All I see is a lot of fancy dancing to avoid saying you believe in a subjective morality contingent on opinion and popular consensus.Are you unable to read my posts? I'm seriously asking because it appears you have no clue what I actually say.
Why do you always prefer to be as dishonest as humanly possible?
Are you this dishonest in real life?
In your scheme, Hitler just had a different opinion of which you disapproved.
That's not good enough for me. I would like to believe there is an objective universal moral truth like Plato, Confucious, Kant believed.
But I could be wrong, and you could be right about subjective morality. I think your belief is less appealing and more cynical though.
Now you're getting closer to just admitting you are a moral relativist.Your morality comes from a mystery. My morality comes from objective reality.
At the end of the day I don't think either of us actually has a different morality (setting aside your propensity to dishonest misrepresentation of other people's points). It's just where we think it comes from. You are happy to have it be a mystery/supernatural command that just rains upon you from outside of space and time. I, personally, prefer something grounded in reality.
I find "command style" morality (which is yours essentially since you don't know where it comes from or even WHY it exists) to be less appealing. But I know that's not for everyone. Religious people prefer your version of morality being commanded to them from beyond space and time but they usually put the placeholder of "God" in there. I'm mystified as to what you think the source of morality is given your supposed "agnostic" position with regards to God.
You either hope or believe there is an objective moral truth, or you just believe morality is subjective and contingent on opinion and popular consensus. Hair splitting at that point is just mental masturbation.
You were attempting to wander the no man's land between moral truth and moral subjectivity, seemingly wanting to reject moral truth but nervous about paying the price to be a moral relativist.
That's a wrap. I tend to hope there is an objective moral truth. Whereas you have chosen moral relativism.