In Trump's America "Christian" is no longer a religious faith

If the god of the Bible actually punishes people by sending them to Hell for ETERNAL punishment...people who pretend they worship and love the god should stop the pretense...and go with "abject fear of the god" instead. There is no love or adoration involved with a god like that.

Come to think of it...ETERNAL LIFE would be a kind of Hell in itself. Especially one devoted to sitting around worshiping what is essentially a serial killer.

That's something I always found weird about Christianity and Islam. Supposedly these religions are about worshiping a god out of love, but you're really just doing it to avoid eternal punishment. So really, these religions are about doing whatever this god wants in order to avoid something, not in order to show love.
Actually, the god of the Bible acts in a way that is totally beyond the logic of humans. For all we know, he sends believers to Hell and lets Atheists into Heaven. Maybe he is real and I'll be looking down on you.

Is there really a 'God of the Bible'? It's an anthology of documents by believers in various things written over a very long time. We might perhaps talk of a 'God of the New Testament' (though I'd have my doubts about Revelations), but very few Americans, and no Trumpers certainly, have ever heard of that one.
Actually, the god of the Bible acts in a way that is totally beyond the logic of humans. For all we know, he sends believers to Hell and lets Atheists into Heaven. Maybe he is real and I'll be looking down on you.

I'll take my chances over yours.

The question remains, why must you insult my beliefs when I don't insult yours? Do you have an underlying fear?
Because your beliefs are dangerous. I also insult the beliefs of Fascism and Communism.

My beliefs have no effect on you unless you allow them to. Not my fault.

You have yet to insult the beliefs of fascists or communists. You seem to share them.
Actually, "Atheist" means "godless" and refers to the lack of belief in a god. Atheists aren't against a god, they just lack the belief. Not sure there you got AGAINST DEITY from. I'm guessing a meme on Facebook.


Because I was talking about how I learned all religions are political. I learned that through seeing and listening, through observing, not through talking.

Basic empathy, which most humans have. If you don't have basic empathy, then you're likely mentally ill, as this is a common trait in serial killers.

Yeah...godless....or AGAINST DEITY as pointed out. Is the HUMAN ANIMAL the only animal to have empathy? You act as if a mother lion will not have empathy toward her cubs and defend them with her own life. Empathy exists in the animal kingdom.....morality does not. Empathy can be instinctual.....morality (the Identifying of a moral code of conduct) cannot be instinctual. Law simply IDS what society declares to be moral and immoral. Man can make laws.....but man is incapable of making morality, it must be transcending.

Explain how empathy brought about MORALITY in human animals only? :bigthink: And while you at it.....present your objective evidence that proves that God does not exist as you profess. Again...a simple question, How can you be AGAINST something that does not exist? God? :dunno: To be a true must prove that God does not exist. You can't even make a prima facie case against the existence of God....all your accusations can be shot down via a simple logical reason of doubt.
My beliefs have no effect on you unless you allow them to. Not my fault.

Well if religious people were a tiny minority, then that would be the case. However, because there are so many people who claim to believe in mythology, society as a whole is forced to accept religion as something valid. This means that truth isn't seen as important as it should be, which in turn makes it easy for politicians like Trump to redefine truth for their own benefit. It's being said that we're living in a post-truth America now, which is true, but the reason that happened is because truth was devalued by religion in the first place.

You have yet to insult the beliefs of fascists or communists. You seem to share them.

Then you must have me confused with another poster because I criticize the blind loyalty to Trump as being Fascist all the time.
Yeah...godless....or AGAINST DEITY as pointed out.

Lacking belief in a god is not the same as being against a god. I'm not against any god, or even the idea that a god could exist, I just lack a belief in gods.

Is the HUMAN ANIMAL the only animal to have empathy? You act as if a mother lion will not have empathy toward her cubs and defend them with her own life. Empathy exists in the animal kingdom.....morality does not. Empathy can be instinctual.....morality (the Identifying of a moral code of conduct) cannot be instinctual. Law simply IDS what society declares to be moral and immoral. Man can make laws.....but man is incapable of making morality, it must be transcending.

Humans have laws and systems of morality because we're a more advanced species, but our laws come from both pragmatism and basic empathy. Humans also have food service, animals don't, but our food service comes from hunger, which animals also have.

Explain how empathy brought about MORALITY in human animals only?

Because humans are smarter, we're able to construct systems of morality based on empathy and pragmatism. It's pretty simple.

And while you at it.....present your objective evidence that proves that God does not exist as you profess. Again...a simple question, How can you be AGAINST something that does not exist? God? :dunno: To be a true must prove that God does not exist. You can't even make a prima facie case against the existence of God....all your accusations can be shot down via a simple logical reason of doubt.

So once again, Atheists aren't AGAINST gods, they just lack a belief in gods. Personally, I also lack a belief in elves. That doesn't mean I'm AGAINST elves.

No, I don't have to prove gods don't exist because it's impossible to prove a negative. And that which is presented without evidence (such as gods) can be rejected without evidence. It's up to you to prove to me that your beliefs are real.
Far too late for that better never than late patriot act party where Rehnquist's immaculate drug conception ignorance to confirm a fabricated misnomer of a US Army Vet being Islam according to lynching enforcement stupidity certainly got those "man is God" second coming Christiananality pedophilia national religion culmination from 9/11 standing for Muslim "death to the infidels" flying carpet terrorists.

I think the bot is broken.
How can you be against something that does not per your projections? Atheism is simply a Latin term meaning AGAINST DEITY. If there is no such thing as deity, why must you declare you are against this non-existent entity? A true atheist would simply say nothing. There is no such thing as a true omitted the most important ability of mankind. A mouth that can speak. I wonder why? You were quick to include ears and eyes (all animals have eyes and ears)…..but you omitted the ability of verbal communications to the point that man is the only creature in existence that often TALKS about his/her own MORTALITY. No other animal on earth....makes and plans for a future through verbal communications. Animals live day by day by instinct. Where did this ability to determine MORALITY come from? Morality does not exist in nature. Animals have no concept of death.....they know only life. When you are dead you know nothing. Only man plans for his/her own death.

There are TRUTHS that are PRIMA FACIE....and stand as truth until objective evidence proves that circumstantial truth to be wrong. People are imprisoned each and every day in the US under the logic of PRIMA FACIE truths.

For atheism to be a fact.....YOU MUST present the objective evidence that proves that GOD does not exist. Until you are simply practicing another form of faith based religion.....Secular Humanism.

I take it that you're not familiar with passive atheism.

Some people are atheist by default. I happen to be one of them. I don't claim to know there is no god. I simply choose not to believe in one unless I have sufficient evidence. It's no different from the principles of Occam's Razor and logical positivism.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. The existence of an omnipotent, omniscient being requires a tremendous amount of evidence. Failing that, it is more logical to assume it does not exist.

But once again, I cannot prove a negative. So, I don't claim to know there is no god. It is merely an assumption.
You're Spiritually Blind and Deaf!

Belief in a deity logically poses the question of "which one should I believe in?" You have several to pick from. Only a small fraction of the ones ever believed in are currently being worshiped.

In a technical sense, the only difference between a believer and an atheist is that the atheist chooses to believe in one less god than the believer. Granted, the math works out a little differently when comparing an atheist to a believer in polytheism (like Hindus).
Belief in a deity logically poses the question of "which one should I believe in?" You have several to pick from. Only a small fraction of the ones ever believed in are currently being worshiped.

In a technical sense, the only difference between a believer and an atheist is that the atheist chooses to believe in one less god than the believer. Granted, the math works out a little differently when comparing an atheist to a believer in polytheism (like Hindus).

True faith isn't Blind Faith,but a Spiritual awakening from having the Holt Spirit live in you.
Yes, and they can often play tricks on the mind and confuse it, as is often demonstrated by the posts on this forum.

Bottom line; If what I believe is correct, I'll go to a better place and look down on you. If I'm wrong, I'm still no worse off than you.

Pascal's Wager is an interesting concept, although it still doesn't answer the question of what god to believe in. In the hypothetical you pose, there are actually 3 other possibilities.

1) You could both be wrong. You may have picked the wrong god to believe in and face damnation along with the atheist.

2) You could both be wrong, and you both are reincarnated without any memory of this life.

3) You could both be wrong, but the correct god doesn't condemn people to damnation. You both end up in an afterlife together.
True faith isn't Blind Faith,but a Spiritual awakening from having the Holt Spirit live in you.

So I've heard. There are things that I like about Christian culture, but I don't believe in the supernatural aspects of it, even though I agree with parts of its morality.
As Thomas Aquinas said,
Jesus was either,Liar,Lunatic,or LORD

Indeed. There are also people who assume that Christ wasn't a real person but an amalgamation of other culturally relevant figures. There are many parallels between Christ and Mithras, for example. I'm not really sure what to assume regarding this.