APP - Identical Twins, One Gay, One Ain't

It would be as likely for a gay person to unlearn this behavior as it would be for DY to unlearn English. Both are possible but extremely difficult to do.
Good analogy, but wrong conclusion. Put a guy in a foreign country with a new language and after a year or so he might not forget English, but since he's speaking a new language he's no longer "behaving" in English.
Well then Mr. Know it All comes you had to have that explained to you then?
Its important to me to document a liberal like you going against the required mantra of The Left. The argument for "Gay Rights" all centers around the premise that gays are born that way. Since you have now admitted that is scientifically unlikely, the vast majority of gays are simply acting out "learned behavior", then that argument is destroyed.
Good analogy, but wrong conclusion. Put a guy in a foreign country with a new language and after a year or so he might not forget English, but since he's speaking a new language he's no longer "behaving" in English.

True but drop a gay man on a Island only inhabited by women and he's no longer "behaving" gay either. I didn't say it was impossible, I said it was extremely difficult. For example, can you unlearn your like of pizza and learn to like balut?
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except that isn't the issue.....the issue is whether everything that someone wants and demands is something they have a "right" to.........

Except where not discussing gay rights here and society has long ago decided that what two consenting adults do privately is none of the states business because they have a right to privacy within our Republic.
Its important to me to document a liberal like you going against the required mantra of The Left. The argument for "Gay Rights" all centers around the premise that gays are born that way. Since you have now admitted that is scientifically unlikely, the vast majority of gays are simply acting out "learned behavior", then that argument is destroyed.

That's a strawman argument. I have a gay brother and he's never ever made that claim. The claims for Gay rights are not centered around the premise that they are born that way. It is premised on the idea that they have a fundamental human right to live this way, whether it's by choice or biology. (OK PMP....were talking gay rights now!).

Also, you cannot completely discount a biological predisposition towards homosexual behavior. Just because a gene (allele) has not been discovered which influences sexual orientation does not mean that one does not exist. Nor would it be a fair assumption if homosexuality were a completely learned behavior to assume that it is a conscience choice by that person. Though that doesn't really have anything to do with the gay rights issue. It's just a point of science.

I will agree with you though that if someone is making an argument for gay rights based on biological determination that you are correct, that argument would fall apart. Rather it is for society to determine how far and what civil rights should be extended to gay relationships. I personally have no problems with gay rights and if the majority of society agrees, then those rights for gay people should and will be recognized and protected. If one can also make a clear and accurate argument that those protections all ready exist under our current constitutional framework then again, those rights should also be protected. I have no problems with that either.
Except where not discussing gay rights here and society has long ago decided that what two consenting adults do privately is none of the states business because they have a right to privacy within our Republic.

/checks thread title.......yes we are.......and if people kept their sexual orientation private, it wouldn't be a national issue, would it........
/checks thread title.......yes we are.......and if people kept their sexual orientation private, it wouldn't be a national issue, would it........

Except we allow straight couples to flaunt their sexual orientation and sexuality, but won't allow gays to marry and live private lives.
filing law suits to redefine marriage is not 'private'......

I am married, and my sex-life has always been private.

As for your comment about the threads title, that was an attempt to somehow prove homosexuality is a choice. But ample evidence has been shown that identical twins are not always identical.
/checks thread title.......yes we are.......and if people kept their sexual orientation private, it wouldn't be a national issue, would it........

Quite true. If men stopped dancing with women. If marriage was abolished. If governments didn’t promote programs which financially reward members of the opposite sex who claim to be a couple.....

If those and a slew of other customs and programs were eliminated sexual orientation would not be a problem.
"Contrary to our previous beliefs, identical twins are not genetically identical. This surprising finding may be of great significance for research on hereditary diseases and for the development of new diagnostic methods."

"The researchers studied 19 pairs of monozygotic, or identical, twins and found differences in copy number variation in DNA. Copy number variation (CNV) occurs when a set of coding letters in DNA are missing, or when extra copies of segments of DNA are produced."

"Humans receive one chromosome from their mother and one from their father, providing for two copies of the genome. In some cases, bits of DNA are missing from a chromosome, leaving the offspring with just one copy of that bit of DNA."

"Researchers at UAB( University of Alabama), Leiden University Medical Center and VU University, The Netherlands; and Uppsala University and Karolinska Institutet, Sweden recently published their findings.*

“The presumption has always been that identical twins are identical down to their DNA,” said Carl Bruder, Ph.D. and Jan Dumanski, Ph.D., of UAB’s Department of Genetics and the study’s lead authors. “That’s mostly true, but our findings suggest that there are small, subtle differences due to CNV."
(Msg 67: Damn Yankee) They have the same DNA.

(Msg 69: Damn Yankee) Then how did this major difference occur?

The mother could have ingested a substance and it passed through the placenta of only one twin which would have affected it before birth.

(Msg 102:Damn Yankee) The argument for "Gay Rights" all centers around the premise that gays are born that way. Since you have now admitted that is scientifically unlikely, the vast majority of gays are simply acting out "learned behavior", then that argument is destroyed.

The problem here is similar to the anti-abortionists and their argument DNA proves a zygote/embryo/fetus is a human being. The argument goes something along the lines that the moment a cell is fertilized unique DNA comes into being and that proves whatever it is, it’s a human being because of it’s unique DNA. Of course, we now know a human being can have two distinct sets of DNA which Prosecutors found out when they used DNA to “prove” a woman’s biological child wasn’t her biological child. :lol:

The point is people have jumped on the DNA wagon without knowing exactly what wagon it is. We’ve barely scratched the surface of DNA, not to mention what factors can influence it. And as Mott the Hoople explains in msg #105, “Just because a gene (allele) has not been discovered which influences sexual orientation does not mean that one does not exist.”

People have indiscriminately attributed things to DNA, referred to DNA as “proof” of something, when we know very little about it.

As for attraction to an individual being a learned behaviour did the average straight person learn how to be attracted to their girlfriend/wife/lover? Did the ads saying, “blonds have more fun” influence men to be more attracted to blonds? What went wrong with the guy who married the brunette? Or red head?
I am married, and my sex-life has always been private.

As for your comment about the threads title, that was an attempt to somehow prove homosexuality is a choice. But ample evidence has been shown that identical twins are not always identical.

1) doesn't change the fact that filing law suits isn't.....
2) haven't the slightest idea what you just said.....obviously gay rights was relevant to the comment I responded to.....I have no opinion whatsoever on whether homosexuality is nurture or nature.....doesn't really matter from my perspective......
Just like if Jews had kept their religious practices private they wouldn't have been an issue in Germany?

look dimwit.....that has no bearing at all to my comment points out that you can't use the fucking excuse that fucking is private while your sitting in fucking courtroom demanding everyone take notice of their "marital" rights......either admit privacy has nothing to do with it or be fucking private......
So? Clones have absolutely identical DNA but may not share all the same genetic traights as not all alleles are expressed and some require some sort of environmental factor to trigger their expression.

There is also the part where it's been shown that when something is cloned, a slight variation forms and after a clone is cloned is cloned is cloned; then even more differences can be seen.
Science is not exact.
How does "certainly possible but has never been conclusively demonstrated" translate into "its most likely a behavior"?

Because he's going to try and hang onto anything that he can use to try and support his opinion that being gay is a choice and can be "corrected", if the proper motivation and interventions are used.
That's a strawman argument. I have a gay brother and he's never ever made that claim. The claims for Gay rights are not centered around the premise that they are born that way. It is premised on the idea that they have a fundamental human right to live this way, whether it's by choice or biology. (OK PMP....were talking gay rights now!).

Also, you cannot completely discount a biological predisposition towards homosexual behavior. Just because a gene (allele) has not been discovered which influences sexual orientation does not mean that one does not exist. Nor would it be a fair assumption if homosexuality were a completely learned behavior to assume that it is a conscience choice by that person. Though that doesn't really have anything to do with the gay rights issue. It's just a point of science.

I will agree with you though that if someone is making an argument for gay rights based on biological determination that you are correct, that argument would fall apart. Rather it is for society to determine how far and what civil rights should be extended to gay relationships. I personally have no problems with gay rights and if the majority of society agrees, then those rights for gay people should and will be recognized and protected. If one can also make a clear and accurate argument that those protections all ready exist under our current constitutional framework then again, those rights should also be protected. I have no problems with that either.

I wish I had kept a link to the article; but a while back there was a study of the human brain and it was discovered that men and women don't use the same brain functions, when it comes to certain things.
Next they did a study on gay men, who exhibited more effeminate behavior and they found that those men's brain activity resembled the women's brain more.
I wish I had kept a link to the article; but a while back there was a study of the human brain and it was discovered that men and women don't use the same brain functions, when it comes to certain things.
Next they did a study on gay men, who exhibited more effeminate behavior and they found that those men's brain activity resembled the women's brain more.

I recall reading that article. They did a scan of the brain.