Is Webbway a racist who should be banned?

Should Webbway be banned?

  • Unsure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Oh, shut the fuck up. I think the ONLY person to actually call for Legion's head was LowIQ, because he's an autocratic-minded guy. Not even Yurt would ever call for Legion to be permanently kicked off of the site, probably owing to the fact that Yurt is a lawyer with a legal-minded outlook. Within the last year, Legion has shifted tactics from gag-trolls to more serious trolls. He even created some annoying conservative trolls, such as Mojo, and the cons actually called him out (although I think it was largely due to some of the more libertarian arguments he made). Why the fuck must you continue to fucking whine about his current persona, all because it happens to be an annoying lefty? Do you not notice the stupid anti-gun spam he posts, or do you simply fail to realize he's trolling because extreme gun-control automatically makes sense to you beforehand? FUCK.

You seem to "know" a lot. Got any evidence?

Didn't think so.

How do you know Yurt is a lawyer? He denied it the other day, it seems. It that something else you "know" but have no evidence for?
Just the amount of Thanks/Groans which you have distributed accross the board is an enormous time-spender. I know this from the much smaller portion of Groans I dished out to Damn Southerner when he picked a fight with me a while back. I was really glad when it ended...
You seem to "know" a lot. Got any evidence?

Didn't think so.

How do you know Yurt is a lawyer? He denied it the other day, it seems. It that something else you "know" but have no evidence for?

You're really proud of the proxy servers that you have in place to fuck around with Damo and Grind, aren't you? :cof1:
I have given out 70 thanks and 1 groan. I don't even recall when I did it, what the thread was, or why I would've done it. How is that an enormous time spender?
Just the amount of Thanks/Groans which you have distributed accross the board is an enormous time-spender. I know this from the much smaller portion of Groans I dished out to Damn Southerner when he picked a fight with me a while back. I was really glad when it ended...

Was it as if you finaly stopped hitting your head with a hammer? Why didn't you stop sooner?
Something I used to say a lot? Put it up, or shut up Tom. I've never had a discussion with you about the context. You must be confusing me with another person here you hate.

If you are going to take offence to Webbway saying Sand Nigger then be man enough to say Low's constant referrals of late are equally as offensive.

Put webbway on IA if you don't like it. You will still have to read him when others reply, but that is the same fate I have when you constantly reply to Low's shit day in and day out.

Grow up.

I don't call for his banning based on one post, he has never posted anything other than nasty virulent hate posts. I hope you don't feel honour bound to support him because he comes from California. The reference to context is going back to the days when you were still relatively civil on the AOL board.
Oh, shut the fuck up. I think the ONLY person to actually call for Legion's head was LowIQ, because he's an autocratic-minded guy. Not even Yurt would ever call for Legion to be permanently kicked off of the site, probably owing to the fact that Yurt is a lawyer with a legal-minded outlook.

GFY, loser. Yurt is obsessed with calling people "legion troll." He's been doing it for more months than I can count. There's hardly been a thread that yurt hasn't polluted with his ongoing angst about legion troll or stalking or posting private info or being followed from board to board, etc.etc. You think this is normal? And I guess you missed the recent thread that started with this little gem, where yurt suggested that LT be banned:

Legion Troll: Damo sock puppet, friend, relative?

damo has banned a few (maybe dozens) of legion troll's monikers for various reasons...posting personal info, trolling, obsessive stalking etc...

yet -- damo continues to allow legion troll to post.
and now, damo is taking the extra step of vocally defending him. despite banning him numerous times.


Yurt's endless whining and unproven accusations managed to alienate many of the posters here, even those who share his conservatism, and that's a fact.

Within the last year, Legion has shifted tactics from gag-trolls to more serious trolls. He even created some annoying conservative trolls, such as Mojo, and the cons actually called him out (although I think it was largely due to some of the more libertarian arguments he made).

If a person's serious and not gag-posting, what's your problem?

Why the fuck must you continue to fucking whine about his current persona, all because it happens to be an annoying lefty? Do you not notice the stupid anti-gun spam he posts, or do you simply fail to realize he's trolling because extreme gun-control automatically makes sense to you beforehand? FUCK.

Here's a newsflash for you, jackwagon. I'm holding up the mirror to you cretins who can dish out the insults but not take them, and you're all too dim to realize it. I didn't comment on the anti-gun posts because I stopped reading them a long time ago. That's what people do when they're not interested, they skip over the comments or ignore the author, something you should take into future consideration. Furthermore, you and your righty pals are not innocent of calling people trolls. You called the new poster "legion" until Pmp vouched for him, and your righty pals piled on with a bash-fest consisting of dozens of insults, so spare me your cursing and your attitude. You're no better than anybody else here.
