Interesting stuff....Cowards support the war....

I think it's waking people from the nihilist, anti-self, slumber they've been lulled into. Protecting our homes is a valid goal.

People have been in a selfish slumber for years. That is the biggest reason we have offshored, and sold America out.
It is my money I want to keep it.
Greed is good (even preached now by some religious leaders)
All that matters is the stock market.
in that time period we have gone from about 60% of our economy being manufacturing to 60% consumer spending supported.
The consumer spending support is much less stable than the manufacturing support.....
Partisan, so partisan...I do understand that most are not like me though Damo. I need no drummer to follow, I just follow my own nose.
My points have been to illustrate the "fear" factor is used in politics to divide and conquer, it is used by both parties. It helps to dehumanize the other side too.

"Cons are all uncompassionate"

"Libs promote government dependance"

So forth.

Such stereotypes are not beneficial to thought, or to conversation.
People have been in a selfish slumber for years. That is the biggest reason we have offshored, and sold America out.
It is my money I want to keep it.
Greed is good (even preached now by some religious leaders)
All that matters is the stock market.
in that time period we have gone from about 60% of our economy being manufacturing to 60% consumer spending supported.
The consumer spending support is much less stable than the manufacturing support.....

Pretty good, except wanting to keep your own money is not greed.

I'm continually intrigued by the mangling of needs versus wants. The materialism in this country is so rampant. The status car, the status house, the status boob job. Materialism to this extent is utterly nihilistic and enslaving. People prefer spending wealth on things, instead of on having new babies and feeding them, and they go into debt to do it.
I am very against Bush and his ilk.
I am very against running this country based on fear.
That attitude does appear to ally me as a liberal. However appearances can be deceptive. I am me. Liberal leaning for sure, but also truely conservative.
I Strongly support getting the freeloaders off of Welfare and such, but realize we do need it for many people. I am very pro balanced budget and even want the debt paid off.

Like Bush I do not think the US should be the police force of the world and not be into nation building ;)
(his quote)
"Cons are all uncompassionate"

Well why would they have to work out a big campaign on "compassionate conservatives" if they were not trying to overcome a fault or percieved fault (same thing in politics) or at least convince the gullible that they were now somehow compassionate conservatives ?
"Cons are all uncompassionate"

Well why would they have to work out a big campaign on "compassionate conservatives" if they were not trying to overcome a fault or percieved fault (same thing in politics) or at least convince the gullible that they were now somehow compassionate conservatives ?
Just as Libs are constantly attempting to overcome the stereotype listed above.

As I said, working to dehumanize the other side is part and parsle of current political practice. Simplifying people and making them seem 'evil' based on such references is an attempt to end conversation, not to begin it.
"Cons are all uncompassionate"

Well why would they have to work out a big campaign on "compassionate conservatives" if they were not trying to overcome a fault or percieved fault (same thing in politics) or at least convince the gullible that they were now somehow compassionate conservatives ?

Everyone reacts against how they're labelled. Just like libs saying they support individual rights, though actually they all hate individuals.;)

Let's just knock all this off, and face the real enemy, The powerful of both political persuasions
Pretty good, except wanting to keep your own money is not greed.

I'm continually intrigued by the mangling of needs versus wants. The materialism in this country is so rampant. The status car, the status house, the status boob job. Materialism to this extent is utterly nihilistic and enslaving. People prefer spending wealth on things, instead of on having new babies and feeding them, and they go into debt to do it.

so you think it should not cost you anything to have roads, police protection, militiary protection, free schools, etc ? Or clean water, mostly safe food, etc Not to mention the best goverment that money can buy.

Dad burn freeloader deadbeat!
Fear serves a function, evolutionarily. Islam is a threat to all non-muslims, just as nazi ideology was a threat to jews. Discounting all fear in some sort of confused nihilistic pseudo-epiphany is quite stupid.
Since you and people like you are far more of a threat to my way of life than any Muslim, I suppose I should be focusing on my real enemies though, shouldn't I? I mean, that would be the reasonable response, according to your (*cough*) logic.
so you think it should not cost you anything to have roads, police protection, militiary protection, free schools, etc ? Or clean water, mostly safe food, etc Not to mention the best goverment that money can buy.

Dad burn freeloader deadbeat!

I believe in taxation for those items. Can you admit that a free ride corrupts character and creates dependancy?
No, it does not. For one thing there is no such thing as a free ride and for another the conservative obsession with "dependency" is just silly twaddle.

Dependency is the ultimate destruction of the individual. when he is dependant he has no power of self-determination, and is subject to the whims of others, but totalitarians like you are into that sort of thing, aren't you. Sick freaks.
Dependency is the ultimate destruction of the individual. when he is dependant he has no power of self-determination, and is subject to the whims of others, but totalitarians like you are into that sort of thing, aren't you. Sick freaks.
Which comic book did you get this nonsense from? :gives:

Conservatives, being, for the most part, lazy cowards, tend to assume that everyone else is a lazy coward too. This is simply not true, however. Most people don't need goads toward self improvement. The direct way to attain status in any society is to work and work well: most people get that.

Few people ever accept government dole willingly. The tiny handful who will are not a big enough problem to worry about.
Which comic book did you get this nonsense from? :gives:

Conservatives, being, for the most part, lazy cowards, tend to assume that everyone else is a lazy coward too. This is simply not true, however. Most people don't need goads toward self improvement. The direct way to attain status in any society is to work and work well: most people get that.

Few people ever accept government dole willingly. The tiny handful who will are not a big enough problem to worry about.
What "comic book" did you get this from?

Conservatives assume that given the right tools every individual can exceed all expectations...

blah, blah, blah...

As I said, so it goes. None of this is conducive to good government, it is only conducive to partisan hackery.
Everyone reacts against how they're labelled. Just like libs saying they support individual rights, though actually they all hate individuals.;)

Let's just knock all this off, and face the real enemy, The powerful of both political persuasions

that is pretty much where I am at, glad you are getting a glimmering now.