that is pretty much where I am at, glad you are getting a glimmering now.
I'm glad you are too!

that is pretty much where I am at, glad you are getting a glimmering now.
Which comic book did you get this nonsense from?![]()
Conservatives, being, for the most part, lazy cowards, tend to assume that everyone else is a lazy coward too. This is simply not true, however. Most people don't need goads toward self improvement. The direct way to attain status in any society is to work and work well: most people get that.
Few people ever accept government dole willingly. The tiny handful who will are not a big enough problem to worry about.
See, you were probably raised with middle class values and think that working hard and contributing is hardwired into people from birth. that's just not true.
Oh, but it is true. Remember when you were flailing around the concept of "cultural universals" like a two year old thrown in the deep end? Guess what, Bubbi: you finally found one.See, you were probably raised with middle class values and think that working hard and contributing is hardwired into people from birth. that's just not true.
Oh, but it is true. Remember when you were flailing around the concept of "cultural universals" like a two year old thrown in the deep end? Guess what, Bubbi: you finally found one.
This is one of the most important lessons of social sciences in general and anthropology in particular. Aculturation works and works well. Individuals express their culture in many different ways but the really fundamental things are almost always there.
This, by the way, is the real reason why you find very few social conservatives in the social sciences. It has a little to do with tradition, assuredly, but the fact is that the conservative worldview simply doesn't hold up under scrutiny. It is based on faulty assumptions.
Put down the Ayn Rand and try thinking for a change, kiddo. Your ubermenschen not only don't exist, they can't.Oh, but mental midget, the tabula rasa nature of humanity is precisely why values are so important. And the values we enculturate our youth with will lead them to success or failure. Most social scientists seek to "devalue" traditional value precisely because they seek to harm individuals. they want to reduce them to unthinking idiots, amenable to the agenda of statists.
Put down the Ayn Rand and try thinking for a change, kiddo. Your ubermenschen not only don't exist, they can't.
You think the behavior of people in large groups isn't predictable? You make yourself a victim for smarter, less ideologically blinded people thereby. It's nitwits like you who allow the coporations and government to get away with whatever they wish, simply because you refuse to give up your infantile, romantic notions of what individuals "should" be.
Atomism is a disease that should be eradicated in the schools.
You are accomplishing the agenda of the coporate and governmental fascists by actively attempting to reduce individuals to unthinking pawns. The best organization for mankind is when all individuals are engaged and contributive on a relatively equal basis, not stunted down and repressed by a self-selecting elite, blind to it's own shortcomings, and hateful of mankind itself.
You are the pawn refusing to think, not I. Your opinions are, as I suggested, best likened to a disease: an illness that weakens the individual, making him or her vulnerable to predatory interests.You are accomplishing the agenda of the coporate and governmental fascists by actively attempting to reduce individuals to unthinking pawns. The best organization for mankind is when all individuals are engaged and contributive on a relatively equal basis, not stunted down and repressed by a self-selecting elite, blind to it's own shortcomings, and hateful of mankind itself.
I have no clue where that was intended to go...
You are the pawn refusing to think, not I. Your opinions are, as I suggested, best likened to a disease: an illness that weakens the individual, making him or her vulnerable to predatory interests.
You're playing right into their hands, you ninny. You adamantly deny that they are able to do what they do every day: manipulate the very desires by which you make your "free" decisions. You're free do choose alright: you freely accept their programming simply because you refuse to admit they can reach into your precious, sovereign self.
The soovereignty of self is an illusion.
AssCap's not unfathomable, he's just irrational. You're confused because there are depths to be plumbed there.I do tend to be clueless when confronted by the unfathomable.
AssCap's not unfathomable, he's just irrational. You're confused because there are depths to be plumbed there.
LOL! Yeah, that magic Green Lantern ring you've got is really handy.Wrong, barfo, My opinions are the very substance that will ultimately foil their anti-human, anti-individual agenda.
They try to reach in and they succeed in many ways, but the astute individual can recognize their programming and reject it, if he believes in his ability and right to do so. You merely posit the impossibility of their defeat, and, are thus, defeated.
LOL! Yeah, that magic Green Lantern ring you've got is really handy.![]()
No, I just got bored. This is kind of like snickering at some poor befuddled kid jacking off behind some bushes but in full view of the people on the next hill.He has stormed off, vowing in his black heart a renewed hatred for those who dare stand against the collective.
No, I just got bored. This is kind of like snickering at some poor befuddled kid jacking off behind some bushes but in full view of the people on the next hill.