Interesting stuff....Cowards support the war....

Kinda goes along with the fight em over there instead of over here stuff.
And giving up all for national security. aka Fatherland security and Bush's power grab document.
And the whole we gotta get em before they get us mentality that got us into Iraq in the first place.
Then the National chicken little routine over the possibillity that Iraq had WMD's and would use them on us....
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Conservatives have to live in a perpetual state of fear; and to have an enemy to rally against: communists, liberals, gays, muslims, etc.
Conservatives have to live in a perpetual state of fear; and to have an enemy to rally against: communists, liberals, gays, muslims, etc.

So it would seem, I have long felt this and now some statistics are coming out to support my belief.
It is also one reason why Christians tend to be conservative. After all they live with the continual fear of burning in hell for eternity....

Then there is the origional meaning of conservative. Resistant to change. Which to me could well indicate a fear of change.

And last but not least Fear is the conservatives biggest ally to recruit followers.
Fear serves a function, evolutionarily. Islam is a threat to all non-muslims, just as nazi ideology was a threat to jews. Discounting all fear in some sort of confused nihilistic pseudo-epiphany is quite stupid.
So it would seem, I have long felt this and now some statistics are coming out to support my belief.
It is also one reason why Christians tend to be conservative. After all they live with the continual fear of burning in hell for eternity....

Then there is the origional meaning of conservative. Resistant to change. Which to me could well indicate a fear of change.

And last but not least Fear is the conservatives biggest ally to recruit followers.

And then there's the idiocy on the other side, which believes change is good simply for the sake of change.

Don't form your worldview based upon simplistic reactions to oversimplifications of conservative ideology, ok, losers?
Overly reacting to fear as is clearly the case in the Iraq invasion is a catastropic mistake though. Balance in all things, fear is the road to the dark side.
So it would seem, I have long felt this and now some statistics are coming out to support my belief.
It is also one reason why Christians tend to be conservative. After all they live with the continual fear of burning in hell for eternity....

Then there is the origional meaning of conservative. Resistant to change. Which to me could well indicate a fear of change.

And last but not least Fear is the conservatives biggest ally to recruit followers.
This from the group that used to constantly rail against the, "Liberals are..." crap from other posters.

Soft sciences tend to work from a preconceived idea. In this case it was some idea that there is a psychological tendency of (insert it here) blah, blah.

It doesn't appear that Ron Paul is working from fear at all. Ideation is much too complex for such standardization. Do you honestly believe that I work from fear? Truly. Give me an example.

The persecution syndrome seems to permeate all factions of politics.

I'll never, ever, forget, "They are coming for our children!" (Fear tactic, desperate attempt to keep power from Patsy Schroeder D, Denver). If they get enough people to believe that there is a threat to their lifestyle, real or perceived, they'll get the votes and both of the regular parties participate in this type of garbage.
And then there's the idiocy on the other side, which believes change is good simply for the sake of change.

Don't form your worldview based upon simplistic reactions to oversimplifications of conservative ideology, ok, losers?

Many /most people are conservative or liberal for root level reasons they don't fully understand. Is it wrong for these people to understand why they are that way ? So they can decide their future path accordingly ?
Or is this some of that bad information/reading/education ?
Reason and logic should rule over emotion, else we are just animals.
Overly reacting to fear as is clearly the case in the Iraq invasion is a catastropic mistake though. Balance in all things, fear is the road to the dark side.

Yet some fear is rational, healthy, and life sustaining. Like you said, balance is key. Iraq aside, shouldn't we have SOME fear of jihadi terrorism?
This from the group that used to constantly rail against the, "Liberals are..." crap from other posters.

Soft sciences tend to work from a preconceived idea. In this case it was some idea that there is a psychological tendency of (insert it here) blah, blah.

It doesn't appear that Ron Paul is working from fear at all. Ideation is much too complex for such standardization. Do you honestly believe that I work from fear? Truly. Give me an example.

The persecution syndrome seems to permeate all factions of politics.

I'll never, ever, forget, "They are coming for our children!" (Fear tactic, desperate attempt to keep power from Patsy Schroeder D, Denver). If they get enough people to believe that there is a threat to their lifestyle, real or perceived, they'll get the votes and both of the regular parties participate in this type of garbage.

And I will never forget "mushroom clouds", Anthrax, WMD's, "fight em over there or over here", etc either.
Fear is used by both major parties, but the cons are masters of it's use.
And so much of their parties power depends on the continued use of fear.
The commies, the axis of evil, the wr on terror, islamofascists, NWO conspiracies, etc...
Many /most people are conservative or liberal for root level reasons they don't fully understand. Is it wrong for these people to understand why they are that way ? So they can decide their future path accordingly ?
Or is this some of that bad information/reading/education ?
Reason and logic should rule over emotion, else we are just animals.

Emotion alerts us to threats against our survival, and thus, has a rational purpose. Nihilists in the intelligentsia, the same ones who are population control, genocidal, envirowacko miscreants, attack emotion precisely because it is an alarm mechanism which they seek to defuse in others, so they can convince them to act against their own interests, such as persuading them to ignore terrorism.
Yet some fear is rational, healthy, and life sustaining. Like you said, balance is key. Iraq aside, shouldn't we have SOME fear of jihadi terrorism?

Some fear is a good teacher, but overpowering fear makes us tools by those using the fear.
I say let em come over here if they can, Try to keep em out though.
I can handle several of them, how many can you handle ?
My varmit rifle does not care what variety of varmit falls in it's crosshairs.
I hope to never kill another human being, but I know I will if I have to.

Are we such wussies that we cannot defend our homes ? Another angle of the fear factors.
We are so dependent on others now that perhaps we can no longer defend our homes ?
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And I will never forget "mushroom clouds", Anthrax, WMD's, "fight em over there or over here", etc either.
Fear is used by both major parties, but the cons are masters of it's use.
And so much of their parties power depends on the continued use of fear.
The commies, the axis of evil, the wr on terror, islamofascists, NWO conspiracies, etc...
Nor will I. This is why I stated that both sides do it. The idea that "fear" doesn't play in Liberal politics is ridiculous. They play the persecution syndrome, I gave an example.

They also play it when pretending that a smaller increase, in every case that I have seen one still above inflation and therefore a raise, is a "cut" in funding of programs.

Or that any change in SS is going to starve Grandma.

I'll also never forget the "They're going to institute the Draft, I'll prove it by introducing legislation for it!"
this is a no-brainer. It's well established in pschological studies that Cons are pessimists about human nature, and Libs are optimists, in general.

To Cons its all about fear and pessimism.

Don't believe me. Look at the exit polls of any recent election, and look at what issues people voted on:

For cons: it was fear of gays, fear of "cultural decline" and fear of "islamofascists".

For libs, it tends to be about improving healthcare, jobs, environmental protection, improving education, etc.
Partisan, so partisan...I do understand that most are not like me though Damo. I need no drummer to follow, I just follow my own nose.
Some fear is a good teacher, but overpowering fear makes us tools by those using the fear.
I say let em come over here if they can, Try to keep em out though.
I can handle several of them, how many can you handle ?
My varmit rifle does not care what variety of varmit falls in it's crosshairs.
I hope to never kill another human being, but I know I will if I have to.

Are we such wussies that we cannot defend our homes ? Another angle of the fear factors.
We are so dependent on others now that perhaps we can no longer defend our homes ?

I think it's waking people from the nihilist, anti-self, slumber they've been lulled into. Protecting our homes is a valid goal.
this is a no-brainer. It's well established in pschological studies that Cons are pessimists about human nature, and Libs are optimists, in general.

To Cons its all about fear and pessimism.

Don't believe me. Look at the exit polls of any recent election, and look at what issues people voted on:

For cons: it was fear of gays, fear of "cultural decline" and fear of "islamofascists".

For libs, it tends to be about improving healthcare, jobs, environmental protection, improving education, etc.

Actually, the left is based on fear of individuals. your fear is so acute that you hate individual rights, because you think only concensus can yield a moral opinion, despite history having shown that the worst atrocities occur when people subjugate their individuality to the state.
this is a no-brainer. It's well established in pschological studies that Cons are pessimists about human nature, and Libs are optimists, in general.

To Cons its all about fear and pessimism.

Don't believe me. Look at the exit polls of any recent election, and look at what issues people voted on:

For cons: it was fear of gays, fear of "cultural decline" and fear of "islamofascists".

For libs, it tends to be about improving healthcare, jobs, environmental protection, improving education, etc.
Rubbish, Conservatives believe in the Individual's ability to overcome obstacles while the Liberals believe that all people have some unhealthy ideation that must be curtailed and that Individuals cannot make it without their special forms of help...

We can again trade these inane stereotypical responses ad infinitum.

Such a "study" and your proposed "Cons are (insert whatever you want to say here)" are designed to create more of that fund divide I spoke earlier about in another thread of yours.

Either be part of the solution, or continue fanning the flames. I do remember you and many other liberals all upset about such stereotypes placed on your heads. It isn't going to change my ideation one iota.

I asked you to give one example of how I "fear" and am motivated by it. So far you come up empty.

From this I guess I can determine that all "libs" must promote the perceived shortfalls of others to make themselves feel better?

If I go by your example it appears that Libs seek government solutions to problems that Cons think can be better handled by the individual.