Is good and evil an illusion?

People think there's good and there's evil, but its all about onee's perspective. Cause and effect seem a more likely consequence of human behaviour than the precepts of good and evil. Agree or not?

For sure good and evil are subjective terms that we assign based on a myriad of factors. Just in our own history as a country, in the last 200 years, there were times when slavery, wife- and child-beating, usury, and even murder were accepted.
For sure good and evil are subjective terms that we assign based on a myriad of factors. Just in our own history as a country, in the last 200 years, there were times when slavery, wife- and child-beating, usury, and even murder were accepted.

But.....TRUTH never evolved. Slavery was always immoral when practiced as FLESH PEDDLING. SLAVERY existed in this Republic because THE PEOPLE wanted it to exist, there were more people wanting slavery than was against it. (thats just the way a representative republic works) But that never made this nation's founding document a lie in its preamble, "All men are created equal...….." Slavery ended when society evolved.....but that truth never evolved. Moral people make moral laws.....immoral people make immoral laws. Laws do not create nor eliminate morality....laws merely define what a society accepts as moral or immoral.

As far as slavery goes...there is still BIBLICAL SLAVERY existing in the US "TODAY".....its simply called the penal system. The scriptures never taught that SLAVERY was acceptable in the form of peddling flesh for free labor. Biblical Israel used slavery as a penal Israel consisted of nomadic tribes that had no physical structures to house prisoners. Instead of placing those captured in battle to death....or those who was found guilty of certain crimes, they instituted slavery as type of punishment or prison system. Israel was always good to its prisoners and had laws that governed the treatment of this type of slavery....just like the good old fashioned USA prison system. The only difference.....we house, feed, entertain, give free health care etc., to our slaves. We have the greatest number of slaves per capita than any other nation on earth.

The type of slavery that was used in capturing people (some still practice this trade the religion of ISLAM) and selling them was actually started by the BLACKS in Africa (as far as blacks ending up in the Americas as slaves). Blacks were hired to run down other blacks in order to sell them to the slave traders.

Slavery of that type has always been EVIL and always will be....there are no gray areas.

Now you be the first to toss in a little white to make prison slavery.....non slavery....make that BLACK a shade of gray. :laugh: Now document just how many prisoners in the United States of America are there because of FREE WILL.
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