I'm doing a 3 day fast, pretty much for the fuck of it

Hello Kimbo Kush,

I made it you guys!

About to dig into some chicken noodle soup sans veggies and noodles

if all goes well I may bump it up to some grilled chicken in a bit

the last 2 hours I seemed to get some of my energy back. I wonder if that was psychological

Right on. Nothing like setting a challenging goal and then realizing it. Well done.
Grind? He’s a cockroach. 500 million years from now when all life forms as know them are extinct, except for Cockroaches and Keith Richards, Grind will still be around.

Fortunately Skidmark will be dead so it’s not all bad.

I have to hand it to Grind, I would never have attempted this.
I thought you were talking about dehydration, low blood sugar, malnutrition, stuff like that. To be fair I'm a terrible story teller.

No...I was using common phrases used in exercise physiology "Bonk, Hitting the Wall" for what is, technically speaking, called "Glycogen Depletion". "The Bonk" or "Bonking" is when the levels of blood and muscle glycogen become very low and "Hitting the Wall" isn't referring to Dale Earnhardt but means that you've completely depleted glycogen stores in your muscles and liver.

The first is bad as you run out of energy to perform at peak performance. The second is far worse and can possibly be life threatening as virtually all cellular function requires glycogen to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), via glycolysis,which is essential for cellular metabolism.
Grind? He’s a cockroach. 500 million years from now when all life forms as know them are extinct, except for Cockroaches and Keith Richards, Grind will still be around.

Fortunately Skidmark will be dead so it’s not all bad.

Not if something large drifts through the solar system and obliterates the Earth.
Oh absolutely. Keep in mind that your body stores about 30,000-50,000 calories in fat reserves and about 3,000-5,000 of glycogen in your liver, which is available for cellular metabolism immediately.

When you do a three day fast, if you’re sedentary, your body only needs around 4,500 calories to get through those three days. So yea the low energy was largely psychological. Keep doing this once a month and after a few times it doesn’t feel so dramatic.

i sort of figured that the nature of a long fast (and even a 16 hour fast) typically depletes ones glycogen and puts people into ketosis
The time it takes to enter ketosis varies from person to person ( 6 , 7 ). In general, it takes 2–4 days if you eat 20–50 grams of carbs per day.

source: google

and before my fast I was already eating like 30 carbs a day leading up to it. So by the time I actually went into fast, or at least by second day, I was almost certainly in ketosis
source: google

and before my fast I was already eating like 30 carbs a day leading up to it. So by the time I actually went into fast, or at least by second day, I was almost certainly in ketosis

You're body and liver store more then you think,especially if you're sitting on your ass,watching tv,and getting stoned.
One sandwich is more then 30 carbs
You're body and liver store more then you think,especially if you're sitting on your ass,watching tv,and getting stoned.
One sandwich is more then 30 carbs

bro, I know how to count carbs. I track everything i eat.

I typically eat 100 net carbs a day. But going into the fast I purposefully under ate carbs
i sort of figured that the nature of a long fast (and even a 16 hour fast) typically depletes ones glycogen and puts people into ketosis

Depends on the person. A reasonably fit and trained person who maintains a low sub aerobic activity during the fast and started their fast with high levels of stored glycogen levels wouldn't develop acid ketosis. If you push the metabolic envelope though then you would use catabolic pathways to compensate for low glycogen levels and that would put you into ketosis.
bro, I know how to count carbs. I track everything i eat.

I typically eat 100 net carbs a day. But going into the fast I purposefully under ate carbs

That was dumb. You should have done the opposite and carbo loaded before you fasted. No wonder you were felt so low on energy. You were bonking.
no it's not? are you completely retarded? fiber doesn't spike insulin, and doesn't enter the bloodstream. you literally are sounding totally ignorant.

Actually he's right. Blind adherence to the word "carb" is retarded. It's the type and quality of carbs that count. If you're eating lots of complex high glycemic carbs, i.e. starches, well yea...not good, but if you're eating low glycemic carbs such as unprocessed fruits and vegetables that are low in starch and complex sugars well those are very good.

Not all carbs are high glycemic carbs that cause insulin spikes. Low glycemic carbs don't cause insulin spikes (which is why they are called low glycemic) and usually have lower calories and are higher if soluble fiber.

So Miss Margot is right. Much of what you see about low carb fad diets is bullshit.
Actually he's right. Blind adherence to the word "carb" is retarded. It's the type and quality of carbs that count. If you're eating lots of complex high glycemic carbs, i.e. starches, well yea...not good, but if you're eating low glycemic carbs such as unprocessed fruits and vegetables that are low in starch and complex sugars well those are very good.

Not all carbs are high glycemic carbs that cause insulin spikes. Low glycemic carbs don't cause insulin spikes (which is why they are called low glycemic) and usually have lower calories and are higher if soluble fiber.

So Miss Margot is right. Much of what you see about low carb fad diets is bullshit.

no, both of you are wrong. and once again you are pulling a classic "mott" and saying things I never said or argued against. Fiber, which is a carb that does not spike insulin or enter the bloodstream, is effectively not a carb one needs to count when counting carbs.
no, both of you are wrong. and once again you are pulling a classic "mott" and saying things I never said or argued against. Fiber, which is a carb that does not spike insulin or enter the bloodstream, is effectively not a carb one needs to count when counting carbs.

In whole real foods that is correct.
In processed foods that advertise "net carbs"
Manufacturers fudge numbers,making their net carbs a scam.
In whole real foods that is correct.
In processed foods that advertise "net carbs"
Manufacturers fudge numbers,making their net carbs a scam.

now you are moving the goal posts. i dont care what manufacturers do to trick retarded boomers. I know which carbs do and do not contribute to various metabolic processes.

It's really simple, subtract fiber from the total number carbs. The leftover number is net carbs.

I have never seen manufactures lying about the fiber content of their products.