Indian Names for JPP members

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Given your weakness as a male, I can understand why your wife would rather fuck me than you.

My suggestion is that you and APL get together and live life as two fags.

BTW, I don't recommendations from a goddamn cowardly #%^ lover like you. When are you going to learn?


If you attend group therapy, inmate, you will see your life improve. Maybe you'll even find happiness with a person to your liking.

The alternative is that you'll likely end up back inside for the rest of your life.

If you attend group therapy, inmate, you will see your life improve. Maybe you'll even find happiness with a person to your liking. The alternative is that you'll likely end up back inside for the rest of your life.

If you were a real man, I wouldn't have to pleasure your wife. Same with APL.
He was going to move to Ohio, but the pandemic put a stop to that for now.

A lot of ppl here have said that about Canada, plus according to your lights, anyone who criticizes anything -- a religion, our country, the IMPOTUS -- is a "hater." So why aren't you constantly making nasty little remarks about all those ppl? Nope, just Jade. You've always resented and attacked him for being on SSI. Odd since you yourself are on disability. Yeah, yeah, you "earned" it. :rolleyes:

You must have "selective reading." Hell, I've even mixed it up with my friend EE, not to mention the infamous "Legion" and a number of others I often agree with.

I have 4 retirement accounts that I draw from. My home is paid for. My vehicles are paid for. The GF makes very good money and she's planning an early retirement too.
I don't spend beyond my means. My vacation is a weekend at the drag races every year (didn't happen this year, damn China virus).
And I doubt I'd qualify for disability, anyway. I know others who are in far worse shape than I was who were denied multiple times.
Question, what is a squa?

"Squaw"? It's a derogative white word for native woman, probably derived from ikwe (i-quay) or kwe (quay), the Ojibwe word for woman, or one of the other Algonquian languages. It's considered offensive now. A "squaw man" was a white man with a native wife who let her do all the work while he lived off her labors.
If you were a real man, I wouldn't have to pleasure your wife. Same with APL.

Your choice, son. You can play that game all your life and it won't help you one bit. Better to do as others have repeatedly advised you: Get some help. Group therapy is there for you. All you have to do is show up.
"Squaw"? It's a derogative white word for native woman, probably derived from ikwe (i-quay) or kwe (quay), the Ojibwe word for woman, or one of the other Algonquian languages. It's considered offensive now. A "squaw man" was a white man with a native wife who let her do all the work while he lived off her labors.
Yeah, I was making fun of his spelling. Thanks for the lesson.
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