Is Webbway a racist who should be banned?

Should Webbway be banned?

  • Unsure

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Euphemisms are to hide behind. Truth cannot exist in a euphemistic world.
I have referred, on several occasions, and in an attempt to shame the extreme right wing here, to 'the nigger in the whitehouse'. Personally I find it offensive but I have found that the voicing of perjoratives can remove the intended sting.
If you are white here you get quite as many verbal insults as I guess a black American gets. They call us 'gwei lo' which, loosely translated means 'ghost person', but it is usually said with a sneer. So we often refer to ourselves as 'gwei lo' when in Chinese company and even 'ji sin gwei lo, diu lei lo mo' 'crazy white motherf****r'. It confuses them and gives us a laugh.

I'm sorry but you cannot rationalize use of the n-word with me. It is the most vile word in the English lexicon. Nothing compares.
I'm sorry but you cannot rationalize use of the n-word with me. It is the most vile word in the English lexicon. Nothing compares.

I think you must understand that fear of what you call the 'N' word is a uniquely American phenomenon. That fear, that respect even does not apply to the same extent outside America. To a degree I can support political correctness, but I am aware that all too often it is used to hide the truth. It is not long ago that a local wool shop in a town in England sold nigger wool, simply meaning that the wool was a certain shade of black. It is not long ago that literature talked of Krauts, Spics, Wogs, Wops, Nips and Chinks. Do you suggest we change all these words in upcoming editions? And what of the terms that are not at present offensive but might be at some time in the future?
No, the evil is in the mind of the user not in the word or term itself. I am not saying, and I never would, that we re-introduce these words, but that we educate our children to understand that some words cause offence and that to cause offence is not good.
I repeat that here in Hong Kong, white people are in a similar position to black people in America. Indeed it would be almost impossible to become a naturalised citizen here. Ethnicity is actually on our ID cards. (sometimes, of course ... - no, very often, it works to our favour). People don't like to sit next to us on trains and buses so we have plenty of room to read a newspaper or watch TV! Hardly a day goes by without hearing someone hiss, 'gwei lo' or worse and we learn to say things like 'don't call me a gwei lo, you may call me an Englishman or a westerner.'
The big difference, of course, is that there has never been a violent aspect to Chinese racism in HK. There isn't a man who is more than 5'8" and about 100lbs!!! (slight exaggeration).
Anyway you have answered a previous question of mine. If you are offended by the word I will comply with American convention and not use the 'N' word. Do you think we could also use an 'F' word and a 'C' word? and do you think we could persuade that fool not to include the word 'freak' in his name?
I think you must understand that fear of what you call the 'N' word is a uniquely American phenomenon. That fear, that respect even does not apply to the same extent outside America. To a degree I can support political correctness, but I am aware that all too often it is used to hide the truth. It is not long ago that a local wool shop in a town in England sold nigger wool, simply meaning that the wool was a certain shade of black. It is not long ago that literature talked of Krauts, Spics, Wogs, Wops, Nips and Chinks. Do you suggest we change all these words in upcoming editions? And what of the terms that are not at present offensive but might be at some time in the future?
No, the evil is in the mind of the user not in the word or term itself. I am not saying, and I never would, that we re-introduce these words, but that we educate our children to understand that some words cause offence and that to cause offence is not good.
I repeat that here in Hong Kong, white people are in a similar position to black people in America. Indeed it would be almost impossible to become a naturalised citizen here. Ethnicity is actually on our ID cards. (sometimes, of course ... - no, very often, it works to our favour). People don't like to sit next to us on trains and buses so we have plenty of room to read a newspaper or watch TV! Hardly a day goes by without hearing someone hiss, 'gwei lo' or worse and we learn to say things like 'don't call me a gwei lo, you may call me an Englishman or a westerner.'
The big difference, of course, is that there has never been a violent aspect to Chinese racism in HK. There isn't a man who is more than 5'8" and about 100lbs!!! (slight exaggeration).
Anyway you have answered a previous question of mine. If you are offended by the word I will comply with American convention and not use the 'N' word. Do you think we could also use an 'F' word and a 'C' word? and do you think we could persuade that fool not to include the word 'freak' in his name?

Bullshit. All that you're talking about is rationalization, to justify the word's use. It cannot be justified. Plain and simple. I'm most certain that that particular kind of wool, wouldn't be referred to as such, if there were any black customers in proximity. People are not stupid, although they pretend to be. All those racial pejoratives do not have the same impact, or history as the the comparison fails, on its' face. It was a word used to differentiate an entire people and reduce them to 3/5 of a human. Can you think about that for a moment? Can the same be said of any other racial pejorative in the English lexicon? Seems to me, if someone was offended by something I said, I wouldn't say it anymore, just because of respect. However, how can you respect that which you hate...that which you feel contempt and resentment for? Better to use the word, and make yourself feel better and superior.
Bullshit. All that you're talking about is rationalization, to justify the word's use. It cannot be justified. Plain and simple. I'm most certain that that particular kind of wool, wouldn't be referred to as such, if there were any black customers in proximity. People are not stupid, although they pretend to be. All those racial pejoratives do not have the same impact, or history as the the comparison fails, on its' face. It was a word used to differentiate an entire people and reduce them to 3/5 of a human. Can you think about that for a moment? Can the same be said of any other racial pejorative in the English lexicon? Seems to me, if someone was offended by something I said, I wouldn't say it anymore, just because of respect. However, how can you respect that which you hate...that which you feel contempt and resentment for? Better to use the word, and make yourself feel better and superior.

How about wog, paki, kyke, hymie to name a few. I wonder if you would also want to rename the river Niger or indeed Nigeria come to that?
How about wog, paki, kyke, hymie to name a few. I wonder if you would also want to rename the river Niger or indeed Nigeria come to that?

Ok. Now you're being either facetious or retarded. I said........the n-word is the most vile word in the English lexicon. None of the pejoratives you listed have, remotely, the same history or impact.
If you choose to post another intellectually dishonest post, and insult my intelligence in the process, you will be remanded to my ignore list, along with the other racist trolls.
I'm sorry but you cannot rationalize use of the n-word with me. It is the most vile word in the English lexicon. Nothing compares.

I wish Darla would come back so you two could debate this point. She's a hardcore feminist who finds sexism more offensive than racism, and would argue that the "c" word is more offensive. Oh, well...
Ok. Now you're being either facetious or retarded. I said........the n-word is the most vile word in the English lexicon. None of the pejoratives you listed have, remotely, the same history or impact.
If you choose to post another intellectually dishonest post, and insult my intelligence in the process, you will be remanded to my ignore list, along with the other racist trolls.

You may disagree, but I do understand what you are saying. However you must understand that you are using American standards. You are an American and it is completely natural and understandable to do so. But it IS an American thing. That is not to say the word is generally acceptable elsewhere, it isn't, but it isn't acceptable because of American influence.
Perhaps, as you want others to understand you, you might spare some time to understand them. Some of us here are not American and I am sure I speak for them when I say we view the word with considerable distaste but I doubt that any of us would start a war over it. You seem to me an intelligent and decent man. You seem honest enough and have political views which are in accord with many on the sensible left. I wouldn't like to think that a disagreement of this type would influence you to that great extent.
You may disagree, but I do understand what you are saying. However you must understand that you are using American standards. You are an American and it is completely natural and understandable to do so. But it IS an American thing. That is not to say the word is generally acceptable elsewhere, it isn't, but it isn't acceptable because of American influence.
Perhaps, as you want others to understand you, you might spare some time to understand them. Some of us here are not American and I am sure I speak for them when I say we view the word with considerable distaste but I doubt that any of us would start a war over it. You seem to me an intelligent and decent man. You seem honest enough and have political views which are in accord with many on the sensible left. I wouldn't like to think that a disagreement of this type would influence you to that great extent.

Grovel much... The English subjugated the entire South African continent and at one time were the most prosperous in the African slave trade...but yeah, Low, you pretend that slavery and racism was just an American thing~
Grovel much... The English subjugated the entire South African continent and at one time were the most prosperous in the African slave trade...but yeah, Low, you pretend that slavery and racism was just an American thing~

We sold them. You used them. I reckon that makes us about equal. I've seen better spins from a child's top.
BTW could you point me in the direction of the South African continent? Would it be close to the Angolan continent or the Ghanaian continent?
I expect she wasn't referring the the country called South Africa, but rather the southern parts of the African continent. :cof1:

I suspect that she doesn't know the way home! And anyway which part of the African continent can be called south? Below the Sahara? That doesnt leave much room for the north. In fact most of the slave trade stemmed from West Africa, not the south.
We sold them. You used them. I reckon that makes us about equal. I've seen better spins from a child's top.
BTW could you point me in the direction of the South African continent? Would it be close to the Angolan continent or the Ghanaian continent? keep trying to put a face on your English history...when you "sold them" we were still an English colony. I am glad poet called you out on your use of the n-word, I had been doing so, but he is much better positioned for that task.

I stand corrected- Your ancestors managed to subjugate African's and partition off for yourself what is now South Africa...
I submit that he has is an arrogant racist bastard who has no place on this forum, how say you?
Agreed on all counts but why banish a moron who makes the other side look so bad? LOL Though no one seriously takes him for being representative of the conservative viewpoint. He's just a garden variety bigoted asshole.

It doesn't take a moral genius to spot Dweebway for who and what he is so let him ramble on. As my father is fond of saying "The world needs losers too."
If having a redeeming quality was a criteria for membership on this board we would of had to of gotten rid of 3D a long time ago! ;)

If having a redeeming quality were a criteria for membership, how many people would we have on here at all?