Indian Names for JPP members

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Why would you do that? You sound like a woman.

Now, Stevie, be nice. Your mom never suspected when I cut her Meth. Ol' Rush needs to feel a little pain for all the harm he's done. If I was an asshole about it, I'd offer to stake him out on an anthill in West Texas just like the Comanches did for evening entertainment.
Stone Ox;

Chiefife Shittingbull.

What's with your obsession with Jade? He doesn't respond to your posts, barely posts here at all, yet even after all these years you can't stop insulting him. You're becoming more and more like your mistress.
"former employee x 179" :rofl2:

I tried to sympathize with him because of his issues but it became too darn hard. He was so annoying.

Which was deliberate on his part. Even his fellow RWers got tired of the endless stream of emojis clogging up their discussions. There's only one here who still weeps bitterly into the pillow at night about him. lol
What's with your obsession with Jade? He doesn't respond to your posts, barely posts here at all, yet even after all these years you can't stop insulting him. You're becoming more and more like your mistress.

He's an America hating asshole. He was going to move to Canada, remember?
Don't worry, mommy. I'll lighten up a bit.

Mistress? Didn't know I had one.
Obsession? That's funny, coming from the one who is truly obsessed.
Which was deliberate on his part. Even his fellow RWers got tired of the endless stream of emojis clogging up their discussions. There's only one here who still weeps bitterly into the pillow at night about him. lol

Are you talking about "Two Dogs Fucking" or "Frozen Shit on the Trail"?
He's an America hating asshole. He was going to move to Canada, remember?
Don't worry, mommy. I'll lighten up a bit.

Mistress? Didn't know I had one.
Obsession? That's funny, coming from the one who is truly obsessed.

Harassing someone for threatening to move to Canada is legit, but nothing to get worked up over. Have you thought about switching to Decaf?
He's an America hating asshole. He was going to move to Canada, remember?
Don't worry, mommy. I'll lighten up a bit.

Mistress? Didn't know I had one.
Obsession? That's funny, coming from the one who is truly obsessed.

He was going to move to Ohio, but the pandemic put a stop to that for now.

A lot of ppl here have said that about Canada, plus according to your lights, anyone who criticizes anything -- a religion, our country, the IMPOTUS -- is a "hater." So why aren't you constantly making nasty little remarks about all those ppl? Nope, just Jade. You've always resented and attacked him for being on SSI. Odd since you yourself are on disability. Yeah, yeah, you "earned" it. :rolleyes:
No, my fingers are for YOUR wife's pussy. Just like by dick and my tongue.

Every time you post like that it is evidence that you are both desperate for attention and don't have a girlfriend. Given your personality, I can see how a woman would have to be pretty fucking desperate to be with you.

My best recommendation is to establish a transactional relationship with a woman, or a man if you wish.
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