I'm confused!

That is not where the drugs and illegals come through. Well, at least the huge majority. If you want to deal with the problems, don't you think it is wise to deal with them where they are? The areas where the borders are crossed by iguanas and jackrabbits are not where to focus.
Truth is neither is the ports on entry. Fact is Americas appetite for drugs will be served by somebody. Call drug addiction a medical condition and deal with it. Demand will be filled. We have taken out lots of drug cartels and you can still buy drugs at most street corners in America. Stop the demand.

So you finally got off your "ALL" lie about the ports of entry.

So what's wrong with stopping it all together, so ALL do have to come through ports of entry?
Hi Robo,

How are we ever to know that one way or the other since illegals that make it across the border seeking asylum get released into the American population after they get a date to appear in court for their “Asylum” hearing and 90% of them never show up? Apparently the 30,000 are in addition to the thousands that never show up for their hearings, huh?

How do you know that 90% never show up for the hearings? If judges only had to hear 10% of the cases why are they so backlogged?

How does anybody even know what the “true” crime rate is? Are they counting “illegal entry” into the United States as “crime?” How do they know how many got across the border undetected, if they weren’t detected? How do they know how many of them were smuggling humans and or drugs if they were never detected? Listed crime rates are just estimates derived by only god knows how and by who!!!

There are records of criminal hearings and trials. The numbers have been on the decline for several years.
Hello Robo,

You friend can disagree with whatever you like and I’m sure you will. Whether the judges are following the written law, or whether the judges are “making” the law, the law they’re promoting and having enforced is where the BOLOGNA IS!! People cross our border without permission and we may only hold them for a judges determined amount of days, and then the judge says we have to release them into America’s population without reservation. If that’s the written law, it sucks! It’s stupid and we might as well not have any border or any authority to have any control over it at all, exactly what y’all leftist promote and love.

You know we have a problem with insufficient revenue and insufficient pay-in to Social Security and Medicare. If we let more young workers into the country and they pay in on these things it not only addresses those shortfalls, but it also contributes to the economy and the GDP.

90% of asylum seekers never appear for their asylum hearing.

You keep saying that but I don't believe it. If you were to show some supporting evidence of that I would think it is a problem.

Border patrol agents say they remove ankle bracelets and disappear into the American population. If they’re keeping their ankle bracelets on and appearing for their hearings, and our border isn’t overflowing with immigrants and there’s no emergency why do we need more judges and fewer beds for them?

We need more judges because the backlog of people showing up for hearings has exceeded the capacity of the number of judges we currently have. Do you have any supporting evidence that asylum seekers are removing ankle bracelets?
Hello Robo,

Disagree as you will friend! I don’t care what the fastest growing demographic is! I only care that our border is unprotected!!!

It is well protected already. We have a very robust border security team. They turned back the caravans, didn't they? I didn't hear any news that caravans had gotten through. Did you?

“American culture” IS assimilation into American society, self reliance, personal responsibility, the American Dream, the English language, learning our Constitution, applying legally for citizenship, believing in the Bill Of Rights and promoting equal rights for all citizens and legal guest. And not ever crossing our borders illegally, being a drug runner, being a human smuggler, belonging to a gang like MS13 or being an Islamic terrorist or any kind of criminal. And if you here illegally, you’re a criminal!!!

And here I thought it was like what the dictionary says: "the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group also : the characteristic features of everyday existence (such as diversions or a way of life) shared by people in a place or time "

Had you ever considered that undocumented immigrants actually work jobs, support themselves and pay taxes?

Immigrants contribute to our economy. If you are invested in companies that sell them things then you are making money off immigrants.
And cameras stop people in wide open areas better than walls how? What stops an inner-tube from crossing a moat?

For some reason this is exactly what way to many people are missing.

It's not about catching them AFTER THEY ENTER ILLEGALLY, it's about stopping them from entering illegally.
Hello Robo,

That’s only your opinion friend! My opinion differs. ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN are all propaganda machenes for the progressive left. Whenever they spew fake news, “THEY ARE THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE” No different than the news media in the old Soviet Union, China, North Korea and Cuba.

Sorry. That is more than simply my opinion. It is fact. They report real stories. They are not fake. They are part of the "4th Estate," a vital part of our country, exercising the freedom of the press. Thus they are the friends of the people, checking up on our government, reporting back to We, The People. There is a huge difference between communist government news services and these free press establishments upholding the vital 1st Amendment rights.

You do mean those multiple “truths” that they have to RETRACT, because they’re exposed as FAKE NEWS, don’t you?

Mistaken stories are quite rare. They vet their stories in an effort to keep retractions to a minimum. This is the same press that existed before President Trump was elected. Think about it. If only one news source (Fox) was doing so well by bringing 'the real stories,' why would there not be more competition? If Fox has the highest viewership, and the others who are 'reporting fake news' are struggling for market share, why would they not change their format and begin competing with Fox for Presidential-supportive news? It makes no sense that only one news service would present 'the real news,' and all the others are fake, and hurting themselves by not competing directly with Fox.

They’ve convicted Trump of sooooo many crimes for “COLLUSION” with the “RUSSIANS” sooo many times I’ve lost count.

That's an exaggeration. I don't recall a single story of President Trump being convicted. We will all have a better understanding of the issues if we avoid exaggerations and stick to actual events that really occurred.

Every move Mueller makes is a Trump conviction that they salivate over for days until it’s exposed as just another embarrassment for loony leftist horseshit reporting.

Please present supporting evidence of a Trump conviction? (If you have it.)

Trump is a first class narcissistic bullshitter and exaggerator!!!

President Trump is a liar. He has a history of it from long before he ever took office.

That’s only different from Obummer and most other Presidents because of his classical disregard for political correctness and the fact he’s a rookie at Washington politics. He doesn’t do or want to know how to put on the “I’m honest” face and lie and exaggerate with sugar dripping from phony lips like the pros like Obummer do.

It would be helpful to get the facts straight. President Obama [It is disrespectful to use a derogatory term for his name) was mostly very honest. President Trump has been caught in thousands of lies.

Unless they’re lying ass Democrats like Obummer and the Clintons, huh?

That's just whataboutism. It amounts to blocking out bad news about President Trump by substituting something bad about Democrats. Can you talk about President Trump without giving him a free pass by essentially saying if those other guys did something wrong that makes it OK for Trump to do it too? First of all, if you were not happy with it when the others did it, then you should not be making excuses for it when President Trump does it. You should be equally bothered by the same transgression no matter who commits it. Just because somebody else did something wrong does not make it OK for another person to do that wrong thing again. Wrong is still wrong.

DITTO for Obama and the Clintons!!!

Ditto whataboutism.

There’s no such thing as “reliable main stream news sources”!!!!”

They are mainstream because they have the most reliable reputations for accuracy, and are the most popular news sources. That's why they are called main stream.

News sources like government are power by definition and corruption and bias by nature!!!

News sources and the government are both powerful institutions, no doubt. We do need to trust them but we also need to verify they are doing their job properly. True power lies with We, The People. That is why an excellent public education system is so important. We need to teach our young how our government works and the importance of staying well informed and actively engaged in the political process.

You mean when their bleeping lies are exposed, they sometimes print a retraction on the back page along with some flimsy excuse!!!!!

No, I meant what I said. If you want to say something else, that's all on you.
Hello Robo,

I don’t see that as a lie!

Well thanks for letting me know how this process works. I have often wondered how his supporters, some of whom I know are good intelligent people, can justify continuing to support him despite the lies. Here we have a blatant lie. He said one thing in the SOTU speech and did the exact opposite. You've ignored what he said in the SOTU speech and substituted an instance when he said something else in order to justify believing that he didn't really lie. The only reason somebody would do that is because they are simply looking for a way to justify their support. That's giving him a free pass that I and the rest of the world refuse to give him because he doesn't deserve it. Nobody does. It's changing the rules to find a way to make what you want true.

Trump blatantly lied, you obviously refuse to accept that, wouldn't accept it if it were true (which it is) so you've found a way around it.

I know what Trump has said before, because I actually listen to Trump and mostly ignore the lying ass media’s twisting of what Trump actually says.

Covering the SOTU speech is not twisting the President's words. The lies are coming right out of his mouth and not being edited in any way.

The media either doesn’t understand what Trump is saying often, or the media omits parts of what Trump says for the media’s own biased purposes.

It's not the media doing that, it's his supporters!

What Trump has actually said is that the insane and insulting immigration system’s LOTTERY legalization immigration system is a pathetic embarrassing, stupid and shameful disgrace for the nation, and I agree!!! Trump also opposes the “family first” immigration system as not a fair or logical system. Trump has proposed that the majority of new “LEGAL” immigrants coming to America should be vetted as to their talents, abilities and education And abilities to come here and be self supporting and be a viable contributor to America’s society, economy and traditional culture. Again, I agree! Those should be the majority legally coming to America and they should be advanced to the head of the line and only the remaining allowance be given to a lesser qualified people. So, you see friend, Trump DOES want more people to come to America, he simply wants the Untired, the Unpoor and the folks pineing to be free and who want to contribute to America as well. And by the way friend, the inscription on the statue of liberty was written by a bleeping socialist.

Just because Trump says one thing on one occasion and the opposite on another does not mean you can simply pick whichever one favors your argument at the time!

It means he is full of baloney and should be called out on it. Believing propaganda is very dangerous. It could lead to fascism. That has happened before. It is NOT OK.
Here ya go Jimmy,

Barack Obama Is Now The Only President In History To Never ...
Not only is the average annual growth rate of just 1.48% during Obama's business cycle the weakest of any expansion since at least 1949, he has just become the only President to have not had even one year of 3% GDP growth. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017...resident-history-never-have-year-3-gdp-growth
SIMPLY THE WORST=> Obama is First President Ever to Not See ...
Barack Obama will be lucky to average a 1.55% GDP growth rate. This ranks Obama as the fourth worst presidency on record. Barack Obama will be the only U.S. president in history who did not deliver a single year of 3.0% + economic growth. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/20...t answers for the OP. I thank y'all kindly!!!
Hello Robo,

Well thanks for letting me know how this process works. I have often wondered how his supporters, some of whom I know are good intelligent people, can justify continuing to support him despite the lies. Here we have a blatant lie. He said one thing in the SOTU speech and did the exact opposite. You've ignored what he said in the SOTU speech and substituted an instance when he said something else in order to justify believing that he didn't really lie. The only reason somebody would do that is because they are simply looking for a way to justify their support. That's giving him a free pass that I and the rest of the world refuse to give him because he doesn't deserve it. Nobody does. It's changing the rules to find a way to make what you want true.

Trump blatantly lied, you obviously refuse to accept that, wouldn't accept it if it were true (which it is) so you've found a way around it.

Covering the SOTU speech is not twisting the President's words. The lies are coming right out of his mouth and not being edited in any way.

It's not the media doing that, it's his supporters!

Just because Trump says one thing on one occasion and the opposite on another does not mean you can simply pick whichever one favors your argument at the time!

It means he is full of baloney and should be called out on it. Believing propaganda is very dangerous. It could lead to fascism. That has happened before. It is NOT OK.

I will eventually answer this leftist blitz of attempted distractions from the OP. as for the present, I'll simply remind y'all leftist that your attempted OFF TOPIC BLITZ is recognized since y'all have now nicely proven that you have no credible or honest answers for the OP. I thank y'all kindly!!!
For some reason this is exactly what way to many people are missing.

It's not about catching them AFTER THEY ENTER ILLEGALLY, it's about stopping them from entering illegally.

They, the left know the difference. They also know it's all about Trump and their exaggerated radical hatred WITHOUT CAUSE for Trump. It's just real fun to watch them prove it with their pathetic irrelevant excuses and off topic attempts to change the subject.
Hello Robo,

Sorry. That is more than simply my opinion. It is fact. They report real stories. They are not fake. They are part of the "4th Estate," a vital part of our country, exercising the freedom of the press. Thus they are the friends of the people, checking up on our government, reporting back to We, The People. There is a huge difference between communist government news services and these free press establishments upholding the vital 1st Amendment rights.

Mistaken stories are quite rare. They vet their stories in an effort to keep retractions to a minimum. This is the same press that existed before President Trump was elected. Think about it. If only one news source (Fox) was doing so well by bringing 'the real stories,' why would there not be more competition? If Fox has the highest viewership, and the others who are 'reporting fake news' are struggling for market share, why would they not change their format and begin competing with Fox for Presidential-supportive news? It makes no sense that only one news service would present 'the real news,' and all the others are fake, and hurting themselves by not competing directly with Fox.

That's an exaggeration. I don't recall a single story of President Trump being convicted. We will all have a better understanding of the issues if we avoid exaggerations and stick to actual events that really occurred.

Please present supporting evidence of a Trump conviction? (If you have it.)

President Trump is a liar. He has a history of it from long before he ever took office.

It would be helpful to get the facts straight. President Obama [It is disrespectful to use a derogatory term for his name) was mostly very honest. President Trump has been caught in thousands of lies.

That's just whataboutism. It amounts to blocking out bad news about President Trump by substituting something bad about Democrats. Can you talk about President Trump without giving him a free pass by essentially saying if those other guys did something wrong that makes it OK for Trump to do it too? First of all, if you were not happy with it when the others did it, then you should not be making excuses for it when President Trump does it. You should be equally bothered by the same transgression no matter who commits it. Just because somebody else did something wrong does not make it OK for another person to do that wrong thing again. Wrong is still wrong.

Ditto whataboutism.

They are mainstream because they have the most reliable reputations for accuracy, and are the most popular news sources. That's why they are called main stream.

News sources and the government are both powerful institutions, no doubt. We do need to trust them but we also need to verify they are doing their job properly. True power lies with We, The People. That is why an excellent public education system is so important. We need to teach our young how our government works and the importance of staying well informed and actively engaged in the political process.

No, I meant what I said. If you want to say something else, that's all on you.

I will eventually answer this leftist blitz of attempted distractions from the OP. as for the present, I'll simply remind y'all leftist that your attempted OFF TOPIC BLITZ is recognized since y'all have now nicely proven that you have no credible or honest answers for the OP. I thank y'all kindly!!!
Hello Robo,

It is well protected already. We have a very robust border security team. They turned back the caravans, didn't they? I didn't hear any news that caravans had gotten through. Did you?

And here I thought it was like what the dictionary says: "the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group also : the characteristic features of everyday existence (such as diversions or a way of life) shared by people in a place or time "

Had you ever considered that undocumented immigrants actually work jobs, support themselves and pay taxes?

Immigrants contribute to our economy. If you are invested in companies that sell them things then you are making money off immigrants.

I will eventually answer this leftist blitz of attempted distractions from the OP. as for the present, I'll simply remind y'all leftist that your attempted OFF TOPIC BLITZ is recognized since y'all have now nicely proven that you have no credible or honest answers for the OP. I thank y'all kindly!!!
Hello Robo,

You know we have a problem with insufficient revenue and insufficient pay-in to Social Security and Medicare. If we let more young workers into the country and they pay in on these things it not only addresses those shortfalls, but it also contributes to the economy and the GDP.

You keep saying that but I don't believe it. If you were to show some supporting evidence of that I would think it is a problem.

We need more judges because the backlog of people showing up for hearings has exceeded the capacity of the number of judges we currently have. Do you have any supporting evidence that asylum seekers are removing ankle bracelets?

I will eventually answer this leftist blitz of attempted distractions from the OP. as for the present, I'll simply remind y'all leftist that your attempted OFF TOPIC BLITZ is recognized since y'all have now nicely proven that you have no credible or honest answers for the OP. I thank y'all kindly!!!
Hi Robo,

How do you know that 90% never show up for the hearings? If judges only had to hear 10% of the cases why are they so backlogged?

There are records of criminal hearings and trials. The numbers have been on the decline for several years.

I will eventually answer this leftist blitz of attempted distractions from the OP. as for the present, I'll simply remind y'all leftist that your attempted OFF TOPIC BLITZ is recognized since y'all have now nicely proven that you have no credible or honest answers for the OP. I thank y'all kindly!!!
Big Bend National Park is stretched out about 118 miles along the Texas/Mexico border. Along the river are canyons walls no one would ever try to climb!

But, you ROBO genius are welcomed to try! LOL!


I will eventually answer this leftist blitz of attempted distractions from the OP. as for the present, I'll simply remind y'all leftist that your attempted OFF TOPIC BLITZ is recognized since y'all have now nicely proven that you have no credible or honest answers for the OP. I thank y'all kindly!!!
.Let me just tell you that there is a natural border between the two countries where the rabbits wouldn't go, mountains, rock escarpments, rapid White Water River steep wall canyons, dangerous desert, hundreds of miles from nowhere on the Mexico side, and as much as 50 miles from the nearest road on the US side.

And of course you’re gonna tell the class WHO is talking about putting barriers there, right???

Since you have nary a single answer to the OP you’re hardly worthy of posting your pathetically feeble off topic attempts to disguise that fact to this thread, but it’s humorous!!! THANK YOU!!!!!
Again. if it is so easy and so common that people are walking through spots with open borders, why do they take the time, trouble and expense to dig tunnels?

I don’t think the open areas is where they dig the tunnels, do you? I think the tunnels are few and far between and dug by drug dealers where there are walls and need those areas to do their transfer of goods, don’tyou?

Why do they go through the ports of entry in massive numbers?

Because it’s easier to hide their drugs and humans they’re smuggling in vehicles than it is to try to throw them over a bleeping WALL. That’s what the walls are for, to funnel the drugs and human smugglers to the ports of entry where they can catch them.

They could just walk through the open borders that upset the rightys so badly.

That’s exactly what they are doing. That’s why we need the walls!!!

We have fencing where it is needed. Trump wants to put it where it is not needed.

Did CNN or MSNBC tell you that? If it’s true, why have the bleeping crooked, Trump hating Democrats voted for more walls, that were never constructed during both the Bush and Obama administrations?

He wants to do that because he lied about people using those areas and he demonized brown people as rapists and murderers. He lies about the crime in ElPaso and whether the fence did anything about it. The rights have no sales resistence. If Trump says it ,they buy it.

For your information friend, even the Democrats have conceded that there are areas where walls are needed. If they haven’t then they can’t explain why they voted for them in the past and now they’re simply using the preposterous excuse that NOW they think that technologies are a better way to go. But like you they can’t explain how. And you and I both know this isn’t about protecting the border and the American folks, it’s very, very simply about HATE TRUMP, STOP TRUMP!!!!!
What was Obummer's 8 year GDP Jim?

Obummer ?" And you lie and claim you are not a Rep or a Dem? Bullshit, you are a far righty who thinks a reality show host is qualified to run the country. Trump is about to declare an emergency over a totally unneeded wall. There is wall and fencing everywhere it is required. The Dems are offering technology and personell upgrades in the ports of entry where it is really required or will do some good.
A border guard today was asked if he tired chasing Latinos. He said they walk right up to him and ask where they go for asylum.
But again, if the lack of a fence is making it easy for drugs and illegals to come in, why are they building tunnels? That is a lot of damn work and expense. Why would they bother if they can just waltz over through the huge unprotected places where there is no wall?
President Obama saved the country from the second great depression and put the economy on solid footing. You must have been around in 2007-8. Do you not remember it? Bush had us shedding 800,000 jobs a month. That is what greeted "obummer" . This analysis thing seems pretty tough for you,.
Do you think all those illegals Trump has been hiring for decades came in through the desert openings?