I’m changing my party affiliation

Correct. I'm still a libertarian and as such I'm A personal responsibility guy. I believe one has to demonstrate he has the personal responsibility to own lethal weapons.
Show you've taken a gun safety class, no previous felony, psychological testing. Only then can you legally own firearms.

As far as the Nazi part you certainly imply it calling me a Reichwinger. At least you're honest about the white part although you left out "male".
Big tent party, party of tolerance my ass.
I'm about as moderate as one can get. Even advocated raising taxes as long as there was a concomitant to cut spending which is exactly what Clinton and Dole were able to accomplish creating one of the strongest economies we've had in my lifetime while reducing the national debt.
Oh I forgot. You and I came to an agreement on universal healthcare. Lol.
No, you people have shown over and over again you have no tolerance for anyone that that doesn't submit to your totalitarian state.

You have unusual views for a libertarian. You want a person to earn his constitutional right to own guns (speech and religion also?) and get a questionable psychological exam that makes lots of money for psychologists and testing companies.

Clinton and Dole eliminated the deficit but the national debt continued to grow.
They're going to have their way. Do you honestly believe Manchin/Sinema will vote to change the filibuster in order to pass voting rights legislation?

Hint...Manchin fundraises with Republicans.

Nope, I don't see that happening at all. They're wolves in (D) clothing.
You have unusual views for a libertarian. You want a person to earn his constitutional right to own guns (speech and religion also?) and get a questionable psychological exam that makes lots of money for psychologists and testing companies.

Clinton and Dole eliminated the deficit but the national debt continued to grow.

First, he said that he wanted to repeal the 2nd Amendment, which is what this pertains to. I said that I agree, as long as there are ways to have legal ownership of hunting and target firearms, like qualifying for safety and handling competence.
That's despicable. I've seen ppl advocate that on social media, both blue and red.

We hear about that tactic but it seldom occurs or works. People are more likely to vote for the more acceptable candidate knowing he will win.

When the South was solid Democratic the party usually had a liberal and conservative wing and liberals would vote for the most acceptable conservative in the Democratic primary.
We hear about that tactic but it seldom occurs or works. People are more likely to vote for the more acceptable candidate knowing he will win.

When the South was solid Democratic the party usually had a liberal and conservative wing and liberals would vote for the most acceptable conservative in the Democratic primary.

Did not know that bit of history. Thanks.
First, he said that he wanted to repeal the 2nd Amendment, which is what this pertains to. I said that I agree, as long as there are ways to have legal ownership of hunting and target firearms, like qualifying for safety and handling competence.

Yes, I saw where he said that, but it would be unnecessary. You can impose whatever regulations you want already. Political opposition, not 2nd Amendment interpretation, prevents that in most states.
Yes, I saw where he said that, but it would be unnecessary. You can impose whatever regulations you want already. Political opposition, not 2nd Amendment interpretation, prevents that in most states.

That right there then says how fucked up this country is.
Because you have political differences?

Political differences that allow untrained, sometimes mentally-ill, citizens walk around with weapons of mass destruction -- without requiring any sort of safety or competency qualifications first. You yourself said that we don't need to repeal the 2nd Amendment to require that; we just need the political will. The fact that we do not have that will says that we no longer care about the liberty to live your life w/o being gunned down by some moron. We love guns more than we love life.
You have unusual views for a libertarian. You want a person to earn his constitutional right to own guns (speech and religion also?) and get a questionable psychological exam that makes lots of money for psychologists and testing companies.
You misunderstand me. As long as we have the 2nd Amendment I believe we have that right. I'd even argue we should be allowed to have M134 GAU-17 “Vulcan” 20mm cannons mounted on our vehicles for protection as long as the 2nd Amendment exists.
Gun nuts have bastardized that right so I say just go with it to the extreme. It's the only way it would ever be repealed so that only the "personally responsible" would have the right to bear arms.

Clinton and Dole eliminated the deficit but the national debt continued to grow.
Yes I know but the percentage of debt to GNP decreased. It was a start toward fiscal responsibility. 'Pubs and 'rats have been too irresponsible since then.
Been a card carrying Libertarian for about 23 years now and haven’t voted for a winner in a national election during that time.
I will register as a democrat or a Republican but can’t decide.
If democrat I could vote for the most qualified candidates and help out the party. E.g., I liked Tsongas back in the day. When I was a kid too young to vote I liked Eugene McCarthy, the anti-war candidate. O’Malley was far better than hrc (who wasn’t?). Maybe woulda voted for him over Johnson had he been the nominee. Or I could hurt the party and vote for the worst possible but dems already are very consistent in doing that without my help.
If I register as a Republican I can be part of a real and positive change that’s seems to be occurring within the party.
What to do? :dunno:

Vote to support the principles laid out in the Constitution, and in the constitution of your State. Vote for those that support these documents. Democrats have discarded both of them.
The Business Plot was a conspiracy in 1933 to overthrow Franklin D. Roosevelt (D) and install a fascist dictator. But retired Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler (“the most decorated Marine in US history”) blew the whistle on the plot, and nothing came of it.

In the sequel America got the Emergency Banking Act, which prevented the financial system crashing through the floor in the Great Depression; Federal Deposit Insurance, which restored public trust in the banking system; the domestic relief programs collectively known as the New Deal; the Social Security Act, providing economic security for the old, the poor and the sick; the US economy more than doubling in twelve years; the first national program to combat employment discrimination on grounds of race; and – in the teeth of the (original) America Firsters – the destruction of the greatest threat that Western civilization had ever seen, viz. Nazism.

But was it worth it at the cost of having a POTUS that many on the right said was a communist? :dunno: You’ll have to think very carefully where you go, anonymoose.
You could be part of the changes that you say you detect in the GOP, such as honoring election results, respecting all strands of opinion, and not having insurrections. :)

There was no insurrection on Jan 6th.

The Emergency Banking Act and other similar 'solutions' stole the gold from people and put it in the newly built Fort Knox. That was the purpose of building it.
It was FDR that made the Great Depression Great. It continued until well after the war.
The FDIC cannot pay for massive bank failures. It does effectively nothing.
The New Deal helped to make the Great Depression Great.
The Social Security Act set up a pyramid scheme via forced taxation.
Democrats are racist. It was Republicans that freed the slaves. It was Republicans that passed the civil rights act of the 60's.
Nazism was based on fascism, a form of socialism. Democrats want socialism. It is theft of wealth.
Been a card carrying Libertarian for about 23 years now and haven’t voted for a winner in a national election during that time.
I will register as a democrat or a Republican but can’t decide.
If democrat I could vote for the most qualified candidates and help out the party. E.g., I liked Tsongas back in the day. When I was a kid too young to vote I liked Eugene McCarthy, the anti-war candidate. O’Malley was far better than hrc (who wasn’t?). Maybe woulda voted for him over Johnson had he been the nominee. Or I could hurt the party and vote for the worst possible but dems already are very consistent in doing that without my help.
If I register as a Republican I can be part of a real and positive change that’s seems to be occurring within the party.
What to do? :dunno:

When you're dead you'll be voting democrat anyway so may as well go GOP now.
I don't think we want him on our side if he thinks what is happening with Republicans is positive. They have no platform and no legislative agenda. They are literally the party of no ideas.

You want to know the platform of the Republicans and their legislative agenda? Among some of their goals:

* reduce business taxes
* reduce income taxes
* support protections along the border, including completing the wall, and better support of border agents.
* reduce regulations, particularly those inhibiting business activity and personal rights.
* reduce and eliminate gun bans and restrictions
* reopen the ports and the economy
* reduce and eliminate mask and vaccine mandates
* hold media accountable for their actions, such as slander
* hold websites accountable for masquerading under laws protecting them from their users, while imposing their OWN opinion upon their users and cancelling and banning their users.
* reduce and eliminate fascist edicts in the energy market, allowing free choice of energy sources used, free choice of transportation used, etc. This includes eliminating bans and restrictions in internal combustion engines and mandates of electric cars. Let the market freely decide.
* reduce and eliminate restrictions on drilling and processing oil and natural gas.
* work to support protections of the environment through innovation, not mandates.
* work to reduce federal intrusion beyond constitutional limits upon the States.
* work to reduce racism, in any form.
* enforce the law, including arresting and prosecuting those burning and looting cities, and by building up police departments instead of defunding and dismantling them. This also includes holding police responsible for their actions, including racism, and prosecuting and decommissioning those officers found breaking the law, not aiding it.
* reduce and eliminate legislation from activist judges, and to hold such judges responsible for their actions.

Republicans support the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions. They want to re-establish a republic, which is government by constitution.

Democrats discard both the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions. They want an oligarchy, not a republic. They want to dictate to you what you are allowed to believe, what light bulb and toilet you can buy, what car you can buy, what gun (if any) you are allowed to have, what you can say, where you can go, where you can buy medical insurance, what doctors you are allowed to use, and even what food you are allowed to eat. They call each one of these 'great ideas'. You can see it right here on JPP (and in your post).