Is fascism left wing?


That is not an acute meme. Try again.
How is it a strawman? DeSantis had books banned. Gerrymandering. Teachers must teach DeSantis approved courses. No history of slavery. And so on. You don't watch news?

the books banned had graphic depictions of sex between minors.

the history of slavery is taught.

white students cannot be shamed however, which is what crt does.
I think we need to circle back to the original subject

Circling back, there was once an interpreter who interpreted for me in a physics class. The professor wrote on the blackboard, "Y = Y0" and said it out loud, and the interpreter said Y equals "why not?" I interrupted the class with a boisterous laughter.
Most major Chinese industries are still state owned. Market capitalism is to the right of state socialism.

To call fascism left-wing is contrary to all historical and political definitions.

WRONG. Fascism is a form of socialism. See the writings of Marx.
Fascist governments often end up owning the largest corporations simply because the statist capitalist system
There is no such thing as 'statist capitalism'. Capitalism requires no government at all and does not use government at all, other than to deal with thieves.
and greed of the government leadership push them that direction.
This part is correct. Fascism is a stepping stone on the way to communism. Marx wrote about this as well.
In Nazi Germany, the largest aircraft manufacturer in the 1930's was Junkers. The Nazis took the corporation over because it was supposedly poorly run. The next thing you know, the Nazi leadership is getting rich somehow...
Not from the aircraft company. From stealing stuff from the people they conquered.
I don't want this to be partisan, but a clear example in the news recently of this sort of shit is the Pelosi's suddenly buying in to stock of a company that was about to benefit from new government laws and regulations. Not that it was the first time, or that it was just the Pelosi's. Same thing.
This is called insider trading, which is illegal.
Variants on Statist Capitalism
No such thing.
which always ends up thoroughly corrupt, just as having Communist total control of the economy does.
Capitalism, fascism, and communism exist in most any country (including in the States, China, Russia, Japan, Europe, North Korea, South Korea, etc.). It is not a form of government.

Each of these places has parts where people voluntarily create products and services for voluntary purchase at an agreed upon price: capitalism.
They each have government manipulation of markets: fascism.
They each have government ownership of markets: communism.
How is it a strawman? DeSantis had books banned. Gerrymandering. Teachers must teach DeSantis approved courses. No history of slavery. And so on. You don't watch news?

DeSantis banned no books.
Teachers working in public schools must teach State approved courses anywhere.

You like gaslighting, don't you?
So? The books were filled with indoctrination and radical Leftist propaganda. We had a long discussion here on that.
The books themselves were not banned. Just removed from school libraries and not part of any State approved curricula. You can still obtain those books if you want to.
Gerrymandering? The worst cases are New York and Illinois, both Democrat run states.
This vague accusation has no data. He's making shit up.
That's hardly a valid example. Many states have state approved curricula.
I don't know of any State that doesn't, come to think of it.
Are you saying California's radical Leftist state curricula is exempt? It's obvious, that you do watch the news.
Good catch. He does like to talk out of one side of his mouth while trolling.
Just remember, if you get your news from television, you aren't getting the news.
Generally true. Any 'news' from the Associated Press, The Guardian, NPR, Reuters, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, the L.A. Times, the New York Times, or the Washington Compost should be taken as a grain of salt, particularly if it's political in any way. FOX news is better, but still has a lot of problems.

NPR, CNN and MSNBC are particularly bad as pushing fiction as 'news'.
libs and neocon globalist traitors say it does.
I don't give a shit about what they say, frankly. Most of these idiots don't speak English anymore anyway. They speak Liberal, a language that looks like English, but words have no meaning or shifting meaning. It is literally a language of buzzwords.
fascism is the combination of state and corporate power.
No. Governments are often at odds with corporations. This for a reason. Fascism is government manipulation of markets.
Stop fixating on corporations as 'evil'. Not all of them are. Not even most of them. Not even some large ones (they are often incompetent in some way, but not actually evil).
it can be used to strengthen or weaken a nation.
Fascism always weakens a nation. It only strengthens a government.
it can be nationalist or internationalist (or post nationalist as the uppity say)..
Quite right. We've already agreed upon this.
Circling back, there was once an interpreter who interpreted for me in a physics class. The professor wrote on the blackboard, "Y = Y0" and said it out loud, and the interpreter said Y equals "why not?" I interrupted the class with a boisterous laughter.

Irrelevance. Off topic.
I don't give a shit about what they say, frankly. Most of these idiots don't speak English anymore anyway. They speak Liberal, a language that looks like English, but words have no meaning or shifting meaning. It is literally a language of buzzwords.

No. Governments are often at odds with corporations. This for a reason. Fascism is government manipulation of markets.
Stop fixating on corporations as 'evil'. Not all of them are. Not even most of them. Not even some large ones (they are often incompetent in some way, but not actually evil).

Fascism always weakens a nation. It only strengthens a government.

Quite right. We've already agreed upon this.

but when they work together it's fascism.


it can be good sometimes. like it's nice to be able to do war productions act if it's really down to survival type issues.

they work together hand in glove right now, almost exclusively for oligarchical power.

like declaring wars, then privatizing the booty while externalizing the costs onto future generations.

the military industrial complex is fascism writ LARGE.