That's great. I could spend days telling you about the bond between nurses and physicians that you non-medical ppl will never understand. LEOs have the same bond with each other. So do many other professions, particularly those that deal with life and death of others. So what?
Yes, that's what you said. You also said that Christiefan and I wouldn't understand because we don't have relatives who (according to you) saw combat, as though you're better than our relatives for that reason. I told you that my uncle served in WWII and was awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart. You of course ignored that because it doesn't jibe with your notion that we mere women don't know jack.
No, I don't know what combat is like, thankfully. You don't know what it is like to hold a person you've taken care of for a year in your arms as she dies, because her family was too scared to touch her. That doesn't make me better or more deserving of respect than you or anyone else.
Your opinion is that Kaep was somehow disrespecting the memories of servicemen/women because he knelt during the Anthem. Fine. It's your opinion. Like assholes, we all have them. My opinion varies, of course. Sorry, but your side doesn't own the flag or the Anthem.