Is reagansghost an evince sock?

Let it go.
Damo owns the joint.
Grind, Rana and Billy sweep the floor and take out the trash.

That is all, there is no more.

then maybe Damo refinanced the site

but making grind the ruler was a bad decision

he has banned me for a rule Damo never wrote into the rules

I'm not embarrasses at all nor am I crying......and I'm a woman.

No site owner would allow the trash that is allowed on this board if he/she weren't a racist right winger.

There is no integrity. Allowing socks, slurs, death threats, changing post, hate, etc. is everything the racist right stands for.

They need socks so they have someone to agree with them and win in polls. Why on earth would anyone want a sock? What is the benefit of having multiple screen names? It benefits the racist right especially when it come time for polls....(just like voting)..... asking if banning someone from a thread should be allowed????......most on the right want banning from threads to happen if you notice, THEY ARE THE ONES WHO BAN PEOPLE FROM THREADS. It's a way to get their hate out without being challenged. All the fuck you gotta do is keep scrolling.

Most of the slurs and death threats come from racist whites against Blacks, gays, Muslims and Latinos'. You very seldom see someone on the left (excluding myself) use racial slurs UNLESS THEY ARE RESPONDING TO THE FILTH FROM THE RIGHT. Most on the left don't even like me using slurs, but I don't give a fuck about a racist white man or his feelings. I truly believe in calling them out at all cost.

Racist whites always need a crutch to stand on, allowing the changing of someone's post gives them that crutch. It shows they are supported in what they do, even if it's nonsense. WTF does changing someone's post have to do with Free Speech? Again, notice the posters who do it.....THEY ARE ALWAYS FROM THE RACIST RIGHT.

I post here to tell them the truth about themselves, and to perhaps open the eyes of the open minded. It's also quit comical on here and I do learn a few things from open minded, logical, posters. None of which are on the racist right.

So, I stick by what I posted. This site is ran by racist whites.

If you don't agree then keep scrolling and burying your head in the sand so that racist can continue running this country. .....UNCHALLENGED!

Phantasmal is not racist, but she does not own the site and the rules were established long before she became a mod.

What is factually true and cannot be denied is that this site welcomes with open arms, tolerates, and allows the worst kind of degenerate racism I have ever seen on any reputable message board anywhere.

It is the kind of degenerate racism that would never be allowed in a place of business, the public commons, or in most of our homes.

Outside of those facts, what it all means is strictly the terrain of individual interpretation.

I personally would never allow degenerate racism to occur on any private property of mine.
Blacks and other minorities have every right to hate white people, most don't.

I guess you think we are just suppose to just forgive and forget the way we are treated in this country.

NOPE, I'll call you bitches out every chance I get.

Fuck you and fuck who ever raised you with such stupidity. :D
I love you, but...
What you see as racism only, I see as giving the racists enough rope to hang themselves.

The moderation at this site is....for the most part...fantastic.

I love you too :clink:.........I just call it as I see it!
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Phantasmal is not racist, but she does not own the site and the rules were established long before she became a mod.

What is factually true and cannot be denied is that this site welcomes with open arms, tolerates, and allows the worst kind of degenerate racism I have ever seen on any reputable message board anywhere.

It is the kind of degenerate racism that would never be allowed in a place of business, the public commons, or in most of our homes.

Outside of those facts, what it all means is strictly the terrain of individual interpretation.

I personally would never allow degenerate racism to occur on any private property of mine.

Let me be clear.......I didn't say all the mods were racist, I said/meant the site owner.

"It is the kind of degenerate racism that would never be allowed in a place of business, the public commons, or in most of our homes". And they all support the republican party which instills institutional racism. Which I fight against.

And I agree. Phantasmal is not racist.

"I personally would never allow degenerate racism to occur on any private property of mine".

Neither would I. You're ass would be gone faster than a blink of an eye. But since it's tolerated....might as well fight fire with fire. Why be civilized?

You can't really have serious discussions on this site, it's merely for entertainment.



I am absolutely a victim of the racist white mans oppression.

I don't fall for the white mans tricks. You want Blacks to think they aren't victims when they really are.

They are STILL victims of your racist BS.
Blacks and other minorities have every right to hate white people, most don't.

I guess you think we are just suppose to just forgive and forget the way we are treated in this country.

NOPE, I'll call you bitches out every chance I get.

Most racist statement ever,do you hate the white freedom riders,the whites who went down south to sit in at lunch counters?The white Union soldiers that freed the slaves?
Fact is Miss Racist,nobody has a right to hate anyone!
Most racist statement ever,do you hate the white freedom riders,the whites who went down south to sit in at lunch counters?The white Union soldiers that freed the slaves?
Fact is Miss Racist,nobody has a right to hate anyone!

Fuck off......go preach to someone who give a shit about what you think.
This shit would be funny if it weren't lots of Americans who agreed with him.

I bet he's the first to categorize all Blacks as criminals.
The black ladies that came(in more ways then one)to my house to have their pink pussies licked,certainly weren't criminals,but they definitely were ladys!
Phantasmal is not racist, but she does not own the site and the rules were established long before she became a mod.

What is factually true and cannot be denied is that this site welcomes with open arms, tolerates, and allows the worst kind of degenerate racism I have ever seen on any reputable message board anywhere.

It is the kind of degenerate racism that would never be allowed in a place of business, the public commons, or in most of our homes.

Outside of those facts, what it all means is strictly the terrain of individual interpretation.

I personally would never allow degenerate racism to occur on any private property of mine.

Like TTQ64 that openly hates each and every white person in America,by her own admission!