If you could rob a bank and there was a 100% chance that you would not get caught

But you failed to even think about those possibilites huh?

This is a question designed to unvail peoples morals and morality is exercized best when you have all the facts huh?

OJ thought he wasnt doing anything wrong because no one got hurt yet he harmed people by taking away their freedom to go where they wished by threatening their lives. It was only for a few minutes but there is no time limit on this type of shit is there.

You would have to threaten people with deadly violence and I would not fucking do that to anyone unless a life was at stake.

Personal gain over other peoples rights?

No fucking thanks.

So just to reiterate you are a good preachy person because you would threaten to kill someone in order to save someone. While Epic is evil because he wouldn't hurt anyone but just take money. Well that makes sense.

At least in Epic's case and unlike you the ends don't ever justify the means.
Well it would be sad but I could totally live with that if I didn't fire the bullets that killed them. No one said anything about killing someone anyway. That's a different matter and there are very few things that would bring me to take a life.

Plus desh. $1000? Really? What kind of hick-ass bank is this. Barely worth the trouble.

I know, really. I was thinking, retire to Barcelona and wear Prada for the rest of my life, kind of haul.
Wow Desh you're very moral. I guess it's time to come clean, now that everyone knows what kind of girl I am, since you, tiana, and thorn exposed me on this thread. Do gooders!

I would never hurt anyone for any amount of money. However, I absolutely would rob a bank if i could get away with it. You are probably the kind of person who, if the cashier makes a mistake on your purchase, you tell them. Not me. I still remember the thrill from the day I bought a very expensive sweater, and the girl rang it up for 19 dollars. It was on sale, but not for that price. For nowhere near that price. Your first thought I guess would be to say "you made a mistake, I want to pay more". But mine was "fuck, I knew I should have gotten it in green too".

And in my 20's I was of the school of thought that if it fits in your hand, you'd be stupid to pay for it. Course, I cleaned up my act on that score, but I still don't correct anyone when they ring up the wrong price. Giving me too much money back is a different thing - they could be written up, charged for it, or even fired. In those cases, I will tell them. But not if they undercharge me, no way.

So, there you have it. Oh, and if you are out drinking with me, you should watch the money you have on the bar. LOL Nah, that last part isn't true.
So just to reiterate you are a good preachy person because you would threaten to kill someone in order to save someone. While Epic is evil because he wouldn't hurt anyone but just take money. Well that makes sense.

At least in Epic's case and unlike you the ends don't ever justify the means.

Police have a tough job huh.
Well wait a minute - Grind didn't mention anything about dead tellers. The vast majority of bank robberies are pulled off without any violence. I don't think you are being fair here. There is a difference between "would you steal from a bank" (the first thing I thought of is that most of the big ones fund right wing economic policies), and "would you shoot a pregnant woman for money"?

And the terror that you've thrown into someone, that will forever change there lives, by directly threatening them with death? Is that worthless?
And the terror that you've thrown into someone, that will forever change there lives, by directly threatening them with death? Is that worthless?

Well, I was visualizing more of a, middle of the night, caper type of thing. Yours and Desh's minds went straight to violence.

I wonder what that means?
Well, I was visualizing more of a, middle of the night, caper type of thing. Yours and Desh's minds went straight to violence.

I wonder what that means?

Yes we should pontificate about what sort of wretched people that makes you two.
Well, I was visualizing more of a, middle of the night, caper type of thing. Yours and Desh's minds went straight to violence.

I wonder what that means?

Good point, I just think of bank robberys as I have seen them in the news.

If I could rob a bank without terrorizing anyone in some type of a computor program (every number ending in 99 cents was rounded up one cent and that one cent went into a special account) and I would never get caught?

Damn I really dont think I could bypass that one.

Im only human.
I'd just hire the Joker to rob the bank for me. The only people who'd get hurt would be his henchmen and a mob crony that gets in the way, so its all good...
my example involves you magically teleporting into a bank vault with a duffle bag, and being like a kid in a candy store. Then you magically teleport out and no one is the wiser. No one gets hurt.

I'd obviously do it btw, lol. You only get one life, if I can get a nice 5 mil I'll be good.
I kind of feel like a dork now. But I can still honestly say I couldn't do it.
I kind of feel like a dork now. But I can still honestly say I couldn't do it.

LOl. This reminds me of when Rob posted the picture of himself wearing the designer sunglasses he had stolen from some guy who had treated him like crap. And I said that I'd do that, given the same circumstances. And you responded to me stating that you highly doubted that. I knew that was projection on your part, but I didn't argue.

See Dixie, sometimes when people project, they are telling you something good about themselves...not like some people i could mention but won't.