If Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are in play, we are in trouble.

I do not hate, but it is very disappointing to see the state of the Americans people's cognitive ability.
Oh course you hate. You hate AND you're a liar. There is nothing wrong with the American people's cognitive ability, they are just tired of having you assholes piss on their legs and tell them it's raining. You idiots don't seem to realize that people can see how you morons behave and how it's incongruent with your words but you but you keep on pretending. It's amazing that you are that blind and that stupid.
Recent polling shows that the above three states are basically in a dead heat, Unless she can pull North Carolina, Arizona and Georgia, Harris needs all three of those states to win.

Currently it looks like her campaign is in some trouble, but there is still a lot of time between now and election day.
Reality just slapped a leftist Partisan hack in the kisser. :laugh:

If they are showing any ties, it means Trump is well ahead by at least 4 points. :laugh:
imagine if the media was fair and made her defend her prior statements like they do JD Vance. Imagine if she had a real primary where other democrats again pointed out how bad she is. She never would win such a thing.

she would also lose Minnesota and Virginia if the low information voters were aware of how nuts she is.
Biden would not have even been able to fake a win in 2020. ;)
Democrats always wail and gnash their teeth. Harris is fine.


Hidden Trump vote? Not this time.


But I am convinced, and I am now hearing others say, that there is a large hidden Harris demographic among women who have asshole husbands who would not let them DARE say they support Harris. But they do. Just watch. This election is not going to be as close as you think it is.

November is going to be harsh in delusional brainless Kamala voters.

Harris is not fine. She was incredibly unpopular before the media desperately tried to change the narrative. They were aware of how bad this could become because of those numbers and hence why they wanted an open primary

she is a disaster of a politician. I realize we are in silly season where even honest people stop being so - but you aren't even honest during non silly season, so of course you will lie and pretend she is totally fine right now

that was a long winded way to give you the reply you really deserve here - derp derp
Yawn. She is fine. My observation. You appear not to know what you are are talking about. Open primary? Who wanted that? What are you even talking about? Seems like a disaster of a politician wouldn't keep winning elections, but that's just me. Your guy hasn't won the popular vote yet, and he's going to lose again. You can stop pretending you aren't voting for Trump. No one was fooled.
You mean the person who has told his backers he doesn't give a shit about them all he wants is their vote and their money?

Dumb lie.

The person who has said he will weaponize every dept, of the government he can to go after his political opponents ?

Dumb lie

The person who has said take their guns away we will deal with the due process thing later?

Dumb lie

the person who has said he wanted to shut down all left leaning MSM outlets?

Dumb lie

That person?
The one that wants to take peoples CONSTITUTIONAL rights away from AMERICANS ?

Dumb lie

The person who says he want to do what DICTATORS do NOT Presidents that guy?

Dumb lie.

So basically, you're a mentally ill sociopathic lying dumbass. :laugh:
How about I answer your question AFTER you answer the one I have been asking you and the other MAGA on here for several weeks.
I will ask it AGAIN ,
Just how can you be 100% SURE Trump did not give those 12 Russians , Putin or the Chinese he had at MAR.
all without another American in the room any of our secrets?
Is there even a little chance he could have?
Why didn't he want or have another American in the room?
Could it be he was planning to give or sell them some of our secrets?
It looks awful suspicious to the NSA, FBI, CIA that there was an unequal and unexplained increase in our deep cover agents being found and some killed not to long after he had these meetings.
There is NO way of knowing FOR SURE unless one of those Russians, Putin or one of the Chinese come forward and tells us and I don't think that will happen.
Trump is one of the largest threats to our National security we have seen in years and besides he is a wanta be DICTATOR.
You seem very stupid and triggered. A Trump win has you upset I see. I hope you have stocked up on your meds. November is going to be harsh on brainless, gullible Kamala voters. :laugh:
The good thing about Trump winning is that the losing candidate will actually concede. and we won't have a bunch of babies crying "fraud" for 4 straight years.

Maybe Trump will actually think an election is secure.
Again you seem to have this delusion I care what you want. You retards have been trying to get trump for 8 years. I just want to know what it feels like to be such an utter failure.
SO as I thought you aren't going to answer my question and just run away
Have a nice day you lying ASSHOLE
I do not hate, but it is very disappointing to see the state of the Americans people's cognitive ability.
Liar. Nothing but hate oozes out of your pores when it comes to Trump or Trump voters. Just like the rest of the Democrat morons who chose two simple minded morons to lead their party.
The good thing about Trump winning is that the losing candidate will actually concede. and we won't have a bunch of babies crying "fraud" for 4 straight years.

Maybe Trump will actually think an election is secure.
Fascinating bullshit. In 2016 Democrats claimed Trump was illegitimate and did everything they could to destroy his presidency.

You loons on the left have such small brains that you can't remember what you said yesterday and seem to enjoy being duped, lied to and gaslighted.

Voting for Kamala is a sign of mental illness.