I'm doing a 3 day fast, pretty much for the fuck of it

Don't forget the fungus!


It's what quality visions are made with.


Grind has to ingest the fungi, at the start of his journey.
I fast for 12-14 hours each night. I don't snack. Drinking water is really healthy. Most people don't drink enough water. Good thing about water is it completely blows hunger away. And you can pretty much have all the water you want. It is nearly impossible to drink too much water.

When the hunger comes simply have a full glass of water.

It won't do anything for the hunger immediately, but 5 minutes later the hunger will subside.

25 minutes later the hunger will resume, but no problem to drink more water again and again.

I use this trick to make it to meal time without snacking.

I can't imagine going days without food. That is not something I would choose to do. More power to ya if you can pull it off.
too late

but i do look forward to a 2 day empty stomach high. now that will make me tempt fate

Kimbo: "too late"
Jack: You're fucked then. You're probably thinking of Chinese food right now. In fact, I'm eating this chicken tamale I bought at this Honduran Store and it tastes GREAT. (Course, I always put a little Tabasco Sauce on it to tang it up a bit)
Oh man. I just pigged out on that Tamale, it was delicious! I have these 'Corn Chips' I'm looking at. I might have to dig into them. I have this 'Salsa con Queso' that goes pretty good with them. I like the long corn chips that are easy to 'dip', but become annoyed with the smaller chips that, one, I can't get enough 'dip' on, and, two, that I get the 'dip' on my fingers and have to lick it off with my tongue. Sometimes, and let's just keep this between ourselves, I just use a spoon to scrape up some 'dip' and throw a few 'small chips' into it and eat it that way. It's totally uncool and don't recommend this at a Party, but, let's face it, it still tastes pretty good and you don't have to throw away the small pieces.
I fast for 12-14 hours each night. I don't snack. Drinking water is really healthy. Most people don't drink enough water. Good thing about water is it completely blows hunger away. And you can pretty much have all the water you want. It is nearly impossible to drink too much water.

When the hunger comes simply have a full glass of water.

It won't do anything for the hunger immediately, but 5 minutes later the hunger will subside.

25 minutes later the hunger will resume, but no problem to drink more water again and again.

I use this trick to make it to meal time without snacking.

I can't imagine going days without food. That is not something I would choose to do. More power to ya if you can pull it off.

I'm on Keto diet,eat twice a day in a 8 hr window,fast 16 hrs.
I had a weird thought the other day that I've never probably gone 24 hours in my entire life without eating.

I find this to be an interesting challenge, and I've been doing some reading that this can be healthy if you do this 1 every month or 2.

It promotes cell autophogy, stem cell growth, many other things.

Gonna go 3 full days. Still will have water obv, and tea and coffee. but nothing else.

Plus it's kinda zen. I'm going to meditate the fuck out of this weekend. I might get to a new plane of grind enlightenment. Prepare to get your socks rocked

From now till Sunday night

evince is banned from my fasting thread

Good luck, KK.

I used to do one day total fasts quite often when I was younger. Amazing how easy it becomes (after doing it a few times) to conquer the hunger pangs. At one point, it stopped even being a problem.

If this is your first time...you may run into some trouble, but nothing you cannot handle.
Oh man. I just pigged out on that Tamale, it was delicious! I have these 'Corn Chips' I'm looking at. I might have to dig into them. I have this 'Salsa con Queso' that goes pretty good with them. I like the long corn chips that are easy to 'dip', but become annoyed with the smaller chips that, one, I can't get enough 'dip' on, and, two, that I get the 'dip' on my fingers and have to lick it off with my tongue. Sometimes, and let's just keep this between ourselves, I just use a spoon to scrape up some 'dip' and throw a few 'small chips' into it and eat it that way. It's totally uncool and don't recommend this at a Party, but, let's face it, it still tastes pretty good and you don't have to throw away the small pieces.

How do you know that,that Tamale wasn't made by an illegal?!
I do intermittent fasting as a way of life. Usually 16/8 or 20/4. It does make you feel better and gives mental clarity. Maybe you should start with 24 and build up to 72?
who knows, maybe I'll fail :thinking:

but yes I like testing my will power. So I think I can do this.

I have a friend who does a weekly one-day fast; she also includes fruit and vegetable juices. She says she feels amazing most of the time, and she sure looks amazing too. Good luck!
I have a friend who does a weekly one-day fast; she also includes fruit and vegetable juices. She says she feels amazing most of the time, and she sure looks amazing too. Good luck!
I’ve tried to do it, I get physically sick. I can’t do it. I just feel gross.
I’ve tried to do it, I get physically sick. I can’t do it. I just feel gross.

I'm going to the Casino tonight. I got one of those 'Offers' in the Mail, Free Meal. I like the Seafood Gumbo with those fancy Crackers they serve you. The Shrimp is good and fresh, not that rubbery frozen stuff they try to pass off at some places. It's spicey and not loaded down with an abundance of rice. The normally bland Okra has a taste of it's own. I like going in there with a glass of Chardonnay, ... makes me feel like I'm at one of those Uptown restaurants.
I'm going to the Casino tonight. I got one of those 'Offers' in the Mail, Free Meal. I like the Seafood Gumbo with those fancy Crackers they serve you. The Shrimp is good and fresh, not that rubbery frozen stuff they try to pass off at some places. It's spicey and not loaded down with an abundance of rice. The normally bland Okra has a taste of it's own. I like going in there with a glass of Chardonnay, ... makes me feel like I'm at one of those Uptown restaurants.
I love a good seafood gumbo, my friend makes an amazing Gumbo.
I love a good seafood gumbo, my friend makes an amazing Gumbo.

Yeah. Me too. Especially when it's fresh ingredients. This place is right along the beach and is somewhat small compared to the other places. They have to make a distinction from 'them' and the 'other places', I think they do it with their food. They have Locals walk in and get 'Carry-Out' that they called in for, first time I've seen THAT!
Once upon a time, in Central America, I survived on rice water for over a month, until the State Department sprung me.

details please

Rice water for over a month? ... I went thru 2 months of starvation training in the military and it wasn't as harsh as that, LOL.

details please

I do intermittent fasting as a way of life. Usually 16/8 or 20/4. It does make you feel better and gives mental clarity. Maybe you should start with 24 and build up to 72?

i do 18:6 on a daily basis. But yeah I’m just throwing myself into the deep end


first day is in the bag. Didn’t have too many hunger pains.

Seems this is more psychological for me. Though I only eat 2 meals 10 minutes each time I feel like an integral part of my day is missing.

also I’m kinda tired now