I don't think we want him on our side if he thinks what is happening with Republicans is positive. They have no platform and no legislative agenda. They are literally the party of no ideas.
You want to know the platform of the Republicans and their legislative agenda? Among some of their goals:
* reduce business taxes
* reduce income taxes
* support protections along the border, including completing the wall, and better support of border agents.
* reduce regulations, particularly those inhibiting business activity and personal rights.
* reduce and eliminate gun bans and restrictions
* reopen the ports and the economy
* reduce and eliminate mask and vaccine mandates
* hold media accountable for their actions, such as slander
* hold websites accountable for masquerading under laws protecting them from their users, while imposing their OWN opinion upon their users and cancelling and banning their users.
* reduce and eliminate fascist edicts in the energy market, allowing free choice of energy sources used, free choice of transportation used, etc. This includes eliminating bans and restrictions in internal combustion engines and mandates of electric cars. Let the market freely decide.
* reduce and eliminate restrictions on drilling and processing oil and natural gas.
* work to support protections of the environment through innovation, not mandates.
* work to reduce federal intrusion beyond constitutional limits upon the States.
* work to reduce racism, in any form.
* enforce the law, including arresting and prosecuting those burning and looting cities, and by building up police departments instead of defunding and dismantling them. This also includes holding police responsible for their actions, including racism, and prosecuting and decommissioning those officers found breaking the law, not aiding it.
* reduce and eliminate legislation from activist judges, and to hold such judges responsible for their actions.
Republicans support the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions. They want to re-establish a republic, which is government by constitution.
Democrats discard both the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions. They want an oligarchy, not a republic. They want to dictate to you what you are allowed to believe, what light bulb and toilet you can buy, what car you can buy, what gun (if any) you are allowed to have, what you can say, where you can go, where you can buy medical insurance, what doctors you are allowed to use, and even what food you are allowed to eat. They call each one of these 'great ideas'. You can see it right here on JPP (and in your post).