Is a Public Philosophy Still Possible?

Manipulated may be a better word than nurtured. My point is there a distinct difference between Phi and the Fibonacci sequence.
Yeah, I don't actually know myself if Phi has any basis in physical reality and ontology, or whether it's a curious mathematical relationship that is embedded in the Fibonacci sequence.
The Fibonacci numbers themselves are definitely found in natural phenomena, though nobody really knows what that means, though speculations abound.
Yeah, I don't actually know myself if Phi has any basis in physical reality and ontology, or whether it's a curious mathematical relationship that is embedded in the Fibonacci sequence.
The Fibonacci numbers themselves are definitely found in natural phenomena, though nobody really knows what that means, though speculations abound.
I added Phi to your list of irrational numbers. My contribution to your thread.

or whether it's a curious mathematical relationship that is embedded in the Fibonacci sequence.

LOL. Thanks for FINALLY accepting my position. Gosh that took a long time. But I get it, your ego was threatened and you had to process what I've been saying over and over and over again.

It's probably time you wined to the mods to ban me from THIS thread since I've pointed this out.

It took me a while to get there, but I now believe that math is part of nature.

In the VERY same way that it is part of nature to accept that a thing is what it is and not some other thing.

This is a basic. A given.

For some reason we have "thinkers" on this forum who seem to demand that these relationships (like Pi) be DEFINED by some external intelligence rather than simply being what they are.
You are a babbling buffoon.

Now the insults start. This is how it always goes.

Push either Hume or Cypress into a corner and you will be met NOT with reasoned argument or debate but with insults and persecution complexes.
Nature and math have a better chance at survival when they evolve.

Well, now you're just stringing words together.

Care to explain what you mean by math "evolving"? And how does that get at the essence of what mathematical statements actually mean?