Is reagansghost an evince sock?

Does evince even wear socks?

Some blacks are criminals and thugs!Some are Doctors,Lawyers,CEO's,Presidents,First Ladies,Movie Stars,Directors,Producers,Governors,Senators,Congressman,Congresswoman,Scientists ETC.
None of which gives TTQ64 a hate pass.
The ASSUMPTION that all whites were slave owners is bullshit.

She doesn't hate all whites you fucking freak.
I am white and she doesn't hate me.
The vast majority of Whites North or South owned slaves.I'm sorry but you and Owl aren't going to sell me on "White Guilt".
My White family had no dog in the slavery fight.
We weren't in America,we have no guilt.
We were still in Germany,Ireland,England,and Canada.

At the height of slavery less than 5% owned slaves you ignorant shitstain.
I've never seen a post with "white" in it from her that wasn't hateful. Has anyone?

Still burned that she rightfully named you racist? Poor twat. I don't think there's been a thread here on JPP that was all about bashing some black person, celebrity or not, that didn't feature you in it. Why's that?
I have never seen a post from you that wasn't pejorative or was on topic.

She hates evince, TTQ, BAC because they got her racist number right off the bat. Look for any thread bashing someone, especially if they are black, and you'll find Toxic Top in it whamming away.
:laugh: TDS...first meltdown of the morning;) Poor dear...she's going to give up someday....
"TOP Derangement Syndrome
An affliction suffered by several on this board.

She lives rent-free in your head. You can't get through a thread without mentioning her name.

Her mere existence makes you melt down. Funny."
Don't you give crap over racist whites as well? If your not a racist white, you shouldn't take what they say to mean you. You know who they are talking about.
Nobody has been harder on white racist then me,countless times I have been attacked on my belief that R.E.Lee should have been hanged,that the Confederate treasonous ,should have lost their land and been resettled.
That I won't give black racist a pass is the issue.
Again you say racism, but what is there, at least seemingly with TTQ, is resentment over treatment. In similar fashion, I have issue with many whites myself, and I'm quite white. I can't really be racist against my own race, so it leaves having issue with what has been done.

TTQ goes way past "resentment" ,to blind rage at the white race.I won't give her a pass on hate and racism.That's my sin to Jade and Owl.
Still burned that she rightfully named you racist? Poor twat. I don't think there's been a thread here on JPP that was all about bashing some black person, celebrity or not, that didn't feature you in it. Why's that?

Fuck me rigid, Rune is possibly the most irony challenged poster on JPP!