Is reagansghost an evince sock?

I understand the Black situation,I also understand the Civil War.I have issues with this poster who justifies black hate for whites.
Claims there is no Black racism toward whites.
Racism is ,wrong whether black vs white,or white vs black.reality Blacks were brought to America for free labor.
Nazis hunted down Jews for extermination,millions were exterminated.Not the same as forced labor.

Shut the fuck up fool.
Slave owners murdered raped and beat their slaves.
Go fuck yourself you ignorant shitstain
I never said it was OK, I just understand why. You seemed bent on the idea that they should be thankful to the union, and there in lies my point.

They should be thankful to the Union for fighting and dying to free the American citizens held in forced bondage by the Southern Treasonous Slave holders!
They should be thankful to the Union for fighting and dying to free the American citizens held in forced bondage by the Southern Treasonous Slave holders!

You missed the point entirely. If someone does something to hurt you on purpose, are you supposed to say thank you when they give you a due? The real person to thank is Lincoln. It was his mission after all. But after all, he's dead, and so our the union soldiers. So who are people supposed to thank? They certainly aren't going to thank southern whites.
How did this thing about Reagansghost's identity, turn into a slap fest about race anyway? It's pretty simple who Reagansghost could possibly be anyway. The guys a real ham sometimes. :thinking:
You missed the point entirely. If someone does something to hurt you on purpose, are you supposed to say thank you when they give you a due? The real person to thank is Lincoln. It was his mission after all. But after all, he's dead, and so our the union soldiers. So who are people supposed to thank? They certainly aren't going to thank southern whites.

They could thank me?
You missed the point entirely. If someone does something to hurt you on purpose, are you supposed to say thank you when they give you a due? The real person to thank is Lincoln. It was his mission after all. But after all, he's dead, and so our the union soldiers. So who are people supposed to thank? They certainly aren't going to thank southern whites.

You made my point for me,TTQ64 has been hating on whites as if all whites owned slaves,but it was Southern Whites who owned slaves.(And a few Blacks owned slaves.)
But TTQ64 forgets Northern Whites fought and died to free the slaves.
They should be thankful to the Union for fighting and dying to free the American citizens held in forced bondage by the Southern Treasonous Slave holders!

One of my daughters got into genealogy and did an extensive ancestor research thing. My forebears were all Northerners. We had a couple who fought in the Civil War in some Michigan regiments. One of them was killed. Yet another was of NA ancestry and had *his* ancestors exterminated by European colonists.... maybe yet another one of ours who arrived here in 1640 and was known as "The Puritan." (LOLOLOL)

I'm not responsible for whatever those guys did, or what was done to them. That being said, I wish that our history had been different and that we hadn't subjugated and genocided an entire race of humans. I wish that we hadn't enslaved an entire race of other people. I wish that since the Civil War ended, we white folks hadn't continued to degrade and disparage and disenfranchise the descendants of freed slaves, and strip the language and culture from the indigenous people of the Americas. I can't change history. I can only help, maybe, to formulate future history.

That being said, you truly are being a racist dick about now, and I don't like it.

You're being racist by

You made my point for me,TTQ64 has been hating on whites as if all whites owned slaves,but it was Southern Whites who owned slaves.(And a few Blacks owned slaves.)
But TTQ64 forgets Northern Whites fought and died to free the slaves.

Northern whites owned slaves in the past, just like the south. Everyone to thank our blame in these things is dead, but there are still the Southerners that have long been oppressive, and defiant of their rights. They still parade around glories of those that subjugated them, and fly their symbol of glory, that traitors bestowed themselves with back then. That's why the hate is the way it is, and not just blacks against them, but much more. When an empire falls, so do it's symbols of glory. For some reason they were aloud to keep theirs, and keep that Confederate spirit alive.
One of my daughters got into genealogy and did an extensive ancestor research thing. My forebears were all Northerners. We had a couple who fought in the Civil War in some Michigan regiments. One of them was killed. Yet another was of NA ancestry and had *his* ancestors exterminated by European colonists.... maybe yet another one of ours who arrived here in 1640 and was known as "The Puritan." (LOLOLOL)

I'm not responsible for whatever those guys did, or what was done to them. That being said, I wish that our history had been different and that we hadn't subjugated and genocided an entire race of humans. I wish that we hadn't enslaved an entire race of other people. I wish that since the Civil War ended, we white folks hadn't continued to degrade and disparage and disenfranchise the descendants of freed slaves, and strip the language and culture from the indigenous people of the Americas. I can't change history. I can only help, maybe, to formulate future history.

That being said, you truly are being a racist dick about now, and I don't like it.

You're being racist by


I don't understand why Northern Whites,get painted with the same racist brush as Southern Whites?
And why is it ok for Miss TTQ64 to hate whites,just because she is black?
I'm not giving any haters a pass.
I don't understand why Northern Whites,get painted with the same racist brush as Southern Whites?
And why is it ok for Miss TTQ64 to hate whites,just because she is black?
I'm not giving any haters a pass.

It's not OK for them to hate, but neither is expecting a thank you. Why are you using your socks in this argument? I might find it insulting, if it wasn't well known to be you. I don't know about Owl's, but she might feel the same. You don't need the socks dealing with friends.
It's not OK for them to hate, but neither is expecting a thank you. Why are you using your socks in this argument? I might find it insulting, if it wasn't well known to be you. I don't know about Owl's, but she might feel the same. You don't need the socks dealing with friends.

Sometimes the Kindle needs charged and I have to use the other one.
Again why does TTQ64 get a hate pass?