Is Webbway a racist who should be banned?

Should Webbway be banned?

  • Unsure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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you should really take a long look at this rant you just spewed. you start off with insults and end of up with insults, yet complain about my whiny rants? i did not defend WW at all. i defended SPEECH. then again, apparently whatever it is going on in your life causes you to be in such a foul mood that you can't see the truth of what i write because you don't agree with all my politics. i hope you get a chance to reread what you wrote and think about it. PM me if you like, because your post is off the chart.

Shove off. You're the one who keeps starting posts about "christie this, christie that, christie doesn't call out the left, christie blah blah blah." You've been insulting me for months now so please stop trying to claim the moral high ground. You constantly, and I mean CONSTANLY whine about Legion Troll, whoever that is, so don't try that free speech defense with me, it ain't flying.

I neither need nor want to PM you. I'm satisfied with telling you openly to stop the shit-stirring.
Shove off. You're the one who keeps starting posts about "christie this, christie that, christie doesn't call out the left, christie blah blah blah." You've been insulting me for months now so please stop trying to claim the moral high ground. You constantly, and I mean CONSTANLY whine about Legion Troll, whoever that is, so don't try that free speech defense with me, it ain't flying.

I neither need nor want to PM you. I'm satisfied with telling you openly to stop the shit-stirring.

seriously, what is your problem? i didn't take the moral highground. what is truly comical about your meltdown is that you also start posts about yurt this, yurt that, yurt doesn't call out the right....and you've also been insulting me for months and stirring the shit. you constantly whine about me and others, including webbway. my issue with legion troll is the spamming of the board, not his content.

take your projection and faux moral highground and shove it where the sun don't shine. your take on this is so disingenuous that it is flat out dishonest. you really need to take a step back and slowly reread your posts. they are full of anger and hate and seriously, this has caused you to misstate my position numerous times. are you going to apologize for claiming i defended WW?
I'm sorry but you cannot rationalize use of the n-word with me. It is the most vile word in the English lexicon. Nothing compares.

a term that is racist, as long as the speaker of it is not black. Forbidden on most all of television and other forms of public entertainment, at times referenced to as the "n-word". However, "cracker", a term racist against whites, is a completely acceptable term used in any context of any national broadcast...hmm...
I don't even know who you mean by "legion troll" because you throw the term around indiscriminately. Is it the coward who's given 2400+ groans and is still going strong?

This makes no sense: "no one here is trying to end anything and seek debate." You just posted a thread in the Announcements criticizing how low the tone of this board has sunk but you're not muffling yourself and putting anyone permanently on IA that I can see. Why don't you try curbing your own tongue for a change? keep trying to put a face on your English history...when you "sold them" we were still an English colony. I am glad poet called you out on your use of the n-word, I had been doing so, but he is much better positioned for that task.

I stand corrected- Your ancestors managed to subjugate African's and partition off for yourself what is now South Africa...

It appears that he's also forgotten about his country's history regarding "indentured servants".
I don't even know who you mean by "legion troll" because you throw the term around indiscriminately. Is it the coward who's given 2400+ groans and is still going strong?

This makes no sense: "no one here is trying to end anything and seek debate." You just posted a thread in the Announcements criticizing how low the tone of this board has sunk but you're not muffling yourself and putting anyone permanently on IA that I can see. Why don't you try curbing your own tongue for a change?

Billy has posted some good threads compiling a list of all of the known Legion Troll accounts. Why not start here?
I don't even know who you mean by "legion troll" because you throw the term around indiscriminately. Is it the coward who's given 2400+ groans and is still going strong?

This makes no sense: "no one here is trying to end anything and seek debate." You just posted a thread in the Announcements criticizing how low the tone of this board has sunk but you're not muffling yourself and putting anyone permanently on IA that I can see. Why don't you try curbing your own tongue for a change?

you've been told by more than just me who is legion troll...crewcut poster, and LEGION TROLL are one and the same. i have to obviously tell you this again...look at LEGION TROLL'S username and you will see the mods pout legion troll under it. everyone knows crewcut boy is legion troll, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure it out, even you can and especially after after a few posters have informed you of this.

crewcut boy is on ignore, i've told you that before. why don't you, instead of whining about me and my life, look at your own. you aren't helping the board at all. in fact, you and tom believe it is ok to use the term nigger when referring to obama in a SPOOF and tom finds it FUNNY. that is pure hypocrisy and subtle racism that is far worse than WW's. you and tom both support BANNING WW because of his SPEECH. that is ending SPEECH content. get a clue. and people like you are who i was talking about in my post in the announcement section.
Seems that a nerve has been struck.

Let's see the evidence that I am the mysterious legion troll - and a list isn't proof.

It's put up or suck it up time.
You're a stooge. Ken's post wasn't about the "n" word, it was about Boehner and pushing the country toward bankruptcy. None of you got it, you just fixated because 1) you were all too dumb to recognize a spoof when you see it, and 2) you don't have an answer to Boehner's ineptitude even if the site itself wasn't a spoof.

Your claim that "crewcut poster, and LEGION TROLL are one and the same" is your opinion only. How do you know the mods put legion troll under the name? Everyone gets the chance to pick their own description under the avatar. You're going to have to prove that the mods designated this particular one because I'm not taking your word for it. Furthermore, I don't even see the words "Legion Troll" under crewcut, I see a line of symbols. And under the other, all caps LEGION, I see the word "noob".

If you really had "crewcut poster" on IA, we wouldn't be having this argument because you would have stopped talking about him already. The reality is that you're pissed someone decided to start a poll on webbway and you have to keep putting in your two-cents' worth even though your name was never mentioned specifically. In fact, your so-called contribution "i say we ban tom, he has no redeeming value..." is no better than what you think others are saying, so you can stop throwing stones any time now.
How many people have Yurt & Co. accused of being the boogeyman legion troll?

They started accusing me soon after I joined the forum, and I googled legion troll.

You should, too.
Are you willing to give the same advice to people who post hundreds of comments about "Legion Troll"?

Webbway's racism is not a joke, it's sick and patthetic.


Hey, all you folks bitching about Legion Troll, put him on ignore!

Good enough?
How many people have Yurt & Co. accused of being the boogeyman legion troll?

They started accusing me soon after I joined the forum, and I googled legion troll.

You should, too.

I just did. Very interesting.

I'm convinced that any new poster who doesn't march in lockstep with conservatives is designated a legion troll.
I just did. Very interesting.

I'm convinced that any new poster who doesn't march in lockstep with conservatives is designated a legion troll.

yeah...and you're wrong and have been told this and shown this multiple times. but if you tell yourself the lie enough times, you start to believe it.
You're a stooge. Ken's post wasn't about the "n" word, it was about Boehner and pushing the country toward bankruptcy. None of you got it, you just fixated because 1) you were all too dumb to recognize a spoof when you see it, and 2) you don't have an answer to Boehner's ineptitude even if the site itself wasn't a spoof.

Your claim that "crewcut poster, and LEGION TROLL are one and the same" is your opinion only. How do you know the mods put legion troll under the name? Everyone gets the chance to pick their own description under the avatar. You're going to have to prove that the mods designated this particular one because I'm not taking your word for it. Furthermore, I don't even see the words "Legion Troll" under crewcut, I see a line of symbols. And under the other, all caps LEGION, I see the word "noob".

If you really had "crewcut poster" on IA, we wouldn't be having this argument because you would have stopped talking about him already. The reality is that you're pissed someone decided to start a poll on webbway and you have to keep putting in your two-cents' worth even though your name was never mentioned specifically. In fact, your so-called contribution "i say we ban tom, he has no redeeming value..." is no better than what you think others are saying, so you can stop throwing stones any time now.

yeah...we get and tom think it is funny to call obama a nigger. it is ok to call obama a nigger when bashing republicans....we get it.

it is not just my opinion they are one and the same. if you want to believe otherwise, despite the fact they post identical, go for it. if you actually looked at LEGION TROLL's posts, you would see Legion Troll italicized and it is my understanding that was put there by mods when they were tired of him a few months ago....beefy i believe. he labeled mojo as legion etc....having someone in IA does not mean i can't talk about them. it simply means i don't have to look at his spam. however, i still have to wade through hundreds of ignore posts just to get to the subject matter in most threads.

my point about tom was using irony as debate. and what is hilarious is that you can't figure out such simple concepts. you want to ban speech you don't agree with. you don't like the first amendment, though it doesn't apply here. and that is weird. i'm not pissed tom started this thread, i think it is ridiculous that your comment didn't get the attention he thought needed so he had to whine and make this thread. that fact you and tom believe he should be banned says MORE about you both than you realize. if you really don't like it here, then leave.
I just did. Very interesting.

I'm convinced that any new poster who doesn't march in lockstep with conservatives is designated a legion troll.

Oh, shut the fuck up. I think the ONLY person to actually call for Legion's head was LowIQ, because he's an autocratic-minded guy. Not even Yurt would ever call for Legion to be permanently kicked off of the site, probably owing to the fact that Yurt is a lawyer with a legal-minded outlook.

Within the last year, Legion has shifted tactics from gag-trolls to more serious trolls. He even created some annoying conservative trolls, such as Mojo, and the cons actually called him out (although I think it was largely due to some of the more libertarian arguments he made). Why the fuck must you continue to fucking whine about his current persona, all because it happens to be an annoying lefty? Do you not notice the stupid anti-gun spam he posts, or do you simply fail to realize he's trolling because extreme gun-control automatically makes sense to you beforehand?

I just did. Very interesting. I'm convinced that any new poster who doesn't march in lockstep with conservatives is designated a legion troll.

Interesting, isn't it?

I'd have to be very committed to my task to be the legion troll, wouldn't I?

Not to mention being a master of space and time.

Since someone brought up repeating lies, where's the proof that's supposedly been shown numerous times that nobody's seen?