Idaho tries to enforce "slowpoke law" against left lane blockers

That is similar to the laws in all 50 states. It may be the least enforced of any law in the history of man.

Colorado's I 70 has a minimum speed for the left lane that is 10 MPH lower than the upper limit.
Even that is never enforced.
Truckers passing even slower trucks climbing hills, disobey it all the time.
Thousands of people will use the passing lane ... until some entitled socialist authoritarian type decides they want to play wannabe cop ... and use their 1 1/2 ton death machine as a weapon of self-righteousness and their own road rage.
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Answer my question.

The fact of the matter is, if you run the left lane for a specified distance and you are not passing another vehicle, you're breaking the law and you can be cited for it.
The rest of your riddle is psychobabble.
That is similar to the laws in all 50 states. It may be the least enforced of any law in the history of man.

If a cop is behind you here in PA. and you run the left lane without passing other vehicles, they will pull you over.
"The fact of the matter is, if you run the left lane for a specified distance and you are not passing another vehicle, you're breaking the law and you can be cited for it." R6 #104
Thank you for so articulately supporting precisely my position! I welcome your support.
"The rest of your riddle is psychobabble." R6 #104
I haven't posted any of that in this thread.

Perhaps you should ask your parole officer to help you to under the conspicuous, explicit meaning of my #85.
The quotes in your sig. are phoney. You're a troll with a fake sig.

You appear to be dedicated to showing everyone how stupid you truly are.

Please continue. :D

All quotes are in "black and white", you fucking loon.

And if you click on the little blue box, with the white >> to the right of the person's name, they'll take you directly to the post that is quoted.
When does breaking the left lane law have anything to do with the speed limit?
A judge would laugh you out of his courtroom trying to argue you weren't speeding when you were cited for running in the left lane.
Why can't you comprehend there is a difference? They are two completely different laws :palm:

It would show subjective and arbitrary law enforcement and when it is subjective and arbitrary, it can't be enforced. :D
That is similar to the laws in all 50 states. It may be the least enforced of any law in the history of man.

Not in AZ; but we do have a law that if someone is traveling on a two lane road, driving slower then the speed limit, and have 5 cars behind them (I believe it's 5), then you must pull over off of the road and allow traffic to continue on.
Can you imagine a traffic court case where a cop explains to a judge that he gave a ticket to a guy going the speed limit because a car who was speeding needed to get around him?
Speeders fantasies.

I once had a DPS car pull behind me, in the diamond lane, when I was doing 67 (65 mph speed limit).
He sat there for a while, with no reds or blues on, and then moved right and went around me.

The fact of the matter is, if you run the left lane for a specified distance and you are not passing another vehicle, you're breaking the law and you can be cited for it.
The rest of your riddle is psychobabble.

Only in states where the citizens need to be ruled. :D
Not in AZ...



Driving slowly in the fast lane is more than just annoying, it's also illegal in many states. Wanna know if your 45-mph, Buick-borne grandma is breaking the law on the interstate? Just consult our handy map.

The most popular law follows the Uniform Vehicle Code, which says a car driving below the "normal speed of traffic" should be driven in the right-hand lane. Because it indicates "normal speed" instead of saying "speed limit" a driver going above the speed limit but slower than most traffic is still in the wrong.

You call yourself "freedom", yet you have no problem restricting the freedom of others.

Although it is a law, it is also common courtesy. Apparently, while on the road, you and a few others lack that. As stated before by another poster, you are dickheads.

Why is it common courtesy to change lanes, just because someone else think that they're on the autobahn?
Speeding is not a "freedom" and your "presentation is outdated, by 8 years. :D

Actually, driving at your own comfortable speed is freedom. The data presentation is still valid unless you provide evidence otherwise.

Why do you feel the need to restrict the freedom of your fellow drivers?
Actually, driving at your own comfortable speed is freedom. The data presentation is still valid unless you provide evidence otherwise.

Why do you feel the need to restrict the freedom of your fellow drivers?

Why do others want to restrict my freedom of driving the speed limit in the left lane??