Is good and evil an illusion?


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People think there's good and there's evil, but its all about onee's perspective. Cause and effect seem a more likely consequence of human behaviour than the precepts of good and evil. Agree or not?
People think there's good and there's evil, but its all about onee's perspective. Cause and effect seem a more likely consequence of human behaviour than the precepts of good and evil. Agree or not?

You are obviously not a baseball fan or your would know, with unqualified certainty, that there is evil in this world.
People think there's good and there's evil, but its all about onee's perspective. Cause and effect seem a more likely consequence of human behaviour than the precepts of good and evil. Agree or not?

I can't disagree with that completely. The concept of good, however, I can grasp. Altruism exists. The concept of evil or the emotion of hate escapes me.
People think there's good and there's evil, but its all about onee's perspective. Cause and effect seem a more likely consequence of human behaviour than the precepts of good and evil. Agree or not?

No, not at all. Evil is being devoid of conscience, and the effects of ones actions. Doing to suit themselves despite knowing these things. Not caring if you hurt, or destroy, to suit your wants. What is good, is different though, and can change by perspective.
No, not at all. Evil is being devoid of conscience, and the effects of ones actions. Doing to suit themselves despite knowing these things. Not caring if you hurt, or destroy, to suit your wants. What is good, is different though, and can change by perspective.

You just described Trump. I don't believe he's evil. Merely a pathologically lying sociopath.
No, not at all. Evil is being devoid of conscience, and the effects of ones actions. Doing to suit themselves despite knowing these things. Not caring if you hurt, or destroy, to suit your wants. What is good, is different though, and can change by perspective.
Some people are just plain evil. Sociopaths.
The love of money is the root of all evil.
I don't think so, with some people, money has nothing to do with it. They're just evil.

Raping and killing children, babies. Throwing kittens out of car windows. No conscience or remorse. Evil is just that, evil.
Some people are just plain evil. Sociopaths.

Then Trump must be evil. Let's look at the characteristics of a sociopath related to Trump.

Superficial charm and good intelligence - check, except for the intelligence part.

Absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking - ?

Absence of nervousness or neurotic manifestations - check, other than possible tweets.

Unreliability - check

Untruthfulness and insincerity - triple check

Lack of remorse and shame - double check

Inadequately motivated antisocial behavior - check

Poor judgment and failure to learn by experience - check

Pathologic egocentricity and incapacity for love - double check

General poverty in major affective reactions - ?

Specific loss of insight - check

Unresponsiveness in general interpersonal relations - nope. Always responds with lies and attacks

Fantastic and uninviting behavior with alcohol and sometimes without - No alcohol, just uninviting behavior

Suicide threats rarely carried out - nope

Sex life impersonal, trivial, and poorly integrated - triple check

Failure to follow any life plan - Just depended on Daddy and fucking others out of their money.

Trump = sociopath. Evil? Naw.