If you could rob a bank and there was a 100% chance that you would not get caught

Nah, I just couldn't be happy knowing my success came from that which I never earned.

If you could get away with "robbing" government to get back the taxes you paid would do it?
What kind of stupid fucking question is this? Of course I would.

I would if there were a 50/50 or better chance.
Nope, I wouldn't. You do whats right because its the right thing to do. Anything else is just responding to fear.
But there is no benefit to my winning a game of Russian roulette, whereas robbing a bank would be more lucrative.
I mean if this were 100 years ago I would maybe possibly spend a second contemplating the moral aspect of taking other people's money, but banks today are FDIC insured and the government steals from me regularly.