Interesting stuff....Cowards support the war....

""They" fail for many different reasons. The simple fact that you are unable to imagine what those reasons might be does nothing but demonstrate your lack of imagination. Or empathy, perhaps."

I see plenty of reasons they can use as excuses to fail. I am in no way saying they have it easy. But to act as if they cannot get out if they work hard enough is simply sad. It is a cop out. But I expect nothing less from a liberal.... its too tough, so its okay to accept failure.

"Fundamentally, "they" fail because a certain amount of failure is built into the system."

No question. I agree.

"Not everyone is lucky enough to be born with the skill set of which you approve. Not everyone learns at the same rate, or can learn the same things. "

No shit. Thanks captain obvious. It is not a question of having a skill set of which I "approve". It has to do with personal responsibility. How many don't learn, because it isn't cool or they are following their parents example or they don't "approve" of the system, or they think it is easier to just quit? There are many reasons that one can use to show why they fail, but no one is being kept at the point that they cannot make it out should they choose to put forth the effort.... no matter how tough that effort is.

"And there simply aren't enough jobs to go around. Never has been since the industrial revolution. Never will be, likely enough."

Bullshit. There are more than enough jobs in the US. That is a myth propagated by the left to provide yet one more excuse to quit or even worse... to not try.

"You have no reason to believe this since anyone can claim anything online, but it is nevertheless quite true: I've been poor. Genuinely poor. I was even homeless for one brief stretch. Poor, I know, all too intimately."

I certainly agree that anyone can say anything on line... but to date you have never lied to me, so I will take you at your word. While I have never been poor enough to be homeless, my family was certainly on the upper end of lower income. Yet, I worked hard, got an education and got a partial scholarship for college. The rest, I took out in loans.... which I then paid off for ten friggin years.

"The majority of poor people probably work a hell of a lot harder than you do."

Those that actually work, I am sure they do. But I worked hard to get where I am. It wasn't easy and there were many very lean years. But I certainly take the time to enjoy the fruits of my labor now.

"I know I worked harder then than I do now: no question about that."


"I don't believe that poverty can be completely wiped out. It's too important for us monkeys to have an underclass to feel superior to, for one thing. That's not a joke, by the way: all simian societies, including ours, tend to be rather coldly heirarchical. All I'm interested in, and all most progressives are interested in, is to reduce poverty as far as possible and then mititgate the effects for those still stuck there."

You may find this odd, but I actually agree with you. I just don't think our current system works.... and from my perspective, it is the left that tends to get in the way of moderating or changing the system. The same with social security and education. The left uses fear on these issues much the same way the right does with the war on terror or drugs or gays etc...
as usual a good post Ornot, which I endorse.

You think your asskissing will sway him to the dark side? He is right on the cusp, outraged at the truth, yet questioning himself for his intellectual investment in the memes through which it will be accomplished. we shall see. I will just keep hammering him with the truth, instead of setting emotional traps.
For example, when people fear death or terrorism, or are in a state of uncertainty, they tend to become more conservative, he said.
"Forty, perhaps 50 percent of our political beliefs seem to have a basis in genetics," said Hibbing, whose studies were included in Jost's analysis.,2933,275293,00.html

It's actually that the responsibility of facing reality and a need to begin dealing effectively and efficiently with issues makes one conservative.
His "meta-analysis" of previous studies, including his own, showed that liberals seem to be drawn to chaos and novelty — for instance, they tend to support social change — whereas conservatives prefer reassurance and structure, and thus like to maintain the status quo.

Chaos and novelty maybe fun for orgies and dropping acid, but it's not really as sound basis for public policy.

I contend that a lack of critical thought, and a dogma of unconditional self hate for, in concentrically aligned, fully contained and also containing group order, westerners, christians, whites, and men.
Hibbing said that genes could make people more or less likely to have certain values or react to situations in a particular way.

This knowledge could pave the way to a more tolerant society, Hibbing said.

"If you think your opponents are not just being willfully bullheaded, but rather have a kind of biological predisposition toward a set of beliefs, you might not spend as much time beating your head against the wall trying to get them to change," he said.

USCITIZEN. Do you understand that science like this is the ideological foundation of racialist oriented public policy?
Rascism ? I think genetics based knowledge that can either be used for good or bad or a mixture of both.

Like building a society in accordance with the natural hierarchy of nature, with the all the individuals of society slotted nicely into their racially compatible hive-serving life functions?
You stated this:

Give me a case where "genetic based knowledge" can be used for good. Just one.

cures for or the prevention of genetic birth defects and genetic based diseases.

how about 2 there bud ?

I know you will bitch because you only asked for one :)
cures for or the prevention of genetic birth defects and genetic based diseases.

how about 2 there bud ?

I know you will bitch because you only asked for one :)

But what about the current article, about how political beliefs are determined by race. IS this information useful?
What are "white" political beliefs? If the belief that white people also deserve civil rights is a "white" political belief, then I suspect the issue is really an issue of content, and not race.
this is a no-brainer. It's well established in
For libs, it tends to be about improving healthcare, jobs, environmental protection, improving education, etc.

i.e. fear of failing healthcare, fear of lost jobs and outsourcing, fear of global warming.. etc

I would like to see your studies.