APP - Identical Twins, One Gay, One Ain't

True but drop a gay man on a Island only inhabited by women and he's no longer "behaving" gay either. I didn't say it was impossible, I said it was extremely difficult. For example, can you unlearn your like of pizza and learn to like balut?

I don't like pizza, never heard of balut but have the stated life goal of eating anything on the menu at least once that isn't alive.
look dimwit.....that has no bearing at all to my comment points out that you can't use the fucking excuse that fucking is private while your sitting in fucking courtroom demanding everyone take notice of their "marital" rights......either admit privacy has nothing to do with it or be fucking private......

Remember, this is the app sig. Your comment is a logical fallacy and can be used to rationalize discrimination against any group or people.
That's a strawman argument. I have a gay brother and he's never ever made that claim. The claims for Gay rights are not centered around the premise that they are born that way. It is premised on the idea that they have a fundamental human right to live this way, whether it's by choice or biology. (OK PMP....were talking gay rights now!).

Also, you cannot completely discount a biological predisposition towards homosexual behavior. Just because a gene (allele) has not been discovered which influences sexual orientation does not mean that one does not exist. Nor would it be a fair assumption if homosexuality were a completely learned behavior to assume that it is a conscience choice by that person. Though that doesn't really have anything to do with the gay rights issue. It's just a point of science.

I will agree with you though that if someone is making an argument for gay rights based on biological determination that you are correct, that argument would fall apart. Rather it is for society to determine how far and what civil rights should be extended to gay relationships. I personally have no problems with gay rights and if the majority of society agrees, then those rights for gay people should and will be recognized and protected. If one can also make a clear and accurate argument that those protections all ready exist under our current constitutional framework then again, those rights should also be protected. I have no problems with that either.
Sure they have a right to live however they want. They don't have a right to influence social policy based on a lie.
There is also the part where it's been shown that when something is cloned, a slight variation forms and after a clone is cloned is cloned is cloned; then even more differences can be seen.
Science is not exact.

That's a good point. CNV can occur even in point remains....certain genetic expressions are only triggered by environmental factors. If those environmental factors are not present then the allele expression is not triggered.
I wish I had kept a link to the article; but a while back there was a study of the human brain and it was discovered that men and women don't use the same brain functions, when it comes to certain things.
Next they did a study on gay men, who exhibited more effeminate behavior and they found that those men's brain activity resembled the women's brain more.

Sounds like an interesting article and it emphesizes my point about environmental factors. It's entirely plausible that these neurological patterns and neural networks can become hardwired not by genetics but from environmental factors during early developmental phases of the individual. If so that would make a valid argument for a biological link to gay behavior that is neither genetic nor learned behavior.
I don't like pizza, never heard of balut but have the stated life goal of eating anything on the menu at least once that isn't alive.

I was just making a point about cultural behavior and how they would be very difficult to unlearn. I used that example because my wife, a Filipina, does not like cheese and finds pizza disgusting where as she likes eating balut, a common Filipino food comparable to a hot dog here in the US. Balut is a fertilized duck egg that's allowed to develop about half way or so and then is hard boiled before being eaten. I on the other hand love both cheese and a good pizza but cannot bring myself to try balut even though most people I know who try it say it's not bad....kinda like a hard boiled egg with texture and crunchy bits. I'm pretty open minded about trying foods but just can't seem to bridge the "gross" factor of balut. Some day I'll try it though.

Pinoy's get a kick how most foreigners pick the balut apart before eating it where as they eat it just like you would any hard boiled egg.

Sure they have a right to live however they want. They don't have a right to influence social policy based on a lie.

Again, I think that's a strawman on your part. I don't know of any gay activist who propose gay rights based on a biological imperative but rather base their belief that it's a fundamental human right that should be protected.
He didn't. Its a fucking choice. Just ax Moot.

I didn't say it was a choice. I said that most evidence indicates that homosexual behavior is a learned behavior. They are not the same. I'm not going to pretend I know the answer there. Maybe it is a choice, maybe it is not and maybe for some it is a choice and for others it is not and it's is entirely possible and even probable that for some gay persons their behavior is biologically predetermined by biological factors which are not genetic in nature it's also possible that it is genetically predetermined. The fact of the matter is, we simply don't know the whole truth about why some people are gay and others not.
I was just making a point about cultural behavior and how they would be very difficult to unlearn. I used that example because my wife, a Filipina, does not like cheese and finds pizza disgusting where as she likes eating balut, a common Filipino food comparable to a hot dog here in the US. Balut is a fertilized duck egg that's allowed to develop about half way or so and then is hard boiled before being eaten. I on the other hand love both cheese and a good pizza but cannot bring myself to try balut even though most people I know who try it say it's not bad....kinda like a hard boiled egg with texture and crunchy bits. I'm pretty open minded about trying foods but just can't seem to bridge the "gross" factor of balut. Some day I'll try it though.

Pinoy's get a kick how most foreigners pick the balut apart before eating it where as they eat it just like you would any hard boiled egg.

Thanks, but I have no need to consume a hard-boiled abortion.
Again, I think that's a strawman on your part. I don't know of any gay activist who propose gay rights based on a biological imperative but rather base their belief that it's a fundamental human right that should be protected.
That's hilarious. Now a learned deviant behavior is a biological imperative. :palm:
I didn't say it was a choice. I said that most evidence indicates that homosexual behavior is a learned behavior. They are not the same. I'm not going to pretend I know the answer there. Maybe it is a choice, maybe it is not and maybe for some it is a choice and for others it is not and it's is entirely possible and even probable that for some gay persons their behavior is biologically predetermined by biological factors which are not genetic in nature it's also possible that it is genetically predetermined. The fact of the matter is, we simply don't know the whole truth about why some people are gay and others not.

What we know is that very few are born that way, and by pretending that it is normal, moral natural and healthy that many, many more will "learn" this immoral, unnatural, abnormal and unhealthy "behavior". :D
What we know is that very few are born that way, and by pretending that it is normal, moral natural and healthy that many, many more will "learn" this immoral, unnatural, abnormal and unhealthy "behavior". :D

You know that how? I have had many gays tell me that they were born that way and have never had any attraction to the opposite gender.

And this idea that homosexuality is somehow contagious and will spread if you social conservatives don't stop it is simply fear mongering at its lowest.
LOL No gay wants to accept personal responsibility for his deviant behavior. Did he tell you this when he had his member planted in your ass?