Is reagansghost an evince sock?

TTQ goes way past "resentment" ,to blind rage at the white race.I won't give her a pass on hate and racism.That's my sin to Jade and Owl.

It's not a sin, it's a difference of opinion. She knows that I am white and doesn't call me a racist, nor does she appear to hate me. Why is that?
Wrong ,no one has a right to hate.

Actually everyone has the right to hate what they want, when it's garnered. You just can't oppress upon people with that hate, especially going into the range of illegality. It's best to just let go of things, but I don't know if I'd even do that well, if someone inflicted upon that which I cherish.
Actually everyone has the right to hate what they want, when it's garnered. You just can't oppress upon people with that hate, especially going into the range of illegality. It's best to just let go of things, but I don't know if I'd even do that well, if someone inflicted upon that which I cherish.

"Love your enemies"
Nobody has been harder on white racist then me,countless times I have been attacked on my belief that R.E.Lee should have been hanged,that the Confederate treasonous ,should have lost their land and been resettled.
That I won't give black racist a pass is the issue.

You keep missing what racism is. The are hating, but it's not racist hate. It purely there in definition, as there hate isn't about there race, it's about sins committed against them, and their people.
Read her post many blindly paint all whites with the same hate brush.

This is the part of message-boarding I have always found lame, insipid, and mediocre -- gossiping about other posters and engaging in guesswork and speculation.

I may or may not agree with her assertions about individual posters being racist.

I never have even received the remotest impression she has considered me or many other white posters here racists.

I agree with her that white racism, the history of white racism, and the enduring consequences of institutional racism implemented and defended by white people is a real thing. It was a real thing in 1920, and it is a real thing in 2018. And plenty of people who deem themselves "not a racist" have either unwittingly, or unintentionally, contributed to the ambient environment that causes institutional racism to endure. It is not enough to holler "I'm not a racist!" -- it is a matter of everyone, myself included, being introspective and honest with ourselves about how we actually get to a society based on true equality.
"Love your enemies"

That's doctrine, not law. I, as well as you know you can't enforce that. I simply can't stand Trump sometimes, but I mostly just throw his ass to the defect pile of history, and don't let it turn from anger, and resentment, to hate. Hate is burdensome, but people are free to carry it if they wish. You carry a bit yourself, if you post pissing on Trumps grave memes.
One of my daughters got into genealogy and did an extensive ancestor research thing. My forebears were all Northerners. We had a couple who fought in the Civil War in some Michigan regiments. One of them was killed. Yet another was of NA ancestry and had *his* ancestors exterminated by European colonists.... maybe yet another one of ours who arrived here in 1640 and was known as "The Puritan." (LOLOLOL)

I'm not responsible for whatever those guys did, or what was done to them. That being said, I wish that our history had been different and that we hadn't subjugated and genocided an entire race of humans. I wish that we hadn't enslaved an entire race of other people. I wish that since the Civil War ended, we white folks hadn't continued to degrade and disparage and disenfranchise the descendants of freed slaves, and strip the language and culture from the indigenous people of the Americas. I can't change history. I can only help, maybe, to formulate future history.

That being said, you truly are being a racist dick about now, and I don't like it.

You're being racist by


To genocide an "entire race" would mean the entire race is gone and to enslave an "entire race" would mean that none of them were free; which means both statements are wrong. :good4u:
I told you they don't get a pass, but they don't owe a thank you either. I'll say it again. If a person burned down your house on purpose, do you say thank you when, and if they pay for damages?

How many slave owners, are you familiar with or exist in the US today??
It's American whites that carry the guilt. Now unless you can find a miraculous way for blacks to distinguish whites separately, I'd not take it so personally if one ropes you in with the others. You are displaying a bit of, why blacks might have issue with you here.

Fuck you; because unlike you, I carry no guilt for what others did centuries ago.

Do Blacks HATE Africans, who captured other Blacks and sold them into slavery??
name a news event in the last year that you agree was racism towards people of color right wing people?