I'm confused!

That is not where the drugs and illegals come through. Well, at least the huge majority. If you want to deal with the problems, don't you think it is wise to deal with them where they are? The areas where the borders are crossed by iguanas and jackrabbits are not where to focus.
Truth is neither is the ports on entry. Fact is Americas appetite for drugs will be served by somebody. Call drug addiction a medical condition and deal with it. Demand will be filled. We have taken out lots of drug cartels and you can still buy drugs at most street corners in America. Stop the demand.

What's the evidence for your assertion? Can you cite it?
What's the evidence for your assertion? Can you cite it?

Sure, I guess you are too lazy to look things up. According to US Customs and Border Protection stats, 90 percent of heroin, 88 percent of Cocaine, 80 percent of Fentanyl in first 1 months of 2018 were seized at legal crossing points.
You should change your name to Moronberg .....

Such children you rightys are. According to US Customs and Border stats, 90 percent of heroin ,88 perent of cocaine and 80 percent of fenteanyl seized was at legal border crossings. It is just facts that you guys hate. I feel sorry for you guys having to go throgh life in a fantasy bubble ignoring facts . And of course, denying them when they are given to you. The wall is a waste of money desigend to keep Trump's followers who proceed without information, in line.
Sure, I guess you are too lazy to look things up. According to US Customs and Border Protection stats, 90 percent of heroin, 88 percent of Cocaine, 80 percent of Fentanyl in first 1 months of 2018 were seized at legal crossing points.

And where was the rest seized?
Hello Robo,
You know we have a problem with insufficient revenue and insufficient pay-in to Social Security and Medicare.

If we let more young workers into the country and they pay in on these things it not only addresses those shortfalls, but it also contributes to the economy and the GDP.

Shocking to see a leftist admit that their unconstitutional federal programs are going broke. Actually there’s no authority in the Constitution for the feds to even operate such programs.

However, a better case can be made for having “LEGAL” immigrants come into the country to pick up the slack you identify, especially if Trump’s kind of immigration system were implemented whereby folks with skills and education are at the top of the list.

As far as the “young people” your identifying goes, it mystifies me that young people come to America seeking asylum just because their country is a shit hole of corrupt government and poverty. I’d have way more respect for those folks and be more willing to help them out if they’d stay home and revolt against such government and clean out the corrupt politicians and build a new country. There’s a limit to how many immigrants America can handle and we sure as hell can’t incorporate all of the poo folk of South America.
Hello Robo,Had you ever considered that undocumented immigrants actually work jobs, support themselves and pay taxes?

And that makes them lesser criminals because? If you’re in America without documentation, you’re a criminal that has violated U.S. law. And to boot you’ve jumped the line of “LEGAL” immigrants who wait patiently for their turn to come here. That might seem fair to you, but I think if you’re undocumented, you should be deported and a LEGAL immigrant should have the job you’re working.

Immigrants contribute to our economy. If you are invested in companies that sell them things then you are making money off immigrants.

“LEGAL” immigrants contribute more! Their “HONESTY!”
Hello Robo,Sorry. That is more than simply my opinion. It is fact. They report real stories. They are not fake. They are part of the "4th Estate," a vital part of our country, exercising the freedom of the press.

Then surely you give the same love to Fox News, right? If you are consistent and love Fox also, then somebody is spewing fake news because watching Fox and then CNN, MSNBC, ABC News, CBS News and NBC News, nearly every issue discussed is politically opposed with Fox. Nearly every report about Trump is a negative report on the terrible five, while Fox reports mostly everything positive about Trump. Watching CNN and MSNBC is like watching a gang of imposters acting in a comedy show. Their “Hair On Fire” hatred for our President and their suicidal ranting and impeaching, and removing Trump and imagined collusion and high crimes and misdemeanors and even treason is a show to behold!!!

There is a huge difference between communist government news services and these free press establishments upholding the vital 1st Amendment rights.

VIVA-LA-FIRST AMENDMENT!!! Nobody supports that more than I!! I also support the President’s first amendment right to expose the TRUTH about so-called news services attempting to insight a coup-de-qua with endless negativism toward the President by reporting lies, exaggerations, and other negativity while ignoring nearly all positive conditions promoted and delivered by this President. Such as,

Almost 4 million jobs created since election.
More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history.
Created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since election.
Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES.
Economic growth last quarter hit 4.2 percent.
New unemployment claims recently hit a 49-year low.
Median household income has hit highest level ever recorded.
African-American unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
Hispanic-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded.
Asian-American unemployment recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
Women’s unemployment recently reached the lowest rate in 65 years.
Youth unemployment has recently hit the lowest rate in nearly half a century.
Lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma.
, veterans’ unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in nearly 20 years.

Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since the election.
The Pledge to America’s Workers has resulted in employers committing to train more than 4 million Americans.
95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future—the highest ever.

Signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in history. After tax cuts, over $300 billion poured back in to the U.S. in the first quarter alone.
As a result of tax bill, small businesses will have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years.

Opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines.
Record number of regulations eliminated.
Enacted regulatory relief for community banks and credit unions.

Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE.
more affordable healthcare options for Americans through association health plans and short-term duration plans.

Expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care.

Increased our coal exports by 60 percent; U.S. oil production recently reached all-time high.
United States is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957.

Withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord.
Cancelled the illegal, anti-coal, so-called Clean Power Plan.

Confirmed more circuit court judges than any other new administration.
Confirmed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
Withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal.

Moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.
Protecting Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban, upheld by Supreme Court.

Issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay.

Improved vetting and screening for refugees, and switched focus to overseas resettlement.

You won't see any of that on leftist news!!!
Mistaken stories are quite rare. They vet their stories in an effort to keep retractions to a minimum. This is the same press that existed before President Trump was elected.

Oh! But I know that it’s the same press. An MSNBC anchor pissed down his leg with euphoric glee the day Obama got elected and proudly reported that on his national news show “Hardball.”

Think about it. If only one news source (Fox) was doing so well by bringing 'the real stories,' why would there not be more competition? If Fox has the highest viewership, and the others who are 'reporting fake news' are struggling for market share, why would they not change their format and begin competing with Fox for Presidential-supportive news? It makes no sense that only one news service would present 'the real news,' and all the others are fake, and hurting themselves by not competing directly with Fox.

Did you ever “THINK ABOUT IT” that Fox is the number one cable news channel purely because they’re the SINGLE voice of opposition to a blatantly and perfectly obvious “IN THE TANK FOR THE LEFT” cable news dictatorship until the fresh air of Fox came aboard???

Watching Fox as compared to the rest of cable news is like watching sane people do the news with the former and watching a cabal of crazed hatchet men attempting to overthrow a government with the latter. The bastards on leftist fake news are so bleeping corrupt and dishonest their act would be funny if it weren’t so dangerous for the country. That’s my opinion!!!.

President Trump is a liar. He has a history of it from long before he ever took office.

Being a bleeping liar is a prerequisite for a successful political life in America. Untruths abound and rule in Washington D.C. and American politics. I find Trump no BIGGER a liar than Obama was or most politicians. What y’all leftist accuse Trump of lying about are most often simply an exaggeration of a truth, that’s also my opinion!!!
They are mainstream because they have the most reliable reputations for accuracy, and are the most popular news sources. That's why they are called main stream.

Leftist “main stream” media are unreliable because they’re in the tank for leftist ideologies!!! They’re leftist because the longer they exist the more infiltrated they get by the leftist teaching in our universities when the new brainwashed youth join the press core. In my 82 years I never saw before in my life a more disgusting display of “IN THE TANK” for a leftist candidate than I watched for Hillary Clinton. It damned near made me puke!!!!!

News sources and the government are both powerful institutions, no doubt. We do need to trust them but we also need to verify they are doing their job properly. True power lies with We, The People. That is why an excellent public education system is so important. We need to teach our young how our government works and the importance of staying well informed and actively engaged in the political process.

Our education system is and has been totally infiltrated by leftist ideologies. My daughters came home from school in the 60's telling me the teacher was teaching them that communism was good and the greatest form of government. Today’s universities, teach that horseshit, and even demonstrate and threaten and prevent speakers from a right point of view from speaking at their universities.
Believing propaganda is very dangerous. It could lead to fascism. That has happened before. It is NOT OK.

It also can lead to communism, and that’s the track America is on just keep watching fake news, watch them brutally attempt to trash the President Of The United States report every negative they can find and some they can make up and at the same time totally ignore everything positive there is to report about his actions. Just take notice of the negatives ratio to the positives then get back to me about America’s magnificent Mainstream media and the direction of this country politically. Listen to your Democrat Congressional freshman woman AOC and then tell me about fascism vs. communism in America. It’s a bleeping no-brainer to me!!!

BY THE WAY, If you can’t post ON TOPIC from here on in on this thread, I’ll simply ignore you on this thread. You’re attempts to change the SUBJECT of this thread are over!!! As a reminder of the TOPIC, see the OP!!!
Robo, explain to us why those technologies that were explained to you will not work.

What technologies Jimmy? The only technologies even submitted on this thread by y'all leftist were submitted by Nordi and those he described were things to be used at the ports of entry where walls are already in place. Those places aren't the subject matter of this thread the open ares are where Democrats claim technologies will work better than a wall. I just need to have y'all lefties tell me what those technologies are. Got it now Jimmy? I'll understand if you have no answers Jim!!!
What technologies Jimmy? The only technologies even submitted on this thread by y'all leftist were submitted by Nordi and those he described were things to be used at the ports of entry where walls are already in place. Those places aren't the subject matter of this thread the open ares are where Democrats claim technologies will work better than a wall. I just need to have y'all lefties tell me what those technologies are. Got it now Jimmy? I'll understand if you have no answers Jim!!!

Technology does not stand still. It is improving and changing over time. New technology has to be installed and training has to be done. That is how it works. I gave you the technology they use.
Trump just gave a speech saying he did not have to declare an emergency. He could have just done the wall in parts over time. But he did it now for political reasons.
Millions of vehicles cross the border every day. There is no way to check everyone. Technology is the best way to improve the catching the drugs and illegals.
Trump was asked why he ignores the stats that those in charge of the border provide him. He essentially says he knows better. He knows the drugs come through the desert openings. He is wrong. He did say he relies on Fox Gnus, Hannity and Rush. So it makes sense that he would give fake stats.
What technologies Jimmy? The only technologies even submitted on this thread by y'all leftist were submitted by Nordi and those he described were things to be used at the ports of entry where walls are already in place. Those places aren't the subject matter of this thread the open ares are where Democrats claim technologies will work better than a wall. I just need to have y'all lefties tell me what those technologies are. Got it now Jimmy? I'll understand if you have no answers Jim!!!

There is a wall where the vast majority of drugs comes through. A wall does not work very well. If a wall works, then the places a wall exist, would be the places drugs and illegals would be stopped, Yet the ports where there is not just wall but technology and lots of agents, are where the drugs come through. Robo is in denial fighting to keep his deep misconceptions in the face of real evidence showing him he is wrong. But die hard rightys are hard to reach and teach.
Hello Robo,

I will eventually answer this leftist blitz of attempted distractions from the OP. as for the present, I'll simply remind y'all leftist that your attempted OFF TOPIC BLITZ is recognized since y'all have now nicely proven that you have no credible or honest answers for the OP. I thank y'all kindly!!!

I am one person. I was responding to things that you said. Things which had nothing to do with the OP.
There is a wall where the vast majority of drugs comes through. A wall does not work very well. If a wall works, then the places a wall exist, would be the places drugs and illegals would be stopped, Yet the ports where there is not just wall but technology and lots of agents, are where the drugs come through. Robo is in denial fighting to keep his deep misconceptions in the face of real evidence showing him he is wrong. But die hard rightys are hard to reach and teach.

Technology does not stand still. It is improving and changing over time. New technology has to be installed and training has to be done. That is how it works. I gave you the technology they use.

You failed to explain how the technologies you mentioned would work better than a wall as your lying-ass Democrats claim they will, without explanation. I’ll wait!!!

Trump just gave a speech saying he did not have to declare an emergency. He could have just done the wall in parts over time. But he did it now for political reasons.
Millions of vehicles cross the border every day. There is no way to check everyone. Technology is the best way to improve the catching the drugs and illegals.
Trump was asked why he ignores the stats that those in charge of the border provide him. He essentially says he knows better. He knows the drugs come through the desert openings. He is wrong. He did say he relies on Fox Gnus, Hannity and Rush. So it makes sense that he would give fake stats.

OUT OF CONTEXT!!!!! This thread is NOT about TRUMP HATE
There is a wall where the vast majority of drugs comes through. A wall does not work very well. If a wall works, then the places a wall exist, would be the places drugs and illegals would be stopped, Yet the ports where there is not just wall but technology and lots of agents, are where the drugs come through. Robo is in denial fighting to keep his deep misconceptions in the face of real evidence showing him he is wrong. But die hard rightys are hard to reach and teach.

Correct me if I’m wrong old buddy, but aren’t you and your Democrat heros claiming that a WHOPPING 90% of all drugs are stopped at those ports of entry? How about identifying those places where the walls are and failing to stop the drugs? How about identifying those places where there are no walls but technologies that are stopping the drugs? How about identifying the technologies that are stopping the drugs and how they work so much better than a wall? Some web searches should find all of that stuff for you Nordi!!! Personally I think you’re talking out yo ass!!!!!!
Hello Robo,

I am one person. I was responding to things that you said. Things which had nothing to do with the OP.

The "things I said" that you were responding to were things I responded to that you posted OFF TOPIC

Either post relevant to the OP, or save your keyboard!!!
Hello Robo,

I am one person. I was responding to things that you said. Things which had nothing to do with the OP.

The "things I said" that you were responding to were things I responded to that you posted OFF TOPIC

Either post relevant to the OP, or save your keyboard!!!
you know what fascism really is? fascism is the government and big business conspiring to control society in their favor. fascism is silencing voices you don't like. fascism is forcing illegal immigation for cheap labor, and votes. fascism is internationalist in this day and age.