Is Webbway a racist who should be banned?

Should Webbway be banned?

  • Unsure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
How has Yurt broken the rules of this forum?

I don't rightly know. I had hoped that the writing out of racial pejorative, certainly, the n-word, would be prohibited. If that isn't the case, I guess the ignore feature will have to suffice.
Apparently you don't think it's a big deal. Is that how you referred to the blacks in your unit? I bet not within earshot. You would have returned home in a box.
I don't rightly know. I had hoped that the writing out of racial pejorative, certainly, the n-word, would be prohibited. If that isn't the case, I guess the ignore feature will have to suffice.
Apparently you don't think it's a big deal. Is that how you referred to the blacks in your unit? I bet not within earshot. You would have returned home in a box.
It's not the case. And what makes you think I'm not black?
does tom want to ban certain types of speech now? me thinks tom is upset christie's comment over webbway didn't fly and that is why he made this thread.

how about those who consantly bring up obama's skin color tom? should we ban them? kenneth keeps saying the gop won't work with the nigger in the whitehouse. but that racism is ok to tom.

Check yourself, pissant, and grow up. Don't you dare call anyone out for taking on webbway

He's one of the few people here who never has anything of value or importance to say, and simply stirs shit. How anybody can defend him is beyond me. Your selective outrage over ww's racism, not to mention all the name-calling, vindictiveness and spite that some people here indulge in regularly, is spectacularly hypocritical.

You, of all people, have no business criticizing. I don't know what's going on in your life but you've been on a downward slide for months now with your endless, whiny rants. You need therapy.
unlike you, i don't believe in speech content banning unless it breaks the rules. you're a whiny idiot who wants to ban people for offensive speech you don't agree with. but you will not call for bans of people who routinely graphically insult people or stalk their workplace. but, dear lord....if someone is a racist, must ban them....but graphic insults, stalking their workplace....a-ok.

OMG, you complaining about whining is hilarious. When do you call out those who graphically insult people or stalk them? Answer: when they're from the left of the political spectrum. Your absence of outrage over your righty pals' insults has been duly noted.

and your poll is stupid, this board does not ban people just because people vote it. if that was case, legion troll would be perm banned.

I don't know who you even consider "legion troll" anymore, since you've applied it to so many posters.

see, we enjoy freedom of speech here. if someone wants to post asshole racist comments like webbway, so be it. you are free to ignore them, just like i ignore legion troll. stop you're whining about speech.

You and your cohorts don't ignore anybody. You talk the talk but do not walk the walk. Go back, read the greetings thread in the announcement section, and tell me why that poster gets gang-banged while webbway gets a pass. You should have just taken your own advice and ignored this thread instead of showing what a two-faced creep you are.
and once again tom is wrong and full of crap. no surprise though, just like christie, you ignore those on the right who have called out his racist posts. that is why you started this thread because you desperately need the attention and a soap box for your dislike of freedom of speech. i don't have to agree with the speech to support it, within certain boundaries, and racist speech does not cross that boundary.

should we next ban people calling women "cunts"? that is misogynist...or "i guess that you are happy with speech that debases women"....:rolleyes:

Few of you have ever called out webbway for his racism. Hell, you guys even thank him for his shit, instead of groaning him.

Yes, maybe we should ban people calling women "cunts". I and others have been on the receiving end of that from your cohorts for years. Wait and see, I'll probably get it on this thread, too, and then we'll note your reaction. How does that, or webbway's bigotry, contribute to the tone of discussions? You whine that people just don't debate anymore, but when some of us try to end the obstacles that hinder debate, such as name-calling and bigotry, you whine about that too.
I submit that he has is an arrogant racist bastard who has no place on this forum, how say you?

Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.

I don't believe there are many that should be banned. I would suggest the criterion should be the percentage of personal insults to the percentage of debatable posts. There are only two, I would suggest, who add absolutely nothing to the dynamic of the forum and they are free-dumb and that dreadful us loyal who is, or appears to be, totally obsessed with male genitalia and has never made a political point in all the years she has posted here and on the AOL forum.
How dare you write out the n-word! You're a fucking racist , too. They need to ban your ass as well.

Euphemisms are to hide behind. Truth cannot exist in a euphemistic world.
I have referred, on several occasions, and in an attempt to shame the extreme right wing here, to 'the nigger in the whitehouse'. Personally I find it offensive but I have found that the voicing of perjoratives can remove the intended sting.
If you are white here you get quite as many verbal insults as I guess a black American gets. They call us 'gwei lo' which, loosely translated means 'ghost person', but it is usually said with a sneer. So we often refer to ourselves as 'gwei lo' when in Chinese company and even 'ji sin gwei lo, diu lei lo mo' 'crazy white motherf****r'. It confuses them and gives us a laugh.
Few of you have ever called out webbway for his racism. Hell, you guys even thank him for his shit, instead of groaning him.

Yes, maybe we should ban people calling women "cunts". I and others have been on the receiving end of that from your cohorts for years. Wait and see, I'll probably get it on this thread, too, and then we'll note your reaction. How does that, or webbway's bigotry, contribute to the tone of discussions? You whine that people just don't debate anymore, but when some of us try to end the obstacles that hinder debate, such as name-calling and bigotry, you whine about that too.


Does your vagina hurt whey you sit down to pee?
I don't think there's anyone out there who doesn't regard it as a rather sad individual adopting a racist persona to seek attention.

It's usually better to ridicule racists but in this case its post are more of an irrelevance, and i can't take it seriously, so i usually just ignore it.

Although it is quite interesting (and completely unsurprising) to note which particular posters take the time to "thank" a racist troll.
I consider the poll an example of symbolic speech. Webbway would never get banned even if the entire forum voted "yes". But we have the same right to protest his racist crap as he does to spew it.

For those who advise IA, and I don't mean anybody in particular, may I suggest the same for all those posting to "ban Legion Troll". Unless you can give me some good reasons why "Legion's" free speech is different from webbway's.