If you could rob a bank and there was a 100% chance that you would not get caught

No. He only robbed from the king in the fable who was the one imposing taxes on the people and he gave back their tax money to them.

And today the evil poor take from the oppressed rich.

Hello Ayn Rand!

On a side note, I recently realized that BOTH Domique and Roark were Rand's author avatars. Ayn Rand was so selfish she could only imagine having sex with herself. Well, actually, raping herself, but whatever. Rape is OK if they're askin' for it.
And today the evil poor take from the oppressed rich.
There are many poor throughout the world that live a happy honest life taking money from the rich by earning it in exchange for their labor. Some if they work hard enough and/or make good decisions move out of poverty. Aw I didn't rise to your bait.

Hello Ayn Rand!
On a side note, I recently realized that BOTH Domique and Roark were Rand's author avatars. Ayn Rand was so selfish she could only imagine having sex with herself. Well, actually, raping herself, but whatever. Rape is OK if they're askin' for it.
Nathaniel Branden argues otherwise.

This also has nothing to do with any of this.
Prison is kidnapping.
If a rapist commits the crime of rape, you send them to prison.

What crime has a taxpayer committed?

The problem with your thinking is that you consider government theft ok because it is legal and they are the authorities, to the point where you don't consider it theft.
But theft simply defined is taking that which is not yours, which is what government does, just because YOU have a smile on your face when it happens doesn't make it not theft.
The problem with your thinking is that you consider government theft ok because it is legal and they are the authorities, to the point where you don't consider it theft.
But theft simply defined is taking that which is not yours, which is what government does, just because YOU have a smile on your face when it happens doesn't make it not theft.

Taxation is the price of civilization

- Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
There are many poor throughout the world that live a happy honest life taking money from the rich by earning it in exchange for their labor. Some if they work hard enough and/or make good decisions move out of poverty. Aw I didn't rise to your bait.

You don't get out of poverty by working hard enough. You get out of poverty by exploiting others hard enough. Hard work has absolutely nothing to do with it. And the government has the right to tax the exploiters at a just rate.

Taxation isn't theft. Property is theft.
Then the government should let rapists and their supporters, such as conservatives and Ayn Rand, run free because it's stealing to tax and imprison rapists.
I never said all taxation should stop, I just said it is all theft so it should be minimized as much as possible. But there are some who believe courts and punishments could be completely funded by court fines and monetary punishments for crime.
Taxation is the price of civilization
- Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
And yet throughout ancient history more war demanded more taxes.

Here's a better theory, taxation is what a civilized people allow because they lack the resolve to fight it. In other words, in order for taxation to even work, people need to be civil FIRST.
You don't get out of poverty by working hard enough. You get out of poverty by exploiting others hard enough. Hard work has absolutely nothing to do with it. And the government has the right to tax the exploiters at a just rate.
Can we get real here? You spend all day in Mom's basement posting on a forum and playing video games. You know fuck for shit about hard work, poverty or exploitation.
I got out of poverty by working hard enough, the long hours I did paid for my computer college and got me a better job. I didn't exploit anyone. Millions of immigrants get out of poverty by just working a job in the US and then starting a business. It's just some lazy domestic slouches like yourself who believe that prosperity will come to them by just sitting there and voting in government thugs who will take more from those who do to give to those do little/none.

Taxation isn't theft. Property is theft.
Why do I bother wasting any of my time with you...Grind is right, you're just too much of a stubborn stupid idiot wasting people's time.
And yet throughout ancient history more war demanded more taxes.

Here's a better theory, taxation is what a civilized people allow because they lack the resolve to fight it. In other words, in order for taxation to even work, people need to be civil FIRST.

Of all the injustices in the world, Dano chooses to perpetuate one - the theft that is property.
Can we get real here? You spend all day in Mom's basement posting on a forum and playing video games. You know fuck for shit about hard work, poverty or exploitation.
I got out of poverty by working hard enough, the long hours I did paid for my computer college and got me a better job. I didn't exploit anyone. Millions of immigrants get out of poverty by just working a job in the US and then starting a business. It's just some lazy domestic slouches like yourself who believe that prosperity will come to them by just sitting there and voting in government thugs who will take more from those who do to give to those do little/none.

Millions of small businesses go out of business everyear. The ones that didn't, didn't because of exploitation.
What kind of stupid fucking question is this? Of course I would.

I would if there were a 50/50 or better chance.

This is your conservative mindset.

If you can get away with it robbing is good.

Now Epic walks away with his 1000 dollars he got at the bank and is happy.

In the bank is left the dead pregnant teller and the father of five who was in line.

Its all worth it to Epic.

It reminds of the twilight zone where they guy wanted to be ruler of a small country and his wish came true.

When you rob a bank its important to not get caught but dont bother asking if this moral dilema includes the harming of others.
This is your conservative mindset.

If you can get away with it robbing is good.

Now Epic walks away with his 1000 dollars he got at the bank and is happy.

In the bank is left the dead pregnant teller and the father of five who was in line.

Its all worth it to Epic.

It reminds of the twilight zone where they guy wanted to be ruler of a small country and his wish came true.

When you rob a bank its important to not get caught but dont bother asking if this moral dilema includes the harming of others.

In Epic's defence i think he robbed the bank during the night by tunnelling into the vault and made a daring escape through the sewer system using those tiny motorbike things, leaving PC Plod eating his dust.

Therefore there was no need for weaponry and casualties were, happily, avoided.
This is your conservative mindset.

If you can get away with it robbing is good.

Now Epic walks away with his 1000 dollars he got at the bank and is happy.

In the bank is left the dead pregnant teller and the father of five who was in line.

Its all worth it to Epic.

It reminds of the twilight zone where they guy wanted to be ruler of a small country and his wish came true.

When you rob a bank its important to not get caught but dont bother asking if this moral dilema includes the harming of others.

Why are there more bank robberies and crime in general in Liberal Democrat dominated inner cities?
That's low Desh, I doubt anyone on here would do it if it involved anyone hurt.