I'm doing a 3 day fast, pretty much for the fuck of it

been drinking lots of water

super weak. Every time I stand up I get realllly dizzy and have to be careful. However after the adjustment period I'm usually ok. Went on a night walk for about 25 minutes, but didn't want to push things. Very slow.

16ish more hours to go.

heart rate tonight is much better than last night. Last night I was at 41 at this time, now I am at 57bpm

go figure

tomorrow I'm thinking of salmon, with maybe chicken broth to test things out as a leader

today I have been kinda knocked out for the count, but also very focused?

I watched 6 hours of netflix in a row, which I never do. Barely been on the internet cause I don't feel like reading much stuff.

Between episodes I would kinda stare off into space and think about things for maybe 20 minutes. Very flow type of state, kinda. maybe like... the flow's state retarded cousin.

In the OP of this thread, I said I never went 24 hours without fasting. I now remembered I was in the hospital about 10 years ago, where I didn't eat food for like 2 weeks, although they were still injecting me with stuff so I don't know if that counts or not. But I am noticing I am in the same state as I was when I was in the hospital - basically with the ability to just kinda sit still and think and let the whole day go by pretty quickly.

Tea is now the highlight of my day. It's funny how quickly the smallest things can be made into the thing you look most forward to.

I have had no hunger pain all day. This is all about mastering the fatigue, and the willpower to see it through. It's entirely a mental game.

I think i elaborated on this a bit before, but not having food has made me feel so bored in some respects. If I am not eating food, I am spending a good deal of time making food, or planning what I am going to be eating later. The day is in many respects centered around lunch and dinner. My meals themselves are never very long, perhaps 10 minutes for each of my 2 meals. But yet it still feels like without food the day just seems so wide open. I like structure and routine, .I don't like this open ended feel. I think meals give me a very significant mental reset and segment my days accordingly. Not eating food is like the same feeling one gets when they stay up past the next days sunrise and you start experiencing the fact that what you consider a "yesterday" has really just been one really long day from your perspective, because you didn't have the break of sleep. I find that sort of thing disorienting, putting the lack of sleep aside. This mental reset from sleep is the same thing I get with food as well. I think this is what I have learned most.

I need the mental reset more than anything else.
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been drinking lots of water

super weak. Every time I stand up I get realllly dizzy and have to be careful. However after the adjustment period I'm usually ok. Went on a night walk for about 25 minutes, but didn't want to push things. Very slow.

16ish more hours to go.

heart rate tonight is much better than last night. Last night I was at 41 at this time, now I am at 57bpm

go figure

tomorrow I'm thinking of salmon, with maybe chicken broth to test things out as a leader

today I have been kinda knocked out for the count, but also very focused?

I watched 6 hours of netflix in a row, which I never do. Barely been on the internet cause I don't feel like reading much stuff.

Between episodes I would kinda stare off into space and think about things for maybe 20 minutes. Very flow type of state, kinda. maybe like... the flow's state retarded cousin.

In the OP of this thread, I said I never went 24 hours without fasting. I now remembered I was in the hospital about 10 years ago, where I didn't eat food for like 2 weeks, although they were still injecting me with stuff so I don't know if that counts or not. But I am noticing I am in the same state as I was when I was in the hospital - basically with the ability to just kinda sit still and think and let the whole day go by pretty quickly.

Tea is now the highlight of my day. It's funny how quickly the smallest things can be made into the thing you look most forward to.

I have had no hunger pain all day. This is all about mastering the fatigue, and the willpower to see it through. It's entirely a mental game.

I think i elaborated on this a bit before, but not having food has made me feel so bored in some respects. If I am not eating food, I am spending a good deal of time making food, or planning what I am going to be eating later. The day is in many respects centered around lunch and dinner. My meals themselves are never very long, perhaps 10 minutes for each of my 2 meals. But yet it still feels like without food the day just seems so wide open. I like structure and routine, .I don't like this open ended feel. I think meals give me a very significant mental reset and segment my days accordingly. Not eating food is like the same feeling one gets when they stay up past the next days sunrise and you start experiencing the fact that what you consider a "yesterday" has really just been one really long day from your perspective, because you didn't have the break of sleep. I find that sort of thing disorienting, putting the lack of sleep aside. This mental reset from sleep is the same thing I get with food as well. I think this is what I have learned most.

I need the mental reset more than anything else.

Relax and quit acting like a millennial. Fasting isn’t that hard. It’s nothing from a suffering standpoint like bonking (low blood glycogen) or going acidotic and hitting the wall (depletion of glycogen stores in your liver).

What you’re experiencing isn’t disorientation but increased brain activity, you’ve entered an alternate state of consciousness because you’ve lost that structure or center as you described it.

Reach out to that feeling, embrace it. Don’t fight it. You have entered the gate of that state of Zen or Wa you are seeking. Focus or meditate on that feeling and you will find a new center and a new structure. This the State you seek.
Hello Kimbo Kush,

been drinking lots of water

super weak. Every time I stand up I get realllly dizzy and have to be careful. However after the adjustment period I'm usually ok. Went on a night walk for about 25 minutes, but didn't want to push things. Very slow.

16ish more hours to go.

heart rate tonight is much better than last night. Last night I was at 41 at this time, now I am at 57bpm

go figure

tomorrow I'm thinking of salmon, with maybe chicken broth to test things out as a leader

today I have been kinda knocked out for the count, but also very focused?

I watched 6 hours of netflix in a row, which I never do. Barely been on the internet cause I don't feel like reading much stuff.

Between episodes I would kinda stare off into space and think about things for maybe 20 minutes. Very flow type of state, kinda. maybe like... the flow's state retarded cousin.

In the OP of this thread, I said I never went 24 hours without fasting. I now remembered I was in the hospital about 10 years ago, where I didn't eat food for like 2 weeks, although they were still injecting me with stuff so I don't know if that counts or not. But I am noticing I am in the same state as I was when I was in the hospital - basically with the ability to just kinda sit still and think and let the whole day go by pretty quickly.

Tea is now the highlight of my day. It's funny how quickly the smallest things can be made into the thing you look most forward to.

I have had no hunger pain all day. This is all about mastering the fatigue, and the willpower to see it through. It's entirely a mental game.

I think i elaborated on this a bit before, but not having food has made me feel so bored in some respects. If I am not eating food, I am spending a good deal of time making food, or planning what I am going to be eating later. The day is in many respects centered around lunch and dinner. My meals themselves are never very long, perhaps 10 minutes for each of my 2 meals. But yet it still feels like without food the day just seems so wide open. I like structure and routine, .I don't like this open ended feel. I think meals give me a very significant mental reset and segment my days accordingly. Not eating food is like the same feeling one gets when they stay up past the next days sunrise and you start experiencing the fact that what you consider a "yesterday" has really just been one really long day from your perspective, because you didn't have the break of sleep. I find that sort of thing disorienting, putting the lack of sleep aside. This mental reset from sleep is the same thing I get with food as well. I think this is what I have learned most.

I need the mental reset more than anything else.

Wow. Thanks for sharing. I never once considered fasting. It doesn't seem like anything I would want to do. Probably because I don't get the point of it and am purposely ignorant to the benefits. I really like my life just the way it is. Hearing your description of it satisfies any curiosity I ever had over fasting, which wasn't much. But it's enough to totally seal the deal for me. There are plenty of things in life I never wish to do. Fasting is on the list. Better you than me. But then you have more waking hours to occupy your mind. I sleep at night.
Green Barley Grass beverages are good for fasting. They aid in detoxification and help with the hunger pangs and help keeps your energy up.

Just remember when you end your fast don’t go on a junk food spree. Avoid processed foods too.

Don’t forget to exercise too. Do some serious reps in the weight room or some HIIT, roll a drunk or curb stomp a liberal or some protected minority. You’ll feel a lot better.

Mott: "curb stomp a liberal or some protected minority."
Jack: Wait! What? Is that part of 'Fasting'???
No...just giving some exercise options that suits Grinds personality.

Oh. OK. I have to give Grind credit, he's doing pretty good. I've thought about 'fasting' for a day. Just as a health idea. 48/72 sounds more draconian to me.
I'm not sure if I could, or would want to do, any 'exercise', other than just the day to day activities. Sweating you ass off in a weight room could be dangerous in my opinion.
Oh. OK. I have to give Grind credit, he's doing pretty good. I've thought about 'fasting' for a day. Just as a health idea. 48/72 sounds more draconian to me.
I'm not sure if I could, or would want to do, any 'exercise', other than just the day to day activities. Sweating you ass off in a weight room could be dangerous in my opinion.

Naaah. It’s no problem. You’d still have plenty of energy stored to exercise vigorously for an hour. You probably wouldn’t want to run a marathon or do a century ride but you’d be fine with normal exercise.
been drinking lots of water

super weak. Every time I stand up I get realllly dizzy and have to be careful. However after the adjustment period I'm usually ok. Went on a night walk for about 25 minutes, but didn't want to push things. Very slow.

16ish more hours to go.

heart rate tonight is much better than last night. Last night I was at 41 at this time, now I am at 57bpm

go figure

tomorrow I'm thinking of salmon, with maybe chicken broth to test things out as a leader

today I have been kinda knocked out for the count, but also very focused?

I watched 6 hours of netflix in a row, which I never do. Barely been on the internet cause I don't feel like reading much stuff.

Between episodes I would kinda stare off into space and think about things for maybe 20 minutes. Very flow type of state, kinda. maybe like... the flow's state retarded cousin.

In the OP of this thread, I said I never went 24 hours without fasting. I now remembered I was in the hospital about 10 years ago, where I didn't eat food for like 2 weeks, although they were still injecting me with stuff so I don't know if that counts or not. But I am noticing I am in the same state as I was when I was in the hospital - basically with the ability to just kinda sit still and think and let the whole day go by pretty quickly.

Tea is now the highlight of my day. It's funny how quickly the smallest things can be made into the thing you look most forward to.

I have had no hunger pain all day. This is all about mastering the fatigue, and the willpower to see it through. It's entirely a mental game.

I think i elaborated on this a bit before, but not having food has made me feel so bored in some respects. If I am not eating food, I am spending a good deal of time making food, or planning what I am going to be eating later. The day is in many respects centered around lunch and dinner. My meals themselves are never very long, perhaps 10 minutes for each of my 2 meals. But yet it still feels like without food the day just seems so wide open. I like structure and routine, .I don't like this open ended feel. I think meals give me a very significant mental reset and segment my days accordingly. Not eating food is like the same feeling one gets when they stay up past the next days sunrise and you start experiencing the fact that what you consider a "yesterday" has really just been one really long day from your perspective, because you didn't have the break of sleep. I find that sort of thing disorienting, putting the lack of sleep aside. This mental reset from sleep is the same thing I get with food as well. I think this is what I have learned most.

I need the mental reset more than anything else.

These are good times to sit back and reflect on life in general, as it seems the mind is more receptive to contemplation.
Relax and quit acting like a millennial. Fasting isn’t that hard. It’s nothing from a suffering standpoint like bonking (low blood glycogen) or going acidotic and hitting the wall (depletion of glycogen stores in your liver).

What you’re experiencing isn’t disorientation but increased brain activity, you’ve entered an alternate state of consciousness because you’ve lost that structure or center as you described it.

Reach out to that feeling, embrace it. Don’t fight it. You have entered the gate of that state of Zen or Wa you are seeking. Focus or meditate on that feeling and you will find a new center and a new structure. This the State you seek.

true and false. In some ways, it wasn't very hard, but that doesn't mean it was enjoyable.

i'm glad I challenged myself though. That said, everyones body's chemistry is different. I have read a lot of people doing fasting and I feel like my symptoms are a bit more rare or less described. I can barely walk anymore. I'm just shuffling around. Kinda feel nauseous now too. I don't even want weed. I'm totally fucked up lol.

Food tonight I don't even really care about. Like... I'm going to eat so I don't collapse. But...I dont have any cravings.

Hello Kimbo Kush,

Wow. Thanks for sharing. I never once considered fasting. It doesn't seem like anything I would want to do. Probably because I don't get the point of it and am purposely ignorant to the benefits. I really like my life just the way it is. Hearing your description of it satisfies any curiosity I ever had over fasting, which wasn't much. But it's enough to totally seal the deal for me. There are plenty of things in life I never wish to do. Fasting is on the list. Better you than me. But then you have more waking hours to occupy your mind. I sleep at night.

there are many health benefits to fasting. That said, this isn't something I would want to do very often. As I have said in many posts by now, it's all mental. I've barely had any hunger pains. It's a war with the mind. I think everyone should challenge themselves that way now and then. Whether it be through fasting or something else.

I've been able to sit still for much longer. And contemplate. Maybe I haven't been getting the dopamine from food, but... I'm pretty down.

Doesn't help massachusetts weather sucks ass. everything cold and dark and grey. Massachusetts in the winter is how the greeks viewed hades.

I'm not doing this again for a long time, but I don't think I regret doing it.

2.5 hours more to go everyone. I'm about to go food shopping.
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true and false. In some ways, it wasn't very hard, but that doesn't mean it was enjoyable.

i'm glad I challenged myself though. That said, everyones body's chemistry is different. I have read a lot of people doing fasting and I feel like my symptoms are a bit more rare or less described. I can barely walk anymore. I'm just shuffling around. Kinda feel nauseous now too. I don't even want weed. I'm totally fucked up lol.

Food tonight I don't even really care about. Like... I'm going to eat so I don't collapse. But...I dont have any cravings.

there are many health benefits to fasting. That said, this isn't something I would want to do very often. As I have said in many posts by now, it's all mental. I've barely had any hunger pains. It's a war with the mind. I think everyone should challenge themselves that way now and then. Whether it be through fasting or something else.

I've been able to sit still for much longer. And contemplate. Maybe I haven't been getting the dopamine from food, but... I'm pretty down.

Doesn't help massachusetts weather sucks ass. everything cold and dark and grey. Massachusetts in the winter is how the greeks viewed hades.

I'm not doing this again for a long time, but I don't think I regret doing it.

2.5 hours more to go everyone. I'm about to go food shopping.

Didn't you hear that you shouldn't ever go grocery shopping on an empty stomach? lol

Now you understand why fasting is part of many indigenous cultures' vision quests. Thanks for sharing your experience; I always wondered how it would feel and if any unusual mental things would happen.
Relax and quit acting like a millennial. Fasting isn’t that hard. It’s nothing from a suffering standpoint like bonking (low blood glycogen) or going acidotic and hitting the wall (depletion of glycogen stores in your liver).

What you’re experiencing isn’t disorientation but increased brain activity, you’ve entered an alternate state of consciousness because you’ve lost that structure or center as you described it.

Reach out to that feeling, embrace it. Don’t fight it. You have entered the gate of that state of Zen or Wa you are seeking. Focus or meditate on that feeling and you will find a new center and a new structure. This the State you seek.

I never thought "bonking" was real,till I rode cross town on a empty stomach and a beta blocker and to many clothes.
Coming home I got a half a mile from home and Bonked.Sat for 10 minutes,remounted and rode slow as fuck the last half mile got home sweating like Hell,crawled up the stairs,grabbed a 32 oz Gatorade,and soaked in the tub,two hours!
true and false. In some ways, it wasn't very hard, but that doesn't mean it was enjoyable.

i'm glad I challenged myself though. That said, everyones body's chemistry is different. I have read a lot of people doing fasting and I feel like my symptoms are a bit more rare or less described. I can barely walk anymore. I'm just shuffling around. Kinda feel nauseous now too. I don't even want weed. I'm totally fucked up lol.

Food tonight I don't even really care about. Like... I'm going to eat so I don't collapse. But...I dont have any cravings.

there are many health benefits to fasting. That said, this isn't something I would want to do very often. As I have said in many posts by now, it's all mental. I've barely had any hunger pains. It's a war with the mind. I think everyone should challenge themselves that way now and then. Whether it be through fasting or something else.

I've been able to sit still for much longer. And contemplate. Maybe I haven't been getting the dopamine from food, but... I'm pretty down.

Doesn't help massachusetts weather sucks ass. everything cold and dark and grey. Massachusetts in the winter is how the greeks viewed hades.

I'm not doing this again for a long time, but I don't think I regret doing it.

2.5 hours more to go everyone. I'm about to go food shopping.

Maybe start out with a Gatorade or broth.
Before solid food.
I never thought "bonking" was real,till I rode cross town on a empty stomach and a beta blocker and to many clothes.
Coming home I got a half a mile from home and Bonked.Sat for 10 minutes,remounted and rode slow as fuck the last half mile got home sweating like Hell,crawled up the stairs,grabbed a 32 oz Gatorade,and soaked in the tub,two hours!

fucking GATERODE. that's what I am going to have. nice call
true and false. In some ways, it wasn't very hard, but that doesn't mean it was enjoyable.

i'm glad I challenged myself though. That said, everyones body's chemistry is different. I have read a lot of people doing fasting and I feel like my symptoms are a bit more rare or less described. I can barely walk anymore. I'm just shuffling around. Kinda feel nauseous now too. I don't even want weed. I'm totally fucked up lol.

Food tonight I don't even really care about. Like... I'm going to eat so I don't collapse. But...I dont have any cravings.

there are many health benefits to fasting. That said, this isn't something I would want to do very often. As I have said in many posts by now, it's all mental. I've barely had any hunger pains. It's a war with the mind. I think everyone should challenge themselves that way now and then. Whether it be through fasting or something else.

I've been able to sit still for much longer. And contemplate. Maybe I haven't been getting the dopamine from food, but... I'm pretty down.

Doesn't help massachusetts weather sucks ass. everything cold and dark and grey. Massachusetts in the winter is how the greeks viewed hades.

I'm not doing this again for a long time, but I don't think I regret doing it.

2.5 hours more to go everyone. I'm about to go food shopping.

Yea no one said it’s fun. Drink some Gatorade or some broth. Your appetite will come back with a vengeance in 30 minutes or so. Resist the urge to go on an eating binge. Read a good book .
Hello Kimbo Kush,

true and false. In some ways, it wasn't very hard, but that doesn't mean it was enjoyable.

i'm glad I challenged myself though. That said, everyones body's chemistry is different. I have read a lot of people doing fasting and I feel like my symptoms are a bit more rare or less described. I can barely walk anymore. I'm just shuffling around. Kinda feel nauseous now too. I don't even want weed. I'm totally fucked up lol.

Food tonight I don't even really care about. Like... I'm going to eat so I don't collapse. But...I dont have any cravings.

there are many health benefits to fasting. That said, this isn't something I would want to do very often. As I have said in many posts by now, it's all mental. I've barely had any hunger pains. It's a war with the mind. I think everyone should challenge themselves that way now and then. Whether it be through fasting or something else.

I've been able to sit still for much longer. And contemplate. Maybe I haven't been getting the dopamine from food, but... I'm pretty down.

Doesn't help massachusetts weather sucks ass. everything cold and dark and grey. Massachusetts in the winter is how the greeks viewed hades.

I'm not doing this again for a long time, but I don't think I regret doing it.

2.5 hours more to go everyone. I'm about to go food shopping.

Congrats on seeing it through. If I have my math right you only have about 1 hour to go. Close enough, really, but if you made up your mind on a certain time and you're determined to get there, more power to ya. The feeling of self accomplishment is worth the extra push.

I challenged myself a long time ago to try to be the most respectful and polite chat room poster I could be, in one of the roughest chat rooms around. I am seeing that through with every visit here. Ideals. Morals. Conviction. Knowing that I did my best to stick to politics and not attack others for their view, but only take issue with views that I disagree with. It was difficult at first but now that the habits are set it is nothing. And it feels so good to set a goal and accomplish it. As you obviously know.

Well done. I wonder how long it will take before you get your energy back?
I never thought "bonking" was real,till I rode cross town on a empty stomach and a beta blocker and to many clothes.
Coming home I got a half a mile from home and Bonked.Sat for 10 minutes,remounted and rode slow as fuck the last half mile got home sweating like Hell,crawled up the stairs,grabbed a 32 oz Gatorade,and soaked in the tub,two hours!

That’s the bonk. Lord help you if you hit the wall. It feels like death. I hit the wall doing a double century. Last 65 miles was in a horrible cross wind. I was trying for a PB of under 12 hours and I had my caloric intake well planned out but I hadn’t calculated a 20 mph headwind/crosswind. By the time I hit the last food stop I was bonking with 45 miles to go. I should have cashed it in there as a couldn’t take solid food. I took some gel packs and a couple of bottles of sports drink thinking it would be enough. With 20 miles to go I hit the wall. It took me 3 hours to the last 20 miles in truly miserable suffering. As soon as I got off my bike at the finish I went to a pick-nick table and lay there having wave after wave of full body cramps and dry heaving that lasted about 30 minutes. It took me another hour curled up in a ball with cramps and 3 bottles of sports drink before I could get up and walk to my car. My GF came close to calling 911. The whole time I was having hallucinations. I finally recovered about two hours after I got off the bike but it took a couple more hours before I could hold down solid food. Then it took me about two weeks to fully recover.