I'm doing a 3 day fast, pretty much for the fuck of it

I made it you guys!

About to dig into some chicken noodle soup sans veggies and noodles

if all goes well I may bump it up to some grilled chicken in a bit

the last 2 hours I seemed to get some of my energy back. I wonder if that was psychological
Naaah. It’s no problem. You’d still have plenty of energy stored to exercise vigorously for an hour. You probably wouldn’t want to run a marathon or do a century ride but you’d be fine with normal exercise.

I'm going to go ahead and pass on that. (Let's see if Grind makes it out of this alive)
I'm going to go ahead and pass on that. (Let's see if Grind makes it out of this alive)

Grind? He’s a cockroach. 500 million years from now when all life forms as know them are extinct, except for Cockroaches and Keith Richards, Grind will still be around.

Fortunately Skidmark will be dead so it’s not all bad.
That’s the bonk. Lord help you if you hit the wall. It feels like death. I hit the wall doing a double century. Last 65 miles was in a horrible cross wind. I was trying for a PB of under 12 hours and I had my caloric intake well planned out but I hadn’t calculated a 20 mph headwind/crosswind. By the time I hit the last food stop I was bonking with 45 miles to go. I should have cashed it in there as a couldn’t take solid food. I took some gel packs and a couple of bottles of sports drink thinking it would be enough. With 20 miles to go I hit the wall. It took me 3 hours to the last 20 miles in truly miserable suffering. As soon as I got off my bike at the finish I went to a pick-nick table and lay there having wave after wave of full body cramps and dry heaving that lasted about 30 minutes. It took me another hour curled up in a ball with cramps and 3 bottles of sports drink before I could get up and walk to my car. My GF came close to calling 911. The whole time I was having hallucinations. I finally recovered about two hours after I got off the bike but it took a couple more hours before I could hold down solid food. Then it took me about two weeks to fully recover.

I've had my fair share of hitting the wall so to speak with things. Once I needed Mom to stay home from work because I was just sitting in a room losing my gourd. I was delirious and needed reassurance I wasn't in fact dying. The moral to that one is don't fall asleep in a hot tub bath. I also had a vitamin D deficiency one time and had the worst depression I've ever seen. You break down out of nowhere at times with sudden overwhelming dread. It had no link or reason though in actual sadness so you couldn't really control much. During those times I'd go a day or longer here and there without eating.
I've had my fair share of hitting the wall so to speak with things. Once I needed Mom to stay home from work because I was just sitting in a room losing my gourd. I was delirious and needed reassurance I wasn't in fact dying. The moral to that one is don't fall asleep in a hot tub bath.

I hope this is when you were a kid, right?
you think the bath thing is what I glomed onto? And not that you made your mom stay home for work as an adult because you were crying and needed to take a bubble bath?

Oh no, it wasn't crying, I was fucked up. I was dehydrated, overheated, and delirious. In hindsight, I may have wanted to just head to the ER since I may have been close to a heat stroke. It was late at night before Mom's nightshift was to start though. I just needed to calm the fuck down, get hydrated, and cool off. I needed help with those things though as I was losing my nerve a bit and was having trouble calming down. Come to think of it though I'm not sure if it was a bath mishap or if I fell asleep with one of those infrared heaters running on my back. I can't remember much of the cause I just remember the effect. I also don't take bubble baths but rather soaks. Often been doctors recommendation to do so to alleviate issues. Best to have an understanding before you get all judgmental.
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Spent a week in the hospital with pancreatitis. No food whatsoever, just IV fluids. Nurse's mistake putting my IV on a pole with wheels...
Oh no, it wasn't crying, I was fucked up. I was dehydrated, overheated, and delirious. In hindsight, I may have wanted to just head to the ER since I may have been close to a heat stroke. It was late at night before Mom's nightshift was to start though. I just needed to calm the fuck down, get hydrated, and cool off. I needed help with those things though as I was losing my nerve a bit and was having trouble calming down. Come to think of it though I'm not sure if it was a bath mishap or if I fell asleep with one of those infrared heaters running on my back. I can't remember much of the cause I just remember the effect. I also don't take bubble baths but rather soaks. Often been doctors recommendation to do so to alleviate issues. Best to have an understanding before you get all judgmental.

but how old were you when this happened
I made it you guys!

About to dig into some chicken noodle soup sans veggies and noodles

if all goes well I may bump it up to some grilled chicken in a bit

the last 2 hours I seemed to get some of my energy back. I wonder if that was psychological
Oh absolutely. Keep in mind that your body stores about 30,000-50,000 calories in fat reserves and about 3,000-5,000 of glycogen in your liver, which is available for cellular metabolism immediately.

When you do a three day fast, if you’re sedentary, your body only needs around 4,500 calories to get through those three days. So yea the low energy was largely psychological. Keep doing this once a month and after a few times it doesn’t feel so dramatic.
I've had my fair share of hitting the wall so to speak with things. Once I needed Mom to stay home from work because I was just sitting in a room losing my gourd. I was delirious and needed reassurance I wasn't in fact dying. The moral to that one is don't fall asleep in a hot tub bath. I also had a vitamin D deficiency one time and had the worst depression I've ever seen. You break down out of nowhere at times with sudden overwhelming dread. It had no link or reason though in actual sadness so you couldn't really control much. During those times I'd go a day or longer here and there without eating.
Uhhhhh you’re talking about something completely different.
I spent four days in the hospital once on a liquid diet,thought I must have lost 10 lbs,I lost 2.

On a three day fast you would typically lose 0.5 to 1.5 lbs, which is less than the daily variance in water weight. So if you fast, are sedentary and drink a lot of water you can actually gain weight but it would be water weight and no bfd.