Is good and evil an illusion?

It meant I'm amazed the concept of evil escapes you as if it doesn't exist. What bubble do you live in?

I said I can't grasp the concept, stupid fuck. Just like I can't grasp the concept of hate that is tossed around so loosely.

You think sociopathy is evil? Good for you, fucktard. Many don't.
Hate is the nature of interaction, of behavior. Not just a word. You ooze hate near continuously.

Since you're one of the illiterate dumbfucks on this forum, I'll spell it out to you, dimwit.

Just because I continually point out the lies, half-truths and uninformed bullshit of the willfully ignorant morons on this forum, doesn't translate into hate. It translates into contemptuous ridicule and mockery. That fully grown adults can go through life with such a lack of curiosity and even simple reading comprehension astounds me. The lazy RW fucks on this forum can't take the five seconds to determine the capacity of Amway Arena and who owns it (see ORLANDO UPDATE) is beyond comprehension. Does it mean I hate those cretins who attacked me on that thread? Nope. It means I'm astounded at their collective stupidity.

Comprende, dickhead?

Run off, now, Nancy :rofl2:
Since you're one of the illiterate dumbfucks on this forum, I'll spell it out to you, dimwit.

Just because I continually point out the lies, half-truths and uninformed bullshit of the willfully ignorant morons on this forum, doesn't translate into hate. It translates into contemptuous ridicule and mockery. That fully grown adults can go through life with such a lack of curiosity and even simple reading comprehension astounds me. The lazy RW fucks on this forum can't take the five seconds to determine the capacity of Amway Arena and who owns it (see ORLANDO UPDATE) is beyond comprehension. Does it mean I hate those cretins who attacked me on that thread? Nope. It means I'm astounded at their collective stupidity.

Comprende, dickhead?

Run off, now, Nancy :rofl2:

I knew it before you typed this screed.

Profanity is the effort of a feeble mind to express itself forcefully.

Not my words but ones you might consider. If you want to have the impact you seek, watch Alan Rickman.

You miss the mark you set for yourself. Ergo you just spew hate in every sentence.
People think there's good and there's evil, but its all about onee's perspective. Cause and effect seem a more likely consequence of human behaviour than the precepts of good and evil. Agree or not?

Do not agree. This has been discussed before.
Pythagoras and the Sophists are the champions of moral relativism. That is a road I do not want to travel.

I stand with Plato are Aristotle: moral virtue is real, and is objectively characterized by courage, temperance, and righteous action.

I also stand with the basic philosophy of Zoroastrianism: Good thoughts, good words, good deeds. Which I believe in the Zoroastrian tradition are real and objectively true.
People think there's good and there's evil, but its all about onee's perspective. Cause and effect seem a more likely consequence of human behaviour than the precepts of good and evil. Agree or not?

Is murder good, evil, neither, both ?
To be certain you understand the question, murder is the intentional taking of innocent life.
I said I can't grasp the concept, stupid fuck. Just like I can't grasp the concept of hate that is tossed around so loosely.

You think sociopathy is evil? Good for you, fucktard. Many don't.

Have you ever heard of 'The Inquisition'? How about WW2 and 'Death Camps'? Kim Jong-un and '3 generation Work Camps'? Otto Warmbier?
I knew it before you typed this screed.

Profanity is the effort of a feeble mind to express itself forcefully.

Not my words but ones you might consider. If you want to have the impact you seek, watch Alan Rickman.

You miss the mark you set for yourself. Ergo you just spew hate in every sentence.

Sure as shit not, dumbfuck. lol

Studies have shown, however, that swearing may in fact display a more, rather than less, intelligent use of language.

Again, no hate, stupid shit. Merely mockery of your collective ignorance. :rofl2:
People think there's good and there's evil, but its all about onee's perspective. Cause and effect seem a more likely consequence of human behaviour than the precepts of good and evil. Agree or not?

Said, the Darwinian cultist that does not want to consider the fact that ABSOLUTE MORALITY exists only in MAN and is not to be found in the natural animal kingdom. When there is no moral compass there is no chance of being JUDGED or PUNISHED. Sounds like someone is attempting to justify a closet full of something...…….:bigthink: There are certain codes of moral conduct that are "UNIVERSAL" that indeed does define evil and righteousness. Morality, in a logical sense, since it is not to be found NATURALLY must be....a transcending creation.
Have you ever heard of 'The Inquisition'? How about WW2 and 'Death Camps'? Kim Jong-un and '3 generation Work Camps'? Otto Warmbier?

One more time, pal.

I said it's beyond my ability to grasp the concept.

Is abortion evil? Is the murder of abortion doctors and bombing of abortion clinics evil?

Was Jeffery Dahmer evil or just have a psychiatric disorder?

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”
The love of money is the root of all evil.


And yet, you are demanding reparations.

Then Trump must be evil. Let's look at the characteristics of a sociopath related to Trump.

Superficial charm and good intelligence - check, except for the intelligence part.

Absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking - ?

Absence of nervousness or neurotic manifestations - check, other than possible tweets.

Unreliability - check

Untruthfulness and insincerity - triple check

Lack of remorse and shame - double check

Inadequately motivated antisocial behavior - check

Poor judgment and failure to learn by experience - check

Pathologic egocentricity and incapacity for love - double check

General poverty in major affective reactions - ?

Specific loss of insight - check

Unresponsiveness in general interpersonal relations - nope. Always responds with lies and attacks

Fantastic and uninviting behavior with alcohol and sometimes without - No alcohol, just uninviting behavior

Suicide threats rarely carried out - nope

Sex life impersonal, trivial, and poorly integrated - triple check

Failure to follow any life plan - Just depended on Daddy and fucking others out of their money.

Trump = sociopath. Evil? Naw.

Said, the Darwinian cultist that does not want to consider the fact that ABSOLUTE MORALITY exists only in MAN and is not to be found in the natural animal kingdom. When there is no moral compass there is no chance of being JUDGED or PUNISHED. Sounds like someone is attempting to justify a closet full of something...…….:bigthink: There are certain codes of moral conduct that are "UNIVERSAL" that indeed does define evil and righteousness. Morality, in a logical sense, since it is not to be found NATURALLY must be....a transcending creation.

Nope, dumbfuck. No such thing as ABSOLUTE MORALITY in man. There is no "UNIVERSAL" moral conduct, either, and you can't name a single example of one.

By being amoral (probably), the animal kingdom is far ahead of man. And I'm not even sure about their lack of morals.

Fool :rofl2: