Insulting or attacking Kamala

don't insult the devil's children like this!

They're not "children" they're spawn. They face plant you and then explode from your organs eviscerating you...


A lawyer at work...
Birther movement.
Do you have anything else?

Obama refused and refused and refused to release his birth certificate until one could be photoshopped. I didn't even care at all until Obama started making lame excuses. I wondered why he didn't just show his birth certificate right away. Months passed and he couldn't show one. Obama lost all his credibility with me on that issue because of what he did. So, how did I persecute Obama?

I don't believe it's fair to refer to people like myself who became convinced that Obama was lying as a "movement." If someone lies to me, I am not somehow obligated to be grateful.

Do you have anything else?

Obama refused and refused and refused to release his birth certificate until one could be photoshopped. I didn't even care at all until Obama started making lame excuses. I wondered why he didn't just show his birth certificate right away. Months passed and he couldn't show one. Obama lost all his credibility with me on that issue because of what he did. So, how did I persecute Obama?

I don't believe it's fair to refer to people like myself who became convinced that Obama was lying as a "movement." If someone lies to me, I am not somehow obligated to be grateful.


So then you think Trump is lying when he has been refusing again and again to release his taxes?
So then you think Trump is lying when he has been refusing again and again to release his taxes?

Why are his taxes so important? If there were any issues, the IRS would have him by the balls.

You ever know anyone who was audited by the IRS? They are relentless and downright evil. They reign unchecked, they can destroy you with a mere accusation.
So then you think Trump is lying when he has been refusing again and again to release his taxes?
There is no tax requirement to be President. I wouldn't release my taxes.

All I'm saying is that one must be a naturally born citizen to be President. Arnold Schwarzeneggar can be Governor of California but he cannot be President of the United States. That's just the way it is. Anyone running for President of the United States coughs up the birth certificate and that's that. When Obama's place of birth became and issue, I had thought it silly because I had presumed that he had already provided it. It turns out that he hadn't ... and refused to provide it. Right there, done deal, he's lying in my eyes. He should have nipped that in the bud within the first hour of any question; it's not like that requirement somehow caught him by surprise ... it's in the Constitution and everyone is aware of it.

Hawaii Governor Abercrombie, elected in 2010 under the promise of proving Obama was born in Hawaii and ending all this "birther" claptrap, unwittingly put the nail in the coffin of Obama's claims. Years after Obama became President, Abercrombie began his project of "producing" a birth certificate for Obama that was immediately realized to be a fake ... but not before Obama embarrassingly "released" it as his proof of natural birth in late April 2011. In 2011 Abercrombie admitted "defeat" in his quest to "produce" a valid Hawaii birth certificate for Obama. And there you have it.

So where does that leave us? Obama should never have been allowed to be President. Period. He did not meet the statutory requirements. It does not matter that no one can "prove" he was born in Kenya. All that matters is that Obama cannot show that he was born in the United States. Anyone who calls me a "birther" or part of a "movement" can blow me. I call it like I see it.

If Obama had provided the required evidence then every newspaper and media outlet would have ensured everyone in the world saw it as well ... and would have then proceded to escortiate all those who claimed otherwise. Now you know why none of that ever happened.

Just so you can have a few laughs, the moron artist who was responsible for crafting Obama's birth certificate used a modern word processor on a computer with some graphics software to more accurately replicate the certificate form, ... as opposed to banging out a certificate on a manual typewriter on an original blank certificate form. Obviously when Obama was born there were no computers with word processors, only manual typewriters. All word processors perform "kerning" which is just a basic algorithm to adjust letter spacing based on which letters you type (and based on what letter comes next) so that it looks more professional. Typewriters obviously can't do that. Obama's birth certicate is all kerned. But even you as a layman can just look at it and realize that it isn't "typewriter" and it isn't even dot matrix. So they obviously hired some slick graphic artist right out of college (or probably still in college) to whom none of this ever occurred.

Also there's the question of the lack of any color artifacts resulting from scanning an old paper original. The image of the certificate is clean and perfect in that regard, i.e. no artifiacts. That only happens when it was never a paper document that was scanned.

It's important for people like me to learn these lessons should I ever need to fake Camacho's birth certificate. You can count on me to get it right.

Common sense is not a gift, it's a punishment because you have to deal with everyone who doesn't have it.
Finally there is someone who understands my struggle, my plight.

It's tough knowing everything. Nobody likes a know-it-all. It's why I have no friends.

My hope is that Trump sets a modern precedent by not releasing any of his taxes. Nobody should have to release his taxes to the public, even less as a requirement to get a job. I oppose the idea with every fiber of my being.



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