If you could rob a bank and there was a 100% chance that you would not get caught

Well, crap. I've been trying to convince myself that I would do this thing. But I know that I wouldn't.

my example involves you magically teleporting into a bank vault with a duffle bag, and being like a kid in a candy store. Then you magically teleport out and no one is the wiser. No one gets hurt.

I'd obviously do it btw, lol. You only get one life, if I can get a nice 5 mil I'll be good.

Yeah, its called "Jumper."
I have to say, this is an interesting psychological question. What would be even more interesting, is finding out how many people were actually lying when they said they wouldn't do it. You see, it is easy to take a 'moral stand' on a hypothetical like this, because the possibility of ever being proven wrong, is nil. So, naturally, wanting to be seen as fine upstanding people of impeccable morals and ethics, many will say "NO" without hesitation, but should this opportunity arise in the privacy of their own life, they would be inclined to do it... why not? 100% chance you get away with it, and no one ever knows? There aren't very many people who really wouldn't do it.

I applaud Epicurus for at least having the balls to be honest.
I have to say, this is an interesting psychological question. What would be even more interesting, is finding out how many people were actually lying when they said they wouldn't do it. You see, it is easy to take a 'moral stand' on a hypothetical like this, because the possibility of ever being proven wrong, is nil. So, naturally, wanting to be seen as fine upstanding people of impeccable morals and ethics, many will say "NO" without hesitation, but should this opportunity arise in the privacy of their own life, they would be inclined to do it... why not? 100% chance you get away with it, and no one ever knows? There aren't very many people who really wouldn't do it.

I applaud Epicurus for at least having the balls to be honest.

Is anyone more long winded that Dixie?


Talk about making a paragraph about what you need a word to describe: evil.
LOl. This reminds me of when Rob posted the picture of himself wearing the designer sunglasses he had stolen from some guy who had treated him like crap. And I said that I'd do that, given the same circumstances. And you responded to me stating that you highly doubted that. I knew that was projection on your part, but I didn't argue.

See Dixie, sometimes when people project, they are telling you something good about themselves...not like some people i could mention but won't.

LOLOL! Oh yeah! I couldn't believe he did that! Yeah, I don't have it in me. My worst offense is stealing office supplies.
I wouldn't rob a bank because wrong is wrong. What if the money were just sitting in a bag out in the open, though? I don't think I'd put out a FOUND sign....would you? Apparently some warped 70 yr old who found 100k in a Cracker Barrel did.