If the Democratic coup succeeds,

Democrats apply double standards, ignoring the laws, and anti-white Racism to every damn other thing, so why not their own Primary Process?

I had been a Blue Dog Democrat for over 3 decades... until Biden.

There are a few things I don't like about Trump, but compared to Obama3/Biden, the guy is a saint.

My biggest beef with the GOP and the Uniparty is McConnell, and the "Go Along to Get Along ... Do Nothing"

For the sake of the nation and her people, I want the two major parties to be opposed, different, and representing different portions of the American Public. The Democrats used to represent working class Americans of all genders, orientations, and skin-tones. Now they persecute Working class, Straight, White Males. Now, they mostly represent hostile foreign nations and organizations.

Like you, I will never vote for another Democrat, so we have that in common. I doubt there is much else.

So, you're a right winger.
So you can't answer. You are hallucinating again, Moonbat.
I have no idea what you're asking, Nightsoil- but I have no doubt that it's something stupid.

Tell the forum where Sweden is and what happened to paleoclimatology .

Haw, haw..................................haw.

These are recent ' Into the Nightsoil's' statements ;

"Sweden is not to the east of the UK "
" There is no such science as paleoclimatology "
* There is no such thing as an unwritten Constitution "
Dumbass or troll ?

OK- so Genocide Joe has withdrawn. Old age claims all of us eventually.

Don't blame him for being old. Blame him for the thousands of children murdered by his weapons and his Veto of Shame which rubber-stamped their murder by insane, fanatical, genocidal Jews.
OK- so Genocide Joe has withdrawn. Old age claims all of us eventually.

Don't blame him for being old. Blame him for the thousands of children murdered by his weapons and his Veto of Shame which rubber-stamped their murder by insane, fanatical, genocidal Jews.
Must be a full 'moon' tonight... The lunatics are out in force.
Must be a full 'moon' tonight... The lunatics are out in force.
They're still in charge. Your blood-fest continues.
