Interesting stuff....Cowards support the war....

Put down the Ayn Rand and try thinking for a change, kiddo. Your ubermenschen not only don't exist, they can't.

You think the behavior of people in large groups isn't predictable? You make yourself a victim for smarter, less ideologically blinded people thereby. It's nitwits like you who allow the coporations and government to get away with whatever they wish, simply because you refuse to give up your infantile, romantic notions of what individuals "should" be.

Atomism is a disease that should be eradicated in the schools.

Here, here and bring back Civics classes so our youth knows how their government works?
"Conservatives, being, for the most part, lazy cowards, tend to assume that everyone else is a lazy coward too. This is simply not true, however. Most people don't need goads toward self improvement. The direct way to attain status in any society is to work and work well: most people get that."

What a load of crap. Conservatives are lazy?????? Cowards???? Please. that is pathetic. True conservatives believe in the power of the individual to accomplish the American Dream on their own. They believe in personal responsibility.

"Few people ever accept government dole willingly. The tiny handful who will are not a big enough problem to worry about."

Really???? So the low income families try as hard as they can to break the cycle, but by golly they just cannot make it? There are far too many on welfare today whose families are multi-generational users. While their path is certainly tougher, it can be done, many are simply to "lazy" and vote for Democrats so that they can keep their welfare crutch. See, I can stereotype too. Accomplishes a lot doesn't it?

"Conservatives, being, for the most part, lazy cowards, tend to assume that everyone else is a lazy coward too. This is simply not true, however. Most people don't need goads toward self improvement. The direct way to attain status in any society is to work and work well: most people get that."

What a load of crap. Conservatives are lazy?????? Cowards???? Please. that is pathetic. True conservatives believe in the power of the individual to accomplish the American Dream on their own. They believe in personal responsibility.

Whatever...Dude..let us all know when you enter the 'Real World"...Just pulling your proverbial leg...gotta run..have fun appears as if this argument is a losing cause....just ask USC....he is a self proclaimed Liberal Stud....LOL
"Conservatives, being, for the most part, lazy cowards, tend to assume that everyone else is a lazy coward too. This is simply not true, however. Most people don't need goads toward self improvement. The direct way to attain status in any society is to work and work well: most people get that."

What a load of crap. Conservatives are lazy?????? Cowards???? Please. that is pathetic. True conservatives believe in the power of the individual to accomplish the American Dream on their own. They believe in personal responsibility.

"Few people ever accept government dole willingly. The tiny handful who will are not a big enough problem to worry about."

Really???? So the low income families try as hard as they can to break the cycle, but by golly they just cannot make it? There are far too many on welfare today whose families are multi-generational users. While their path is certainly tougher, it can be done, many are simply to "lazy" and vote for Democrats so that they can keep their welfare crutch. See, I can stereotype too. Accomplishes a lot doesn't it?
Gosh, you don't suppose that I was yanking on that chain lying out there in the open just to see who would squeal, do you? Why, no: I never do that sort of thing. :rolleyes:

But yes, I do believe that the overwhelming majority of poor people are not poor by choice. I find the suggestion that they are poor by choice to be . . . exceedingly distasteful, let's say. On my better days -- of which this is not one -- I find the suggestion laughably stupid. On other days, just stupid.

And that, in a nutshell, is what is wrong with the American conservative movement. It is fundamentally flawed and, frankly, can't be saved. I say we just call her totalled and start over.
"But yes, I do believe that the overwhelming majority of poor people are not poor by choice. I find the suggestion that they are poor by choice to be . . . exceedingly distasteful, let's say. On my better days -- of which this is not one -- I find the suggestion laughably stupid. On other days, just stupid."

So tell me wise one... just what is it that is holding them back? Are they unable to go to school? Unable to learn? Yes, the poor don't tend to have the best of schools, but they are still able to learn. Yes, their peers may not be interested in learning and therefore they probably have more peer pressure to not care. But to act as though they have no way out when immigrants (illegal and legal) can come here with nothing and yet succeed is pathetic and ignorant. But hey, lets keep the welfare system that doesn't work, the education system that doesn't work.... because THAT is the liberal way.... scare people into thinking that any change must be bad.

"And that, in a nutshell, is what is wrong with the American conservative movement. It is fundamentally flawed and, frankly, can't be saved. I say we just call her totalled and start over."

Funny, because I think the same about the so called progressives that bitch and moan every time someone trys to change one of their precious social programs. This, despite the fact that they are not working.

But hey, keep on providing an excuse to fail for the poor. It isn't there fault, there is nothing they could have done to escape the lower income range. Right?
so to some "not working" means not working perfectly ?
The social programs are not working at all ?
What in this country does work perfectly ?
US.... no they are not working. I did not say, nor do I expect them to work "perfectly". But shouldn't the welfare system help people to get off of welfare? Shouldn't the education system actually educate them?

Both are good concepts, but they are in desperate need to be revamped. We need a welfare system that enables people to find it easier to escape the trap. We need an education system that rivals Japan... not some third rate system that teaches to the lowest common denominator simply because we don't want anyone to feel bad.
You forget that the SS system has been robbed of 3 trillion or so...
This officially started under Regan.
You forget that those responsible for the Budget during Reagan's terms were not Republicans. It took both parties to muck up the idea of SS being separate from the general funds...

Nobody has ever said that Reagan was perfect, but the blame the other guy crap gets so fricking tired after a while. Especially from somebody who claims to "hate" both sides equally.
"But yes, I do believe that the overwhelming majority of poor people are not poor by choice. I find the suggestion that they are poor by choice to be . . . exceedingly distasteful, let's say. On my better days -- of which this is not one -- I find the suggestion laughably stupid. On other days, just stupid."

So tell me wise one... just what is it that is holding them back? Are they unable to go to school? Unable to learn? Yes, the poor don't tend to have the best of schools, but they are still able to learn. Yes, their peers may not be interested in learning and therefore they probably have more peer pressure to not care. But to act as though they have no way out when immigrants (illegal and legal) can come here with nothing and yet succeed is pathetic and ignorant. But hey, lets keep the welfare system that doesn't work, the education system that doesn't work.... because THAT is the liberal way.... scare people into thinking that any change must be bad.

"And that, in a nutshell, is what is wrong with the American conservative movement. It is fundamentally flawed and, frankly, can't be saved. I say we just call her totalled and start over."

Funny, because I think the same about the so called progressives that bitch and moan every time someone trys to change one of their precious social programs. This, despite the fact that they are not working.

But hey, keep on providing an excuse to fail for the poor. It isn't there fault, there is nothing they could have done to escape the lower income range. Right?
"They" fail for many different reasons. The simple fact that you are unable to imagine what those reasons might be does nothing but demonstrate your lack of imagination. Or empathy, perhaps.

Fundamentally, "they" fail because a certain amount of failure is built into the system. Not everyone is lucky enough to be born with the skill set of which you approve. Not everyone learns at the same rate, or can learn the same things.

And there simply aren't enough jobs to go around. Never has been since the industrial revolution. Never will be, likely enough.

You have no reason to believe this since anyone can claim anything online, but it is nevertheless quite true: I've been poor. Genuinely poor. I was even homeless for one brief stretch. Poor, I know, all too intimately.

The majority of poor people probably work a hell of a lot harder than you do. I know I worked harder then than I do now: no question about that.

I don't believe that poverty can be completely wiped out. It's too important for us monkeys to have an underclass to feel superior to, for one thing. That's not a joke, by the way: all simian societies, including ours, tend to be rather coldly heirarchical. All I'm interested in, and all most progressives are interested in, is to reduce poverty as far as possible and then mititgate the effects for those still stuck there.