The discussion is NOT about equating the two.

The discussion is about whether or not one picture bothers you and one does not.
Already answered. I'm not offended for the reasons previously posted
Not offended a bit. The first one will result in criminal charges. I do not see a connection between the actions of a second-rate white football player from a middle-class Wisconsin family and the overreaction by a policeman.

How about this one?
They both offend me. One is a douchebag cop, the other, a douchebag supporter of brutal communist regimes. And for the trifecta of douchebaggery, a douchebag posted them.

Nah...it seems to me the one with Kaepernik bothers you much more. Nice juke, though. It might have fooled a kid in grammar school.
Already answered. I'm not offended for the reasons previously posted

I did not say you had not previously answered.

I was responding to your comment, "There's obviously a huge difference between a second-rate football player changing career paths and a police officer killing an innocent citizen. Equating the two is stupid."
frank apisa, an asshole, has out-assholed dutch uncle, another asshole. it's the circular asshole firing squid. my asshole is only circular when shitting, which begs the question: which is circular first? the egg or the chicken's asshole?
Hello Dutch Uncle,

I thought all LWers loooooved empowering the government to take down Americans. Isn't that what authoritarian means?

Was there a thread by Democrats on this picture?....or did they applaud it?:

As a fiscal conservative / social liberal, I cannot speak for the LW.
That's great. I could spend days telling you about the bond between nurses and physicians that you non-medical ppl will never understand. LEOs have the same bond with each other. So do many other professions, particularly those that deal with life and death of others. So what?

Yes, that's what you said. You also said that Christiefan and I wouldn't understand because we don't have relatives who (according to you) saw combat, as though you're better than our relatives for that reason. I told you that my uncle served in WWII and was awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart. You of course ignored that because it doesn't jibe with your notion that we mere women don't know jack. :rolleyes:

No, I don't know what combat is like, thankfully. You don't know what it is like to hold a person you've taken care of for a year in your arms as she dies, because her family was too scared to touch her. That doesn't make me better or more deserving of respect than you or anyone else.

Your opinion is that Kaep was somehow disrespecting the memories of servicemen/women because he knelt during the Anthem. Fine. It's your opinion. Like assholes, we all have them. My opinion varies, of course. Sorry, but your side doesn't own the flag or the Anthem.

You yourself admitted you didn't know Kaepernick's motive only what he said. Fine you chose to believe him I don't I think he was grandstanding and it backfired. Which of us is correct? We will never know.

But what is going on in Minneapolis is exactly what Kaep said he was protesting but he has been noticeably absent from his so called cause that alone tells me his is a fraud.

Yes, that's what you said. You also said that Christiefan and I wouldn't understand because we don't have relatives who (according to you) saw combat, as though you're better than our relatives for that reason. I told you that my uncle served in WWII and was awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart. You of course ignored that because it doesn't jibe with your notion that we mere women don't know jack.

I could spend days telling you about the bond between nurses and physicians that you non-medical ppl will never understand. LEOs have the same bond with each other. So do many other professions, particularly those that deal with life and death of others.

You contradict your first paragraph by saying the exact same thing I am saying. But somehow you think because I am a conservative and very pro military that makes my points superfluous and demeaning to you and others. It was never said nor hinted that not serving or having relatives who served makes you a second class citizen. In fact your relatives have nothing to do with the discussion.

As far as you having or not having relatives who served in the military or combat is meaningless. You could come from a long line of military ancestors but that doesn't mean you can understand the trials and tribulations military members and their families go through. Your comment about being women so you aren't smart enough to understand was uncalled for. WOMEN serve and die just like men and you owe every military woman an apology!

You don't know what it is like to hold a person you've taken care of for a year in your arms as she dies

This discussion is not about one upmanship or who has seen worse scenes. It is simply about men and women who dedicate and offer their lives in defense of the this country. So like it or not when people show disrespect for the symbols that represent this nation it is a slap in the face of every American and especially those who served in defense of those symbols. Just because the disrespect is done to highlight other injustices that does not change the fact it is a slap.

If you cannot understand why this is important to people like me then no amount of explaining will make you get it.

The NYFD and Police rushed into those burning building on 911 without hesitation that makes them true hero's. I would never think of trashing their flags to protest something but you think it's fine to do that to the whole country.
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Already answered. I'm not offended for the reasons previously posted

You cannot have "already answered" because there was no question. Here it is again: "The discussion is NOT about equating the two. The discussion is about whether or not one picture bothers you and one does not."

I was merely explaining to you what the discussion is about.
your "seems to me" needs to be oiled and recalibrated.

My "seems to be" is just fine...and seems to have gotten the response I expected. You seem to be much too predictable these days, Ass.

you're a retard floundering in the shallow end, with a hairlip, and bowl haircut.

I am not a retard, I am not floundering, I do not have a hairlip, nor a bowl haircut. You seem to be upset...and I'd apologize for laughing at that, but it truly is funny to watch. :laugh:
Hello Dutch Uncle,

You are free to both run from the point and also to project your misery on others.

IMHO, a big difference between good people and bad people is that good people are willing to consider all options, including both sides of a disagreement. Bad people are highly biased and always blame the other side for problems while never accepting any responsibility of their own. Sound like Trump? Yes, but it also sounds a lot like the most partisan people on both sides.

Consider these posts and the character of their writers. Posts #64 and #65.

The basic rule of well adjusted polite posting is simply avoid talking about other posters if at all possible. Just stick to the subject. Don't say offensive things. The whole point of these discussions is to gain a better understanding and insight into how others feel, not to unload frustrations, anger, resentment, etc. Go into this with a positive outlook and come out better informed.

Trying to 'fix other posters' is usually a lesson in futility. They have to do it themselves. The best we can do is lead by example.
frank apisa, an asshole, has out-assholed dutch uncle, another asshole. it's the circular asshole firing squid. my asshole is only circular when shitting, which begs the question: which is circular first? the egg or the chicken's asshole?

Sounds as though you have been licking assholes, Ass. I don't ever do that, but I suspect if it is your thing, you should stay away from licking anyone's asshole who has eaten chili peppers the night before. That might tend to make you upset you.

Oh, and you seem to be upset. :laugh:
And then there are those veterans who lie about their experiences, inflating their "combat" experiences, including service in "spec ops" when, in actuality, they were in the rear with the gear. You probably know a couple of people like that.

Not personally but I have seen guys in their 30's claiming to be Vietnam vets.
Not to often you start one.......:rolleyes: Will you one day start a discussion?? asking for a friend here!!
Perhaps...tell your friend it's just a matter of time:) So far it's not been necessary....but if and when I do, can I count on your support/participation...and your friend's, of course?;)
Perhaps...tell your friend it's just a matter of time:) So far it's not been necessary....but if and when I do, can I count on your support/participation...and your friend's, of course?;)
Of course.. You can even send a personal invitation (PM) to the event & don't forget to provide a link to it, lest it slip precipitously down the que before it's noticed & faded away..hats-off-salute-smiley-emoticon.gif
Of course.. You can even send a personal invitation (PM) to the event & don't forget to provide a link to it, lest it slip precipitously down the que before it's noticed & faded away..View attachment 15447
I will do that...you'll be the first....I'll include the friend invite in your PM...to pass along;)
Hope you are doing well...stay safe! It's an adventure, every day....that's for sure....
Anybody actually watch and listen to the original video?

It is shocking:


ht tps://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7u531n

It is hard to watch this and listen to the bystanders pleading with the officer to take his knee off the unresponsive man, for such a long period of time.

I am not a lawyer, so it is hard to understand why it is taking so long for an arrest, for charges to be filed. Every day that goes by is asking for more violence in the streets.

I don't know how anybody could watch this and not be moved.