unless you can show me the law that says it's OK to break the speed limet??

As soon as someone argues this point, the law will be nullified. :D
You appear to be dedicated to showing everyone how stupid you truly are.

Please continue. :D

All quotes are in "black and white", you fucking loon.

And if you click on the little blue box, with the white >> to the right of the person's name, they'll take you directly to the post that is quoted.

The quotes in your sig. are phoney. You're a troll with a fake sig.
Since when does running a stop sign, when you're required to stop, have anything to do with the speed limit; unless you can show me the law that says it's OK to break the speed limet??

As soon as someone argues this point, the law will be nullified. :D

When does breaking the left lane law have anything to do with the speed limit?
A judge would laugh you out of his courtroom trying to argue you weren't speeding when you were cited for running in the left lane.
Why can't you comprehend there is a difference? They are two completely different laws :palm:
R6 #84
Quote Originally Posted by USFREEDOM911 View Post
So the Officer is going to have to explain how driving the speed limit is illegal.

"You are a dunce. The speed limit has nothing to do with the left lane law. Why can't you comprehend that?" R6 #77
I thought the topic was about drivers that occupy the passing lane, the lane the law reserves for higher speed traffic, at lower speed. Isn't it the speed limit that establishes whether such lane obstruction is lane / traffic obstruction or not?

If the speed limit is immaterial, if the speed the car is traveling is immaterial, then your position is that parking in the passing lane meets with your approval?
R6 #84

I thought the topic was about drivers that occupy the passing lane, the lane the law reserves for higher speed traffic, at lower speed. Isn't it the speed limit that establishes whether such lane obstruction is lane / traffic obstruction or not?

If the speed limit is immaterial, if the speed the car is traveling is immaterial, then your position is that parking in the passing lane meets with your approval?

Since you seem incapable of using the quote function, are you asking me this "question"?
Many of the States have laws indicating that cars driving below the normal speed of traffic should be in the right lane. It doesn't address speed limit. What that means is even if you're in the left lane and going the speed limit or even above, you must yield to faster traffic without the speed of the passing vehicle being a consideration for that process. You wouldn't be accommodating the drivers but the law, bitch.
I do not support illegal migration, racist.
I suggest you ram all cars you see in the left lane that are not speeding fast enough for you.
You really, really should be doing that, racist.

So you've changed your position on illegals?

Get in front of me. No one has said anything about ramming another car. Maybe you're thinking about your nigger lover ramming you in the ass when you're moving too slow.
the left lane is for passing. period. pass, and get back in the right lane.

If you are sitting in the left lane and not passing someone, you are a dickhead
It isn't. Travelling in the lane designated for passing is.

The laws of my State indicate that unless you're passing or turning left, you're supposed to drive in the right lane. It focuses on the slower driving moving over for faster traffic without mentioning the speed limit.
One night a few years back I was driving up to my mountain house on US 421 N, which is four lanes with a median, narrow shoulders, 65 mph until near Wilkesboro. There was a slow up, and about ten cars were bunched up behind two cars doing about 60 side to side, a roving road block.

It took me a good while to get to the head of the following cars, and then positioned myself in the right lane, about 5 feet from the lead car's rear bumper. The "pacer" in the left saw this then started to get cute, and slowed down to expose a 1/2 car length gap between him and his buddy in front of me.

I then jerked the wheel and got 3 feet into his lane, and he instinctively applied his brakes and pulled to the extreme left of the passing lane. Realizing his mistake, he went into the narrow shoulder and accelerated, but by that time I was already well into the passing lane and accelerating to 70, away from the blockage.

Predictably, "pacer" put on his high beams and accelerated to match my speed. So I put it up to 75. Again he matched my speed, so I put it up to 80. Again he matched my speed so I put it up to 85. This finally caused him to back off and I continued at 85 for a long distance with no traffic whatsoever, since the two jokers had blocked all that traffic for so long.

When I got to Wilkesboro traffic and was forced to slow down I was travelling in the right lane and the two jokers finally caught up with me and passed me on the left. Then they formed their roving road block, again slowing to 5 under the limit.

I did the exact same move, forcing the pacer onto the shoulder and quickly accelerating around his buddy. I lost them in traffic and they must have turned off.
The laws of my State indicate that unless you're passing or turning left, you're supposed to drive in the right lane. It focuses on the slower driving moving over for faster traffic without mentioning the speed limit.

That is similar to the laws in all 50 states. It may be the least enforced of any law in the history of man.
Many of the States have laws indicating that cars driving below the normal speed of traffic should be in the right lane. It doesn't address speed limit. What that means is even if you're in the left lane and going the speed limit or even above, you must yield to faster traffic without the speed of the passing vehicle being a consideration for that process. You wouldn't be accommodating the drivers but the law, bitch.

No such law exists that is designed to accommodate speeders, racist.
All laws concerning left lane driving stipulate that only below speed limit driving can be punished in the left lane.
Most states that have such a law only apply it to three lane highways.
Which then will lead to a question of why the Officer is allowing drivers to exceed the speed limit, which is against the law. :D

Can you imagine a traffic court case where a cop explains to a judge that he gave a ticket to a guy going the speed limit because a car who was speeding needed to get around him?
Speeders fantasies.