In Trump's America "Christian" is no longer a religious faith

Indeed. There are also people who assume that Christ wasn't a real person but an amalgamation of other culturally relevant figures. There are many parallels between Christ and Mithras, for example. I'm not really sure what to assume regarding this.

I had zero religion growing up,at 26,I had Epiphany one night from the Holy Spirit.
That Jesus is LORD.
That's something I always found weird about Christianity and Islam. Supposedly these religions are about worshiping a god out of love, but you're really just doing it to avoid eternal punishment. So really, these religions are about doing whatever this god wants in order to avoid something, not in order to show love.

Kind of. Granted, the Mormons modified this. For them, only people who knowingly defied God go to hell. So, there are a few Biblical figures that directly communicated with God that defied him and went to hell, but everyone else goes to heaven. Granted, there are different tiers of heaven, and the Mormons have the highest one (as far as I understand it).

They also believe that it's possible to become a god of your own universe if you "pass the test" perfectly. It's a weird thought, but it's definitely interesting.
I had zero religion growing up,at 26,I had Epiphany one night from the Holy Spirit.
That Jesus is LORD.

I was the reverse. I was raised Methodist but I became atheist at 15 after realizing that I was just going through the motions. I was socially expected to go to church, and I did so unquestioningly until that point. After I started to question things, I realized I didn't have any actual faith.

I think religion is still a good influence on society overall though. Not everyone can be "good for good's sake." Some people need an omnipotent overseer to keep them in line. That being said, I'm not saying all religious people fit that.
Kind of. Granted, the Mormons modified this. For them, only people who knowingly defied God go to hell. So, there are a few Biblical figures that directly communicated with God that defied him and went to hell, but everyone else goes to heaven. Granted, there are different tiers of heaven, and the Mormons have the highest one (as far as I understand it).

They also believe that it's possible to become a god of your own universe if you "pass the test" perfectly. It's a weird thought, but it's definitely interesting.

They also believe in magic underwear,and that people came straight from Israel to America,none of which or their descendents can be found!
"Many come in my name,but they aren't mine"
They also believe in magic underwear,and that people came straight from Israel to America,none of which or their descendents can be found!
"Many come in my name,but they aren't mine"

Oh, they have some quirks for sure, but the only difference I see between them and other religions is that the faith is younger. The older a religion is, the easier it is to excuse the quirks. But logically, it doesn't make the quirks any less strange.

Compare God's nature in the Old Testament to that of the New Testament. He goes from fire and brimstone to much more forgiving in just a matter of a few centuries. Then again, Revelation is more like the Old Testament.
I was the reverse. I was raised Methodist but I became atheist at 15 after realizing that I was just going through the motions. I was socially expected to go to church, and I did so unquestioningly until that point. After I started to question things, I realized I didn't have any actual faith.

I think religion is still a good influence on society overall though. Not everyone can be "good for good's sake." Some people need an omnipotent overseer to keep them in line. That being said, I'm not saying all religious people fit that.

Many so-called churches are like that social clubs disguised as churches,with people giving lip service to a God they assume exists.
Oh, they have some quirks for sure, but the only difference I see between them and other religions is that the faith is younger. The older a religion is, the easier it is to excuse the quirks. But logically, it doesn't make the quirks any less strange.

Compare God's nature in the Old Testament to that of the New Testament. He goes from fire and brimstone to much more forgiving in just a matter of a few centuries. Then again, Revelation is more like the Old Testament.

When Israel was reborn in 1948,we stepped back to living from the New Testament,to returning to living in the Old Testament.
To finish the Prophecies that had not yet been fulfilled.
Is there really a 'God of the Bible'? It's an anthology of documents by believers in various things written over a very long time. We might perhaps talk of a 'God of the New Testament' (though I'd have my doubts about Revelations), but very few Americans, and no Trumpers certainly, have ever heard of that one.

You assume too much. There are atheist Trump supporters, like myself. But yes, the Bible was edited down to certain books by many writers, so each chapter gives its own cultural spin on things.
Kind of. Granted, the Mormons modified this. For them, only people who knowingly defied God go to hell. So, there are a few Biblical figures that directly communicated with God that defied him and went to hell, but everyone else goes to heaven. Granted, there are different tiers of heaven, and the Mormons have the highest one (as far as I understand it).

They also believe that it's possible to become a god of your own universe if you "pass the test" perfectly. It's a weird thought, but it's definitely interesting.

That makes so much more sense than other forms of Christianity. No wonder it's the one true religion in South Park.
When Israel was reborn in 1948,we stepped back to living from the New Testament,to returning to living in the Old Testament.
To finish the Prophecies that had not yet been fulfilled.

Dispensationalists interpret things as such, although various other Christian ideologies do not believe this to be the case.
Religions have always been businesses that want continued expansion. If you are sometimes confused by what they do, look at the money. The Catholic Church knew exactly what the right and religious thing to do with brutal nuns and priests who were buggering children. But instead of making a confession and a firm purpose of amendment, they covered it up. They thought they could get away with it, but the priests continued doing it until there was no hiding it anymore. They hired bigtime law firms and exerted incredible pressure on those who told. That is not what religion would do. It is what a corporation would do.
Religions are businesses that use religion as a shield. The evangelicals are making that even clearer.
Well if religious people were a tiny minority, then that would be the case. However, because there are so many people who claim to believe in mythology, society as a whole is forced to accept religion as something valid. This means that truth isn't seen as important as it should be, which in turn makes it easy for politicians like Trump to redefine truth for their own benefit. It's being said that we're living in a post-truth America now, which is true, but the reason that happened is because truth was devalued by religion in the first place.

It's not that cut and dry. Part of the reason for why the "fake news" comment resonates with people is because the media has long been very selective in what it reports. It rarely gives the full story on something, and it selects stories that fit a given narrative.

Long before Trump was elected, plenty of people hated and distrusted the media for this reason. I happen to be one of those people. The only reliable way of gathering the truth is to cross-reference sources from different orientations.

Then you must have me confused with another poster because I criticize the blind loyalty to Trump as being Fascist all the time.

You're confusing fascism with statism. Statism is blind loyalty to government. Fascism is a lot more specific than that.
Religions have always been businesses that want continued expansion. If you are sometimes confused by what they do, look at the money. The Catholic Church knew exactly what the right and religious thing to do with brutal nuns and priests who were buggering children. But instead of making a confession and a firm purpose of amendment, they covered it up. They thought they could get away with it, but the priests continued doing it until there was no hiding it anymore. They hired bigtime law firms and exerted incredible pressure on those who told. That is not what religion would do. It is what a corporation would do.
Religions are businesses that use religion as a shield. The evangelicals are making that even clearer.

Well, I would argue that's exactly what religion does, mostly because I can't think of a religion of significant size that doesn't do it.

Granted, what you're identifying is the problem with organized religion. On a personal level, religion can be a good thing. When you organize it, it often becomes corrupt, but such is the nature of humanity.
It's not that cut and dry. Part of the reason for why the "fake news" comment resonates with people is because the media has long been very selective in what it reports. It rarely gives the full story on something, and it selects stories that fit a given narrative.

True, but that doesn't explain why people are so fast to believe a lie just because someone says it. I can totally get not trusting mainstream media, but if anything, that means people should be more skeptical of all media, not less. The truth is most people aren't skeptical at all, they're just choosing what they want to believe.

Long before Trump was elected, plenty of people hated and distrusted the media for this reason. I happen to be one of those people. The only reliable way of gathering the truth is to cross-reference sources from different orientations.

Yeah, but people aren't cross-referencing sources, they're just believing whatever Trump says.
Trump repeated his Ukrainian Server conspiracy theory on Fox & Friends. When they actually gave him some push back, asking if he was sure about that, his answer was "well that's what the word is." And for most Trumpcucks, that's good enough. You know it's true because Trump said that's what the word is.

You're confusing fascism with statism. Statism is blind loyalty to government. Fascism is a lot more specific than that.

If you want to get technical, sure, Fascism is typically characterized by things like no free speech, no democratic elections, no government transparency, and so on. But the Republicans can't openly promote that stuff just yet. First they need to move the overton window to a place where at least half of Americans will accept these things. That's why right now they're trying to normalize bribery and rigged elections. And really, if Trump came out and said the president should be allowed to eliminate political opponents through bribery, would his party even fight him on it? Would his supporters? We're shockingly close to the transition into Fascism, all we need is Republican control of congress.
Religions have always been businesses that want continued expansion. If you are sometimes confused by what they do, look at the money. The Catholic Church knew exactly what the right and religious thing to do with brutal nuns and priests who were buggering children. But instead of making a confession and a firm purpose of amendment, they covered it up. They thought they could get away with it, but the priests continued doing it until there was no hiding it anymore. They hired bigtime law firms and exerted incredible pressure on those who told. That is not what religion would do. It is what a corporation would do.
Religions are businesses that use religion as a shield. The evangelicals are making that even clearer.

True Christian doctrine is found only in one place...….The inspired works of the Holy Scriptures. There never was any scriptural authority for anything the Catholic Church did during its 1500 year strangle hold on the religion of Christianity. The church was ran and controlled from Rome, the Roman ruled over all the governments of the western world and brought you such noble concepts as the crusades and the inquisitions …...where there never existed any such authority in the Holy Scriptures.

The church....held the actual content of the Holy Bible hostage as well when ROME decided that if you could not beat them.....USE THEM to conquer the world through a false flag Christianity (Roman Catholicism....that even today has its own version of the Holy Bible with extra books, and declares that the POPE is god on earth, God's ruler of earth. Only the church was allowed access to the holy scriptures and then it was all mandated to be translated into the obscure LATIN language that only educated members of the church hierarchy could translate. In fact it was illegal for a lay person to even possess a copy of the Holy Bible and was punishable by death sentence.

It was not until the advent of the printing press and the translation of the Scriptures into English did the lay people find out the truth....and protested the Catholics bid for world conquest through control of Christian doctrine. It was this "PROTEST....ant" movement away from Europe and its state mandated false flag religion that gave all authority to ROME ….that created the United States of America.

As stated when one simply adheres to the actual content of the Holy Scriptures can true Christian Doctrine be found (truth cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God)…….Christianity was founded as a Sola Scriptura Religion and must be practiced as ALL THE WORDS in scripture are inspired of God and were delivered as the Words of the Christ to the Apostles of Jesus...who then recorded those words for all future generations.

Or as the Apostle Peter stated God has already given us ALL THINGS PERTAINING TO LIFE AND GODLINESS.... As Paul confirmed in the once delivered HOLY SCRIPTURES (2 Peter 1:23), (Jude 3)

Anyone? Point out the Book, Chapter and verse that authorizes anyone to USE CHRISTIANITY as a forced concept. Christianity is a spiritual religion that rests in the hearts of those who accept its truth....its not a literal kingdom that will one day physically conquer the world as Rome Attempted....or as ISLAM is now attempting. True Christian doctrine is based upon free will and free will choices that free the sprit that rests with man. God has no respect of person...….everyone dies, its the spirit of man that needs salvation as the spirit of man is eternal.

The church (as in Rome) bases its religion upon man made traditions....not scriptural doctrine. Example: ChristMAST…..the authority of this special mass does not exist in scripture.....its a Catholic Tradition at its origins...the same for Easter, a special mass based upon godless paganism during the spring equinox. I defy anyone to find Easter or Christmas in the Holy Scriptures. Its now ingrained as an American tradition as well.....I defend anyone that wants to observe this holiday....the same as I would defend anyone that wants to observe the 4th of July....etc., or even Oct. 31st.....these are nothing but man made traditions......if you want true freedom and must respect these US traditions the same as your fellow citizens do. I would never deny the faces of Children and the happiness that comes from such traditions.....To me, all the holidays are for history and our CHILDREN.

If I want to know what God wants....I go to the source, The Holy Scriptures. Anyone that tells you they are speaking directly to God simply a con artist or batshit crazy.
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Romans 3:23 King James Version (KJV)
23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

I don't support Trump because I think he is a moral man. Being a moral man is between him and his God. I support him because he supports my right to worship or not to worship how I please. Also the Dems all support abortion till the moment of delivery. They will never have my vote as long as they support the slaughter of innocent babies.
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True, but that doesn't explain why people are so fast to believe a lie just because someone says it. I can totally get not trusting mainstream media, but if anything, that means people should be more skeptical of all media, not less. The truth is most people aren't skeptical at all, they're just choosing what they want to believe.

I can agree with that. I see plenty of dogmatic thinking among various political persuasions.

Yeah, but people aren't cross-referencing sources, they're just believing whatever Trump says.
Trump repeated his Ukrainian Server conspiracy theory on Fox & Friends. When they actually gave him some push back, asking if he was sure about that, his answer was "well that's what the word is." And for most Trumpcucks, that's good enough. You know it's true because Trump said that's what the word is.

Again, I agree that people shouldn't believe what Trump says at face value. I see plenty of people who do the equivalent with the mainstream media and with the Democratic party as well, however.

Look at how many progressives still cling to the Russia narrative even though the Mueller report turned out to be inconsequential.

If you want to get technical, sure, Fascism is typically characterized by things like no free speech, no democratic elections, no government transparency, and so on. But the Republicans can't openly promote that stuff just yet. First they need to move the overton window to a place where at least half of Americans will accept these things. That's why right now they're trying to normalize bribery and rigged elections. And really, if Trump came out and said the president should be allowed to eliminate political opponents through bribery, would his party even fight him on it? Would his supporters? We're shockingly close to the transition into Fascism, all we need is Republican control of congress.

How exactly are they normalizing rigged elections? Don't tell me you buy the Russia narrative too, eh?

If anyone is shifting the Overton window, it's the left. 15 years ago, if you claimed that someone with a penis could identify as a woman and that made them a woman, you'd be laughed at. Now, you might lose your job if you voiced disagreement.

15 years ago, if you ran on a platform supporting reparations and free healthcare for illegals, you'd be laughed off of the campaign trail. Now, most of the Dem candidates support these things.

15 years ago, if you said black people can't be racist because racism equals "power + privilege", people would think you're an idiot. Now, it's a commonly accepted definition, since apparently, applying the same standards in speech to every race is no longer en vogue. Go equality, eh?

15 years ago, if you said ICE should be abolished, you'd also be laughed at, but now even Bernie Sanders has voiced support for this idea.

So yeah, most of the shifting has undoubtedly been to the left. The Republicans have largely taken positions that Bill Clinton agreed with in the 90s, like border security.