Is reagansghost an evince sock?

Am I lying?

You can threaten to kill someone and their family, you can use racial slurs, you can definitely use homophobic slurs, but god forbid if you call a racist white man a child molester or even insinuate it........all bets are off and you'd be banned.

You know I'm not lying.

Dear shit stain,

How is race and gender determined here?

isn't it easy for a black person to pass himself off as a racist white person or vice versa?
We know your story,all whites are sheet wearing racist.
And not one black in America(outside of yourself).
Is a white hating racist.

Normally it isn't race hate, it's you done screwed us over hate. Racism is superiority based after all. Blacks may hate whites, but it's because of what they did, and not because they think their race is superior.
Normally it isn't race hate, it's you done screwed us over hate. Racism is superiority based after all. Blacks may hate whites, but it's because of what they did, and not because they think their race is superior.

They hate whites,who are long dead,generations ago.
Black play victim,for what happened not to them,but what happened to Blacks generations ago.