Indian Names for JPP members

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All you need to know about /b/.

In his position, I fail to see how it could hurt. Personally, I wouldn't hang around that long once the final score was known. I'd find a nice mountain and watch a sunset.

Harder to do than to say for most people. Still, there will be no miracle at the end. Just staring at a ceiling with a bunch of tubes in every orifice. Not a good death.

I wouldn’t blame him, either. I’d ask for a morphine cocktail.
In his position, I fail to see how it could hurt. Personally, I wouldn't hang around that long once the final score was known. I'd find a nice mountain and watch a sunset.

Harder to do than to say for most people. Still, there will be no miracle at the end. Just staring at a ceiling with a bunch of tubes in every orifice. Not a good death.

My friend, mercifully, was in a coma.
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